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Georges ST Arcade 02/06/2014 14:21 Page 1 Georges
ST Arcade 02/06/2014 14:21 Page 1 Georges ST Arcade 02/06/2014 14:21 Page 1 Georges ST Arcade 02/06/2014 14:21 Page 1 olde st shop Ginog c pin Ge orge 's Stree t Arcade is Europe and Ireland' s 's Str a dt A lrcoc dt d i E rh olde lstd o es sh tohphponpng c mg centre esns ess colle ana an ll co coe cltlabld f olde st shopping centre and is located in the heart of Dublin city centre less than 5 minutes walk from Grafton Stree t and Temple Bar. In this enclosed Victorian marke t you can enjoy boutique shops and stalls ranging from trendy clothing, jewelle ry, funky music, l I l t thhisa tnh ean 5cl minutest c ao wrai lak fomoamr a e st sa i 5Ge oeirngtuert se a wnands n 5os me inu es wc i c s p eGregoerngter's Senteree t Aracaaeede is Eurpoepee atnd Ierealuanndns' s city centre rca edd d e is is n u t oe h anr d Ir l ' s Strdelek f it A l irsoc lmac eatrea ion t n s a is e ranonsegoisnegd Viocrt tan m y c mar oe t yo , c n e s eam ,ngoinugvienng .e e nomeernv ain sn g saovou u u Ind t Ihist thll encl cl d Vi fcrtomiorrieandark lekt t yhoi ungu ca jn ee nejory, outiqkuue se hhoips ct dbl t seda iltlts ll ra s colle ctable items, souvenirs and much more along with wonderful d ining and food options. Come and savour this w o n d e r f u l a r c a d e wh i c h h a s b e e n s e r v i n g Du b l i n s i n c e 1 8 8 1 ! e cntaeb iloteeoms idte o,mp oounven rsior ane an m suavo mou oe ae aos wnogn w and fdo h id h h i s ran g frior frms aomn tre mnucy c mooren,g,oneg welirtyh woun yerf m ml ds cni,, ng sti, sosu.veni C ms adnd mduch hc m r r thil long witeitr u wonddeerfrfud el di and fo woo ocpt oipotnasos.ns b Co Cme s a d dav Durubr tl ih tihsi i wn s wo ned 1e r 1u a r c a ddee wh i hh h a s h a b e be ne e n s e r v n n g s e ri v ig D Db lb li ni n s i in s nc e 1 888 18 1!! d Vi wt lk frn r Gkr Gate ft ft uon canere etentj aonyn a d bo Teutimmpl Bhe s tredndyd chlolthtihnig al je jwewelll e ry,, f funkdky uuusiici n co n de r8f8uf !l l a r c a aew nljloy b b fouuntiqy mu s socp,s d hhf w lon a r c a ul d inniinngg c e 1 o t G i Eh hetre heaereart n of Duuempln c ity c. d T e qpuel Baorp.sar. sfnt n t uer So hpe atnd Idr le abnld' l Bity ra ceennttrree ra yoon St Srt of D bdli' a of D T bi s ine c Think Burgers – Think BóBós What you will find when you visit ... Food offerings Umi Falafel, The Juicery, Simons coffee shop (Famous cinnamon buns), Little macs bistro, The Market Bar, Loose Canon wine and cheese (opened till 10pm), Barbers, Health food store, Jewellery, Doyle Designs, Unique craft and design, Bodystation, New moon Jewellery, Bombay Banshee, K-pop shop (Rare), Stokes Books, Arcade Art Gallery, Vintage Clothing, Retro Clothing, Maktus Gifts, Flip V Burgers, Zaatar, Bodega Coffee, U Beauty, The Vape life and many more on offer within this beautiful Victorian Building. Opening Hours Monday-Wednesday 9am-6pm Thursday-Saturdays 9am-7pm Sunday and Bank holidays 12pm-6pm WWW.GEORGESSTREETARCADE.COM WWW.GEORGESSTREETARCADE.COM South Great George’s Street, Dublin 2 WWW.GEORGESSTREETARCADE.COM WWW.GEORGESSTREETARCADE.COM WWW.GEORGESSTREETARCADE.COM 74 Middle Abbey St, D 1 • 50-51 Dame St , D2 286 Rathmines Road Lower, D6 • Established in 2006 100% Irish 200% Delicious spin-dizzy-logo-final-colour-no-outlines-cmyk.pdf 1 08/07/2013 13:21:16 New & Used Vinyl Bought, Sold and Exchanged C M Y CM MY CY CMY K 32 Market Arcade, South Great Georges St, Dublin, Ireland, D02DH79 (01) 671 1711 /