Climate and Nature report 2023 1
Climate and Nature report 2023 CONTENTS
Climate and Nature report 2023 Foreword by the CEO
Climate and Nature report 2023 We are committed to
Net Zero
Climate and Nature report 2023 Governance
Climate and Nature report 2023 Strategy
Climate and Nature report 2023 Risk management
Climate and Nature report 2023 Metrics and targets
Climate and Nature report 2023 Nature
d by the CEO We are committed to Net Zero Governance Strategy surface water, and iii) water flow maintenance. Three other large dependencies are related to climate change mitigation and adaptation: i) mass stabilisation and erosion control, ii) flood and storm protection, and iii) climate regulation. The weighted risk exposure of dependencies per sector shows that the portfolio’s exposure to manufacturing companies represent the largest potential dependencies on ecosystem services. Overall, the mapping highlights sectors and issues that may be important to the fund company and provides guidance on prioritised next steps in the development of a biodiversity strategy. Weighted risk exposure score of dependencies per ecosystem service Risk management Metrics and targets Nature Glossary 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1 0 Weighted risk exposure score of dependencies per sector ELECTRICITY, GAS, STEAM AND… MANUFACTURING AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHING PROFESSIONAL, SCIENTIFIC AND… CONSTRUCTION TRANSPORTATION AND STORAGE ACCOMMODATION AND FOOD SERVICE ACTIVITIES REAL ESTATE ACTIVITIES WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TRADE; REPAIR… INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION FINANCIAL AND INSURANCE ACTIVITIES WATER SUPPLY; SEWERAGE, WASTE… ADMINISTRATIVE AND SUPPORT… MINING AND QUARRYING HUMAN HEALTH AND SOCIAL… PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND… OTHER SERVICE ACTIVITIES About risk Past performance does not predict future returns. The value of the money invested in the fund can increase or decrease and there is no guarantee that all of your invested capital can be redeemed. Note that a fund with risk level 5-7 as stated in the fund’s key information investment document (KIID) can vary greatly in value due to the fund’s composition and management methodology. A summary of investors’ rights as well as a prospectus, fund rules and KIID are available for each fund at ACCOMMODATION AND FOOD SERVICE ACTIVITIES ADMINISTRATIVE AND SUPPORT SERVICE ACTIVITIES ARTS, ENTERTAINMENT AND RECREATION EDUCATION FINANCIAL AND INSURANCE ACTIVITIES INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION MINING AND QUARRYING PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND DEFENCE; COMPULSORY SOCIAL SECURITY TRANSPORTATION AND STORAGE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TRADE; REPAIR OF MOTOR VEHICLES AND MOTORCYCLES ACTIVITIES OF HOUSEHOLDS AS EMPLOYERS AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHING CONSTRUCTION 0 ELECTRICITY, GAS, STEAM AND AIR CONDITIONING SUPPLY HUMAN HEALTH AND SOCIAL WORK ACTIVITIES MANUFACTURING PROFESSIONAL, SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL ACTIVITIES REAL ESTATE ACTIVITIES WATER SUPPLY; SEWERAGE, WASTE MANAGEMENT AND REMEDIATION ACTIVITIES OTHER SERVICE ACTIVITIES Animal-based energy Dilu�on by atmosphere and ecosystems Flood and storm protec�on Mass stabilisa�on and erosion control Soil quality Water quality Bio-remedia�on Disease control Gene�c materials Media�on of sensory impacts Surface water 0,5 1 1,5 2 Buffering and a�enua�on of mass flows Fibres and other materials Ground water Pest control Ven�la�on 2,5 3 Climate regula�on Filtra�on Maintain nursery habitats Pollina�on Water flow maintenance 3,5 ACTIVITIES OF HOUSEHOLDS… ARTS, ENTERTAINMENT… EDUCATION
Climate and Nature report 2023 Glossary