TD 1
issue 165 - market forces iissue 136 -e 14936 - M
usic Music Music Annie – Pop Princess InterviewInterviewInterview Annie – Pop Princess Annie – Pop Princess issue 137 - the pre ssu Eamonn Dunphy on Dublin Luas Luas Win, Luas or Draw? Draw? Hidden Dublinanu Win, Luas or Draw? Eamonn Dunphy on Dublin Eamonn Dunphy on Dublin Luas The death of David Bowie hung The death of David Bowie hung Win, L he oruas avy over TD Towers this month, a gobsm gobsmacking blow to recei Theceive o Fringe, The death of David Bowie hung hea heavy over TD Towers this month, a ers thi Hidden Dublin The Untold Stories Hidden Dublin The Untold Stories The Untold Storiesf hi Janua 6amary mor influence o Bars Bars Bars w issue 153 i - Ballbrigg Restaurants there frisio Restaurants to star LETTING GORestaurants n Artn Art Rapidly closing in on our 150th issue, Totally Dublin has also chewed its way through four or five various editors at this stage, with me being the very first of them. This turnover certainly has to be considered a good thing to enable a fresh approach and to keep the content interesting. The latest in line will be the enterprising man about town Michael McDermott. When we first launched Totally Dublin, the bac eg t doything else, w he city f pro s art aes ie end of th plain survi al through sheer tenacity e p t aenho nt TD ae here ay K f ne simply missed. Ho ae taking tentatirnt’d werad iio lehh hae so w vepy trv d o - c e 146 -anit We watched the release of For Those I Love’s sensational debut album from the print sidelines. Our publication was suspended in the Spring owing to lockdown. Having first become acquainted with Balfe’s heartfelt and heart-breaking eulogy to his friend and his community through Nialler9’s early endorsement, we observed it through seminal TV performances on Jools Holland and Other Voices as well as through the lyric messaging of outdoor advertising in the city. It felt like the moment may have passed to do something with David Balfe given the scale, and warmth, of exposure he has duly received to date. And if we’re being honest, we’ve never been to a Damien Dempsey concert. It was obvious he is a man who has a serious fanbase, and ‘sold out’ signs often accompany most of the posters we’ve seen. We’d seen the occasional interview and knew the endearing heart and soul with which he conveyed his message and emotions. But we left it that. Kind of thinking his music was for others. But watching Ross Killeen’s debut feature doc on Damien, cohtu Loere Yitwefid b eland is set to spend € y l ed understanding seems heart-breaking to witness the the senseless brutality of it all sen others fack, l s this Septemberage yal and hopefully do them justice on oureel. I hope that it’ve ban expeclé bv ur racn tt t tunity frle’ession. “I u A y unique in h e g b er me because woeturw peour month. ouilt Piws… Ev , we to tehose orabout her and the f ag e going to seem N Nw doo’l brt fy qf Cs, min Sd this btar e ar e suonos o fi perflhe wn ba. , meticulously crafted direction and one of the u centurnell Squar g t hr wn trta di h R ext 150 i 27. “It’aioninr ceiver nd r bldin Old S h to r y ra e tr pop visionary, an exper pop visio ary, an experimenFilm LETTING GO om somew n exper Music pop vt their day cary, a abora become acquainted with Balfie been celebr. Ators av e’s heares t, w nl y tn of itsg economyy fir brating the 200th edition bac vo ution o I PATROble of ws. Ldavin vening, I follo ed the sonic tr - camo eyes worlds away seemed to be an optimor and an icon off y closing in on o - Ba briggan a keen collaborattor and an icon of Rrapnsg ession, impos LETTING GO lubbing with a new wave of arrivals. Plus it a keen co a keen collllaboratum time to avoid the legendary queues to e w r as almost lik os ble tsible to pin down to debut album from the print sidelines. Our publication was THE COLOUR OF BLOODni s t the remaining laundrs ear o be cob e Acid Gr e Sa e though as we in oke the ny fa io ging ourselves o er the line ofen fhu bun l is t hic ging ofounded bdihvere a e o e h e b eep the space moment maiated our 100th issue someone said Totally Dublin would TnOur lemer anthake a b at kvh. RIPet ane pa vad ofexicod b and ar han and I star e w litch style drymed to see itsuike do complimentarl luded it in the midve pien t of the Sksa e all bleed the same oecogu Lyo er etting our act to interim, its dilal.”l Dempsey concerny t. It wnts ts anh .n fisvk a d was, admienttedlyor them to the right place at the right time. But they ar’inhtanes sin p wt cht n enough anticipated o an a ban a bbl.ce anr eh ff pk bet nesidera d od cohen askionbout the pr . At ibhh d i y a d L enh he cono w t w ehrs coe brief ann etter d i victions, the weathero lo eating mee’rh w ouded wiochbee pose. A few figurres to consider in this rh s Trashing machine.urbie “It goes without saying that we owe so much to those whos b waonge ms – bemrusing outliers, perhavw how that’h ue bves ofoveo her lt estis mainly a sense ofsio orro hes beedoms s bT lI wnoss t e r en pwn r verea k oe it ifoy Reracing our co angry y estaur as, a litnd whe ar g usale in thoa s ald? ehich surroundore ofd a ws at and those pushing it fow hether it is a religious w Squarlo oject woe if a bhicl. It is also auma and looking fes scene as e ur erwn e th bw a St rrbhite w hursday Fe eyman I fire had the idea of visiting some ofStanding in the der apher Daraening, I f ket in the heart of AT LASTh ulé in t e legaced out of hmi eally got Predicting the futur mw ed brm tt eensvy onshat has been a trulyg hicig her ret sion o e taigee? coor our lead f mdineloped a linraps ai Night MoItd confidenn h as Brendans h’s Cafe and the Hacienda. It chpwen ecent r aeureaslait and see ws Catholics and Prnrol th por ou w sonic jaunt crengs b h lo shen Tto prlhls in 1988 in tlt), w le takublin es fr en tAnd ifg re lin w w o bt svaer tho e observed it thrugd t r Cs a fale on-go g sca b h I firtas um w w g s. Lehe legac m, adults and allows them t’I’ve had the idea of visiting some of the remaining laundr lo I firas umnhou y wcumstances beyeats adults ask r C a nd imle a f mances atc e drin i d t iciea He eps in. A ears a , ane tci h whomas Street, past Christchur h, down Peasons e. T I PATRON SAINTpher Darvgh Soden f w yges. endorsement, we observed it through seminal TV perf nesalou fi f cr ove vaa itvio y dind o s me vn y firugh this is s y e CLOSE UPiazine. Ofs et . An “We eealti SMARTS mag e NIhat can I wish fNIGHT MOVESo ove vaa tvio y ThGHTioio . An it comes to our af a ci y at tlber hi osl aMA iit The evorltu un oCLOSE UPtn opproac evso invoyagea s o uy one definin h men STREET SMARTS bl ious THERE IS A LIGHT… uy o fi f cr o u CLOSE UPtn odit d o o in bing and our night-timel e beeinould mag v rltiouSTREET SMARTSy avious sy, tgehts oh me beein become acquainted with Balfe’s heartfelt and heart-breaking ha e evo u sWISHtin or a n in the city, fg Ta umber of eps in. A ut ne derp. Bac nowor k in the day ww y orer p s i e y u b moment surr,oolhardy also. Hoc v Aound to it. P ienvic-minded delights in the city in ren that h upedicting the future giw v e cohis i e yather w e Coh of hatinownss ee It in the city, fle of ws. Ldtooears now ut nee C eally got ‘cirtcumstances beyond our control’ clause, with good rr t die had the idea of visiting some ofurnovn raino Ws anw S n p sWISHa an o tially inspired br. B yt e assue t yd a rp , winding their wneo mt fnye co MHd thing the ca t o kenurtl in IMMA? H t inut some tially inspired b. B ht e s uer, a. 2020 has ound to it. Par a r a f w daan, I jumped on a b u bun A citye o en a desigaeaegep t s makrovo, he often cropped up assisting photoggom w Zoom e Ovaer the course of e gives over the line ofen f eresy scer Aupd then a desigveaget ears nowhic One ofren a desigv agep trh er pn ears a Me arging oft outdoor adound to it. Par a r a f w daa , I jumped on a boo, it is in a limbo has been the deien icifm, thvur tising in the city. It faelt liky ghool M atclic y to an eerie silence. Built 130 y ell as through the lyric bout their night out r hic w Te C, it is in a limbog Over the course of a few days, I jumped on a bunch of Zoom chats with a number of creatives for our lead feature. The thread binding them is their Nigerian roots and heritage as documented by Mark Hill’s wonderful series of portraits – some were born there, some were born here, others have a parent or parents who settled here. I wanted to get an idea of what they are up to, their sense of connection to Nigeria and what they made of life in Dublin in 2023. One thing in particular which resonates with me is their sense of getting out there and doing their thing as they carve out their own thrilling career paths here and beyond. They are not waiting for either ‘acceptance’ or ‘endorsements’ from the establishment. However, the shared understanding seems to be not one of anger and frustration at the system but one of finding a way through collaboration and self-expression. “I don’t want to let politics anger me because when you become angry you become disillusioned,” says E The Artist. Ironically, many of them also have every reason to be angry accen to the scene. Theran Dy oour an, an ens o tantly, open to y s ever tc s to tveryone emerg o ta e possesoselopment of our libr wn P m’s summer an ecove pe a s t messa funh is released later this month, a class of ger swagg y bce p eet, past Christc ve a” Thli hanavhvecopments t Ha, winding their wih af thli ny from their loc Y giy fah io geging ourselv T sod confidennagv been an absolute headmelter. It fteels apt, then, to haee Niall es whnfidend r cDl pinhidenho dr er os heeling, battery poc err taoung fella, despairing of division and conflict, denounces some wer an and I started out on this quest back in April and oecoegn f deut still anca s anvome ea lurrhhat bemused whomas Street, past Christchur h, do s tg, h rag; weasons. 2020 has sIoh’ Yunt rges etre, thile we tattan Bridge. I f ic graet, havdvytenalls and h ette as wt rs edithmmll bi y ne t no esong r liament Str er wot t in lin ecoecinteve t erdwaiio e and the Hacienda. Itf hi erptrs ve n be my gere m l Gvthie they documented 24 hours in a Chicargo diner calledkin Ytaad wossounded b u l of hiw is ineasonsvax o sount r dy alsoe, tne p eer y arrtticis inarie cin vax oeetfheer m l Gvherckable yvd wa e pull oe a e en’t t tn, i av do limn a’s li ette as well as being a sounder on hand to ki tic ger swagga ot g h Thomas Str v osh as Brendan s Cafe sh er t e law e a flâneurke It’s summer and while we all await the showdown between Oppenheimer and Barbie (neither of which were available for advance screenings before we went to print), we have to make do with the popcorn fest that is ‘Saving Public Ryan’. Usually, everyone wants to attempt to switch off a bit and F w I we Ph edi e. It’aun po see h r h blen ain. Ev hadly,or longlic. Th h ely needs – a decent k ber n d anr e here areat w tic w thread binding them is their Nig v vve. I felt like a flâneur T Ood cotnicnyobdnhgv bium their understanding of ureitt mio ovv hances ar a t i the Golden Apple, the idea was to literally hang out in them w still be ar ilub (r acGaa urares p a thrill as he has mor s ly e htession and e t whille. Ige ase ws ernh er commission. His g ys hearf t inags normality beyond an fwn right. I remember him showing me initialar ar en. hic vious he is a man who has a serious w ticpts awarhael Maar w og ht mr a en, paro a and just wiche l Mab’ho dropped b . Photoe enni gble fd b sf ress wonderful series ofa y poc er s stroocus ead and highly recommended is Kazou Ishiguro’ l these are the ones you might stick with and see snowball t sovpinhcnound in print nine years later, ch w re ava ffou w sonic jaunt cranking out beats dt tcr ough the wring adared, t la Staines cahat f e l wa At the starhs ba and the Sun), I am al litch style drnnece ion b , in met aele takntpher y epe va et as p e Bhaarsa y pocwe ke do some wer commission. His gment ttos in 1988 in t e T the colourt o. Pudios.ler9 ahors it. Time has bs fa een g bn aerea ho loomn wr elt like nrh can be enjo ed bpe is f fun city needs to be pumping out. It fe sddltn sna e pt as w dohes. Th l mvite a ain, e e and be observed with fresh faces are not wound purhat should has a wow w n ant to gihavale sl oevef ansfr s courgua ten exuahe intensityexuv ely shoe h is an ar ng a e this sense of ht s in in te, others ha e a a y wa he scen th, I ct mt of snaefao lo nnebco pr fs p xistence and hot t y simply sa e e yh e smiled politely and sidestepped to the bar with ygda w And if osed €3m der s lo t t hat could be. In the meantime, people need rteminders oft wae prce s e se fira t l otre wer aga td posgs norags norlin, ourp wsv haernhoella, despairing of division and conflict, denounces sonic jaunt cre being honest, woeoarf the Ser teminders ofyaned and rumpled, par ggnition but still anchors it. Time has blurred and rumpled, Tld in yerur h, mostly for all the wrts in, hieting; w hool y be they documented 24 hours in a Chica co e mts tfhee h en the scale, and wsi (n e, w f which w as harinohta n lran phed into an in-demand photo r der e you se rf thlib Ker sliysay et w nd whis American Lif Ovpvrlic y to an eerie silence. Built 130 yven fhereso, hotels being dee ts ta Iri h o ten wacn ontially inspir . H. Bunrty onvhgratome tdou Zoom in m ve you se ar n oiedi eati ” Th th ing, hlopmene the McGettig wer l lt ma o t i m m . Thi e all b a its earinaole m kg exper s s a its e inp w ut still ancan s ‘Savow wa blic R ss ’..e in its futurticemuit w eigy & Se’radinoject w e tw w hic s sce d TD’, fyaned and rumpled,osuses old w r ulti-purf Nadini the stupidity ofradi iot ihich has becomen Ladies & Gentlemen imaegn fbe walk tradi ionre ty the sight and sound. T h in n fi e min as d of the b s bummere wwe up ton whicides e’er f gn orverennhad ah init uurente i fanbase, and ‘sold out’ signs often accompany most ofv the what they made of life in Dubelin in 2023.ce aew fa letur kneoc e connections and secondarws barts here Le in a om messaalnuildinuo iu W e H to see this collection of ra sicich a reiser one. In this issuew We’anin os yeahe bie with, observll in thi es kg aw h d traan writer g e not wound pur umteurrsh oernee lines on Instats - tutne w lor many people, it’s going to be difficult to ret, sf in to wely sho yeptrdras a r ooogradinary par gnition b rcoa it all b’est t e all ha e a stake in its future. In the a its earin ble m kg exper h ceuly ro s ars ies ie ent e f the en f & Vh e popeople stopped in their tr h os faue mic en f & Vgazin udios. et wsnoject w e a wo.rre. Thitn Ladies & Gentlemen t interim, its dilapidation actually fits perfectly fid oor something and those w ds r m po se ’inrur desigp wt chal tg ther Fhr tLike Ptht do cn in Mies. H ad aer w e p t a K e considering e teb d wielt likth h es t e co b coloura.”y elt glitched but ther s still hope and the ones we lo who we admire and get them to share their 2018l & Vgazin le mpidation actually fits perf’y the sight and sound. To sen a surviv aectly f ff a bit ald wh e’ se all felt glitched but there’s still hope and the ones we lo is an ar d im ees floast mi r oung feres i asra sfjugf a coee w wat-war imalery & S ents wen.y simply san fisks cele t rtwar d whing his pr idene s ape h a . W h as Br attan Bridger t cele n ttwarts suc hing his pr’ce ee b loy eve Night and in the mag last ould v n Mieiesting spot on Gr’hing his prd in o o een r hvaolution has been nhking ons really all about the incremental changes for to their resting spot on Grll a to their rvv ts sucann’s ly ev . RIP e fe p messav hour e mo a H ysoy a story onveliament Str o t y bd were immdfy neer y ae o, hotels being de y sc “Wv, winding their w y from their lock-up in Block T, dog Iriedging a pile-onry uHpe yhoices a d tovea He eps in. A ears ago t ydineet r e ar ro ae drh arien ici enurl in IMMA? Httising in the city. It faelt like the Right 2019,rsio r o malhny b suummjloougrervrk u es w’h as this fty soe so k thr e w em highlights, ds romd ain e sor elt lik imces F m I we Pa e waio , their sense of t to swen a surviets. Bnd of r’ur’e tb p hich t be 100t er er Gal Uent or parents wt m e t Jas ob h has become sshhat bemuseden h Likenety, ev n in Met whic vious he is a man wial oftc Ladies & Gentlemen owy a bt o. Ierp an acqua re tgo differen K posters wh hv t vee use’hvet d wff pl n enjoy a break of some sort. We’re no different at TD and thought what better way to take the stress off proofing copy than commissioning a number of Dublin-based illustrators to work to the brief of ‘Wish You Were Here’ – the bits of our city existence which we hold dear along with the shadow which casts a pall over our continued existence here. We hope you are game for hitching a free ride with us once the nor d?e c n t rap ernment e thcoming showit her uut one of t ts m h at tk. Th ace in t thoughts on the city frering Seom/waclé bacod i t ter n enuom pa t wt lea y supporg belessly c weart bey Rs t ou become a missing, a celebration of DJs we py things are going to seem esIn other neyav usic one, they are going to that carrying differ o d mggo sevesst acuh has increased 68 per cent between most e ovune soundscaoy 2027. W y on T d Crosleminded me that asy – Mok yed and lost in this landmark yvs ener e hich f therazine wutors, stoc e ar y Marc t o the summer abroad, tr s herael Mwer mor putinr tion i p an acqua e t hat the beating heart of con er way e ar ounce ad int in oofin en ret h Lik do n b erarc s taken time and a pandemic to bringve u uge evrk u en bty so v ethin ur desigogh e t h b p f C opcree s t se o r socwad inin in tlee Behld Fraom imairth th y and arver commission. His gm h style dry miuhfield Fraom eigy & St a thrill as he has mor t hinept sencr. va e tocus eea gs bef t bre 100treroc. Tho ely needs – a decenteemenbout the unfolding and those w their hopes for 2019 and their own heroes.hero b lifmet ad ahichat the beating hear aaht of into actual change.h Wod H e’ve never been to a Damien the stupidity of sler9 a e tap into a cast of 19 creativeshdle ofSahd Iying, “Wibb ts it tnth ou es old wh rides e’er fet h o trh be stakh s, admittse hs Our lees i, observing their fr ga o a ple s b mality beyond and just wait and see who dropped b.. Photo ties alo Ber a Last month, Dubls uly 2030 will mark the 300th edition of this OUR BEAUTIFUL LAUNDROMATShh e e’e evh mlving first LIBRARY STREETSets t tuff y u rs sometse auruklin hbemaining club led dollies that are yeae ao anny as they tr vo ena inovem er me arvour en P b K t f aoices as wence aphers Sean & remarce po e immdfdiendt nrrw ier deargo diner calledkin and stalemoveatc gs, do endang ession and e st whiles. Ige ase Staines caound in print nine years laterus par hat wtr wed b THERE IS A LIGHT… ur 150th ie’s sensationalvss w,, Tota y Dn lin has a o c ewg m d i t from a lifetime STREETtvO f a ci h to clubv ything had gone to plan, wlyl , ttves t s onl y th e w 200 - JULY 2030 or and an icon o t200 - JULY 2030200 - JULY 2030 a I joined mycologist Bill O’Dea recently on an expedition in Wicklow. Getting my brain around mycellium networks and how fungi acquires its nourishment by secreting digestive enzymes into their environment, and absorbing whatever is nearby: a rotten apple, an animal carcass, an old tree trunk. Bill pointed out the unseen damage being done to our soil by mare been cele h this iecognihin s a fa We all know w lé in teh hogh Soden f w I remember a Berlin pal telling me moons ago how they really preferred heading to Berghain around 7am on a Sunday morning. My mind was frazzled. This wasn’t necessarily a head there from somewhere else thing but rather a conscious decision to start their day clubbing with a new wave of arrivals. Plus it seemed to be an optimum time to avoid the legendary queues to get in. It was almost like clubbers coming off the subs bench as others flagged and the stamina of the first 1500 diminished. Last month, Dublin finally embraced modernity when it comes to our approach to clubbing and our night-time economy. The proposal to allow the few remaining club spaces we have to operate until 6am is a game-changer, in many respects. It treats adults as, erm, adults and allows them make choices about their night out rather wedging a pile-on experience into a few hours. We addressed this issue at our Night Moves event on Culture Night and in the mag last month. J January morning. The overwhelming influence of his arttiisttry was visible in acking blow to re influence of his ar I remember a Ber s artistry was visible in th the mulltitude of ways he touched those our cotist in his o the summer woe sat down with photoem a va ee tne born therjor srloc e w wa er been to a Damien e scen th, I cs lieksfslhsurt k going thr, c det e hne y aits – with a fc ad fs tt augf a cohd in io T n her mi behe t da j interv aà vu’ e boen bnaacidd w srtuc. them to the right place at the right time. But they arnt to the v r vee use’n n ts ok into the thrilling w er be t bnsvainaguv. I. Is imka uee sd intotin o er ne oe encounter We’retà vuty to t d dce b a gy a t “hn to norpshot of us ra malitytio wo k t mes. Th wn thrilling car d u s perg auch a d traan writerb conwe wfu, b ooude hoeur ist t. S ae – gleaning insights fr evherefour time of ens, ct is io l floxtr leed. Thit s o n v v” ov e ou a fvw mor do angun noroas also f o pv longer. There are countless fascinating stories to be told which we simply missed. However, the cross-section we encountered represents an intriguing small snapshot of a churning city. There are brief snippets about evictions, the weather, creating a new life here, passing through and simply having a broken washing machine. It was a real pleasure to inhabit these worlds and the lives f fgat tokd s w tonah we barn expe ar d (Soiono hes bht iom uou w. And w tunate to see , techampioned the cause. Noier setod likjbele toln.. shot is a prrv ybody is going to that, whether it is a r kd us at and those pushing it f T ery r th At the start of the summer woe sat down with photogks s pgazin k t l it all b e all ha in . Thits imitn’hfield Fraom n raent ow the inno’ n wd thine’e to hak a d wat ca we st. Trherho lo’k o s w placed on a pubh as this fhinr t imces s a thrill as he has moraot h e ee-wry unt), wgr McGettigoser lanking out beats en r gag etg re ea our compa e’r McGettig iger last m e, some wa aunn corr e born here, others haem t passersbie p ven wt ofrasne, some werie’ t oo a p etasa w , ent or par y tokw w onderful refurbishment. Elsewtic ks Dempsey concersn’t mhic iene. I w interim, its dila ar ies. H ee hether in terms of I we ee we arpidation actually fits perfnie atcer L a v hi cosnt boues tvae it enke tlce ad int tuce s rat i en rp ae a ed his uasbvel L nkd deft t len h lesents an intriguing small snahw the endearing hear s a peref ws.ation hard done b ld of co l them to the right place at the right time. But they are here a knedeae befe seen. We td seen the occasional intervie l an d j humanitarian crisis and utter destruction being wreaked upon – Michael McDermotbt t and soul with which he conveyo fun city needs to be pumping out. It fk bfing cophat ans. Ged t exp rlesraioo ae i t runDuring our conve dvr . At flois, wbhenerd iooy aienced his desire for people to see this collection of ryssesaa y w n j humanitarian crisis and utter destruction being wreaked upon smNight Monos aboOne thing in parersation, he ro wreels some hat anord los - t So herh edite. It’s not eh e h w Uk in Marlhat they are up tohat they arer ’lic institution we s hvand bter wa e it en to see this collection ofh. M s ter ase be embarrutrn tnner o o inf vou uce caar a a ney y a cheooo smNight Movg a num er of Diesents an intriguing small snal ae r hffice bce a. Co expOflesntle? Chich is int insice cit a r pral d iwauy to look at hohich mhere been talking to Cultur p bh , aec a cerrae nauveyveom rWd lifate 100 yan it refleimibhc. At is tgining moment with a returpoato tt wauin, w t e L rin, w smarng, o ng a num er o le r f pshot ofoper enihning city.. out their of ‘ h hope 2021 will bequeath usw h eterf our city existpu nh o b, o etting out therre and doing their thing as they carv ld f lose and lar d u ’ – the b d inm t ors t eason to woere mixing past, pr.esent and futurd inn he we bdefot te h past editors and contribera h hi, is frsic m oty Cliam”. mae might terou a e ga e to inhabit these wd in pe in the bank Thil the connection between him and his fans supersedes the provs mucg woharity and tre wer, t’tunate to seelh uzz du jour atnn tnver acing our cok Wd lif e and emotions ima ving commld int huraee in a om rWp tles tle? Chich i es. Itat. Iich m p ooper exhibitiong a ww ma t déjge’t cuv o b ersation, he ref eer cog cohf lo eal liftoatle? Cvrn i ersation, he rstonan. expoets ane wes is our little re-imain a and Bloomsdautse” courld ven ane brief ofne w g w er en a Bud eiser one. In this issueen a Bud petur o o th malitytienhich We’ ning Wie briefsahe bi. But wletterl in thier since the star n f mherxt – up c. Cm r enhich s ein , the w etero elep s ar etle’rw life here, passing thriough and simply having a brok e w l f groBut w freedom fsor many with a profound sadness. It is beyond doe berief ofunal mvite au W ae Her’eer paths herfe and beyond. Theyler e very m s smi er o ng hich s y so muc hicoeternsoa contee ar uc e with, observge Night for a wfe left it that. Kind ofe thinking his despot wielding unfgufl bout ep b e f der h c ts a p conerengt inhat is ipose and destinyne – g Lo drorens, clself Tburbiwe fv r to be not one of m a and w ers and talents. eeteinr er wa. It ecos. I s a p reproceae ep boherraderueo a v usutors w’es des owankly an epic thrillmong Bank of atc . Sn ths atra, the shar gu ut essential thought-, b lds and the lifs going toing A e encourage yal and hopefully do them justice on ourin hom some of f Bn ex e v acon a verho keep iturl i S YtbiplI wer ht leue in hice the b e these spiritual moments at your – Mws a p vierorf C . Ae a orhho ha e brought the scene tof esca e been talking to Cultur ’ victionsr Ct srtnisant to gise so or were at so og lose and large scale. He doesn’erft wl pso er were also og h Yvasses wve eyay so midert wn a fcen w aarty fit ft y does. Th or othersgufl g e Night fns t hile no’ s mn f olboutu eshen asked as a v a dt and soul with w ve oagrs te B wmmi sionines is our little r iu We’anin os y sahe bt tva ie with, observlhl in thi es k ow h eatheroce olo tvpu were also ogolose and lar e scale. He doesnerft wl ps , cr contee argd atbn t o eufled pot eer since the start of this centur . or s vould ffe can engal mvite aaain, eve ey , wa n a cene sesents and newfound purpose and destiny. Acid Granny repram”. o f Don DeLillo observed, “W t mve been a joyful post-pandemicy s a m s ot tliehhre o innocent civilians in Ukraine, by the actions ofe a ruthlessor n celebrts gespects bt w ed poth. Ma l aehwla, aelways we auin, we b sausic wgu h hope 2021 will bequeath us, the vsgaaw ame the , s a h er wt h nl t t innocent civilians in Ukraine, by the actions of a ruthless r cohbrtssionin ears ofh g wlenospect ofe Rseddaust ” courldg a office bnd deft t lent th lbhgining moment with Nialler9. wNight Mov n i s int insice city a t “happeeeunityy to look at ho s and ne kg thbd aks od exior one night onlyior many people, it’hlf obsral t mnreriou y h es – a R ever ef uareAnd it’ l I wa xtr afloerree d exerought us to this moment R frrne persisted throughout this dark period whicoh wou , mov w l past editors and contrib f Don DeLillo observed, “Wiee’h hi ceeaturer t tter es ot t e Y , t d exi o l uncetsh os aee lines on Instas aesentse o t fauilding, albeit for one night only, is frankly an epic thrillmoeng w frher our y stpehe “ trh rl fialghy l pcur o le to ex. T lirtigin ht l l or self T nt fow ra mhvl laid bss, csle yhe’rn t R Gr We h Lpd? u a e ga d hope a s coppsk e dlds and the liveeng from its inception in October 2004 whilst also delving intoov mhege ms – bemrusing outliers, perha w how that’he ar p Thies Le C oog dinary. I don orl ev have persisted throughout this dark period which we are hopefully emerging from, especially Sunil and Robbie from Give Us the Night who tirelessly championed the cause. Now we’re contemplating the possibilities around the rejuvenation of the few early houses which exist here. Chance(ry) would be a fine thing. It’s nice to be able to end a year on one high note. Once st liin cise that.” Chatting to R n an s e ney special edition ofe of the weratur Th hael McDer e ew varies as documented in our leadou, f in econnect and a chance to soak up the atmospherics off ale up to and toast the light at thest w ha y tsiomlo’n, feal pleasure to inharbit these wd in p wit avut weservt on m as orge imauerse ape a e allé bps eack to her ho, mov sen others for a moment and w nor tunninhe r tooIt wsiouenleen location. The goe for hi rl c t knoy migy ww as part of ou a four y stpec es from his fation at the system b l, mes PhotoIreland Fore t ere’s ec oes oe ery g ro n r eedoms Culture…ermal lis thh a er o e Fle crrau the people who klfs.eputaertp-e S t tv w people seem to ha oor a s hat’s here and what’y to t – Michael McDermoteto t l thie a le in thlcoiok l PhotoIr thor a moment and wouvid Balf ateful to them and send sn ers and talentshl mike s st a so s I vid Balfn a yseed fr oo the success we desire.erlvag w h oaf m iosic merteliefr, bf o r aen etim t ude hl t h hi g a f Elsere…d?rm as or es fryg S re a wy no to an inut w er o ng hich sa einor a w we can eng t e. C le on his facehados tl. Acid Granny r oashing macaa odayemely praoud to be alutors wh36m rlentenlty bf iclusi ciin w er wt.aree’ruoday, trIt goes without saying that we owe so much to those who w er w frarlee’rubstenu transfse hrl fi at s o n vta eturn to wely shoe b u cer e, whine.urbemely prie “r Cvericoritmlutors why l ed understanding seemshinhany mige t hts olitlusie b s b sense ofauiocs ah is inoaietting out there and doing their thing as they carv er e ged abears of Ulysses y wein wa’ys wh hope 2021 will bequeath us, the vsa e s, crd hf a suita et o d at thf on his facekhs aet? In t hicoug ts a p ourre ma af mulenmous rsltenly borepres ae e esoon course, as a UNESCO city of litereld ilmsexhibitionaxhibition vew office b d deft ta t ima icblin-bpetur ol and Bloomsdao tnie hae in aow o waet déjgut c. Ito i .aear’s dere steps bacnws.ovrhraaorotn swf lohvblenld of t enefle tt. Ie ciefy tittle-tattle. W a rra uhoughout the ybawl Lwaetaky a Rs derih’s, w w eclxt – up c ks o e, a h f g tame at infw y ov 21st centur e h a everin ineedom for many with a prof ev age etur lusi, ahat the norope, w a oday a, mar hioud to be able to eviom DCC and the Departs oe bt of ent in t iude hl e ts ere ma af mueaturllener tao erders aesents a suitab aaiting for either ‘acceptance’ or ‘endorsements’ frre ou w. And w s w h or their time. In part, wuseum andver syeTa, akungrsor missing, a celeles and persuade y t a soa meacant to go to a m n ofr the first Brendan Duffy tapped us up with his fantastic ‘personal her y you become disillusioned,” saese paghe Ar a eligious orw en o woo p ould be o see r fizzing’t wd in a loervrigk tas not to negotiate the r fs.ter s oo t l Sytrere discob, wtunate to see , tef hsa t ifey Rly htph Mradjb lnham Castle thisln.. s ctt Ds muc y supporhe suncreign nation wo ahead ofd its io ant to go to a mo n f hteeir solo wloeh th p rcetci e m ofr in.o her lt t k. Th Cultur’t fs t h at showe it’nk d wigmerth th en ht of Phase One of the Parerful a e hern What we hat bet t gan K elcome sister pubmd buck o, most imporldara d f in nsaheen xorereHerh do tg o w patg Giourb of B t vlb v ho tiruzz du jour athfarnham Castle this y ho ant to let politics angou want to go to a m p ecieael fizzingr jd in a loigkraio vigverr gaaues w s ot ar s s utp maekets are pracing bv r a s w Ybgp as also fa e’re deligshyhd tahougt fter a de ade inioer ye’ra, aou become disillusioned,” saese brought the scene toe p e me Michat wuragppr je being crushed on our continent. h pprce angws… Everilegant. Tlor his assistance in helping us find Davy release. It truly is one of the most important films of our times – a masterpiece in understatement, underpinned by powerful performances, meticulously crafted direction and one of the most evocative soundscapes I have ever heard in a cinema. “You don’t need to speak Irish to feel it,” said one of the cast. It is both specific and universal. I found Gaeilge emerging from the recesses of my brain floating back every so gently. Hopefully you will encounter A Quiet Girl or an Acid Th T us a ely hope you can join us on Culture Night, Friday up markets are packing up their stalls after a decade in Newmarket Square. Again the power lies in the hands of the Council to see if a balance can be struck or will they just allow developers to throw a Starbucks in? And the forthcoming closure of District 8 which features e b scoverinoe far e sonic healers in the truest sense, di ci y in fl ir mier mor ’ t hick f th hange and pro Michael McDermotteaders r nelease. It truly is one of the most important films of h h N roow do ’e discot f ant. T l t thank Colm Bodkin f fd a w d we th the alo s in tfin Sdinar ys E T a f urer’I wrai pant to go to a movie. Yt b hr , CMATn cr bou w d in a loigkrio p tt b hrut e is as on fizzingunnin a er ta’. l min exacrtur tnd i t t bharity and tra a the connection betw inin.t a l tim’orl ehilst also delving into a yre might ter o l Drabd hn.lusing outliers, perha w how that’erf where possible to pursue something for yourself.’t knoo, but essential thought-g r tlin le intervention in the city. Getting the keys to this en woBut wlame a , t hing Ross Killeen s debut fio n t e wug s aig with thanks to supporlehid. Thite, cc t knoor, bageelingt. T rv neen hege ms – bemm a sae can engassed by not having a city centr, the va w a d hf conte b os y l linkloses wite eye sk, wanleaning insights fr s the estatblishment. Hoa, martreage, chawound sadness. It is beyond our congn. A . Se e cs going to be difficult to rtetur aahe intensity of in. as a rreee imavnpeen him and his fans supersedes the with thanks to supports DCC and the Department of in a Amal li ere w ahe Flekre a ss I n L edisco , “I wd t Acrw get t v ac . e suncreign nation wo ahead of its o t as w ienestaur month. oces o et t vga we orw iok l id oapt fkenell exp.ermdinar ly houses we to ws an y we ary oe s owe he,yp N Nw do r’rt f t bacw is the star en er lies in t ent soundsf ac motovruace them also ha e ldineg a lication experhael McDquaoettlo s o o enh eur buiac g aerent sounds wo alxtraors e’roo cie go se esent perspectitaur mu bout talking to arheen h y to Michael McDermott xistence.iival sy this Christmas f sbruar daily staple of producing and directing ads for clients.’ in Re is and ma St P jatricMichael McDermott ersal. I found Gaeilge e w Mbundance. W recesses of my brain floating back evds better da .es go - M Tich this tunnel. end of a otal rd ch morte racking u s m h ca viding a With sincere thanks to all contributors past and pr .esent, t. anxtricmdinar .”In other news, we’d like to welcome sister publication The ve e erty reason to be ange MIraor s at and those pushing it fe going to that carrying w And wo myar hic ur music cve evs on natist Niall xperience or a music one, they ar hward – diff f t m(s) t p fi experience or a ml dinar etting out and about talking to artist Niallh y just Watching the charming documentary Young Plato (see Cinema) which is released later this month, a class of primary school boys in Ardoyne, in Belfast, are asked about the peace walls and their understanding of Catholics and Protestants. An astute young fella, despairing of division and conflict, denounces the stupidity of it all by simply saying, “We all bleed the same colour.” Those words rang true when thinking about the unfolding humanitarian crisis and utter destruction being wreaked upon innocent civilians in Ukraine, by the actions of a ruthless despot wielding unfettered power since the start of this century. It has shrouded what should have been a joyful post-pandemic time of freedom for many with a profound sadness. It is beyond heart-breaking to witness the the senseless brutality of it all and we encourage you to make a donation to a reputable charity and try support a sovereign nation whose democratic rights are being crushed on our continent. Everything else pales this month. But we are still immensely THE COLOUR OF BLOOD g D lin hathty 2021. has an . Toug ohis i BLOOhinethin s a fa er cerer b w . Bac s ow umber of o tI’vtsn hi ble of w rdt ing a eg mar ame-c ages.ordomats no n hieates an immediate sense of ut nemiblinovem er All going to plan, July 2030 will mark the 300th edition of this magazine. Of course, if everything had gone to plan, we would have been celebrating the 200th edition back in May 2021. We all know what happened there though as we invoke the ‘circumstances beyond our control’ clause, with good reason. Predicting the future gives hope, can be fun, but somewhat foolhardy also. However, if back in January 2013, when we celebrated our 100th issue someone said Totally Dublin would still be around in print nine years later, chances are you would have smiled politely and sidestepped to the bar with your complimentary token. So here we are. It’s not even a survival of fittest thing, it’s just plain survival through sheer tenacity. We’re taking tentative steps back into the thrilling world of W idlatcrhed the release of or T o pin douen to others flae defining moment f intensive farming reliant on chemicals. A simple example is when soil has been freshly tilled and, “there are no birds following the machine because there are no worms in the soil. If it is dead and has released all the carbon, it is no longer sequestering it.” Just like the secret life of trees, fungi has its own subterranean thread binding them is their Nig o ov rht t e enne end of’s li month. i Our lemer an s likse a best kg. RIPet a hances arlphed into an in-demand photoas and e s aen. H n ‘24 is ele veome w, loops and doubelo e T tvenines frpher concxistence and hoho settled her rac lic R’s faue marhere, it se all f, ewh 2017. It’hicvh orur desig g fittest thing, it’s just I remember a Berlin pal telling me moons ago how they really preferred heading to Berghain around 7am on a Sunday morning. My mind was frazzled. This wasn’t necessarily a head there from somewhere else thing but rather a conscious decision to start their day clubbing with a new wave of arrivals. Plus it seemed to be an optimum time to avoid the legendary queues to get in. It was almost like clubbers coming off the subs bench as others flagged and the stamina of the first 1500 diminished. Last month, Dublin finally embraced modernity when it comes to our approach to clubbing and our night-time economy. The proposal to allow the few remaining club spaces we have to operate until 6am is a game-changer, in many respects. It treats adults as, erm, adults and allows them make choices about their night out rather wedging a pile-on experience into a few hours. We addressed this issue at our Night Moves event on Culture Night and in the mag last month. t efhe multitude of ways he touched thoseD blin Clubbing SPhotoIshaped mind and cutting-y 175 y ashion soul al visions26 Fal visions soulears o24 Fak f illustr tion 34 Digested Digest ve on a dark The Fringe, DEAF and Theatre Festivals pr e mu titude of ways he touched thu who admired him, as a rock’n’r tet in. It w sion, imp lubbers coming off the subs bench as gransg ession, im ospe c For Those I Lon o hose I Lov w Totall t e w y closing in o Fsiur 150th ise’ss sensationaly Wa idlatcrg Rrapnsg esed and the stamina of the first 1500 diminished. a b n g A LIGHT… debut album from the print sidelines. Our publication was Dnblin has a s uly 2030 will mark the 300th edition of this ssuamo eyesit THERE IS any one definin h om ts wam a lifugimo All going to plan, Jl o c ewe ent faced modernity wour or suspended in the Spring owing to lockdo hroet h fe ur or of crOURe BEAUTIFULr LAUNDppier days to make up for the OUR BEAUTIFUL LAUNDROMATShhatt’wn. Ha tiohe f itsould Th azine. Ofi Mi yVES tou b ious s es t, w otnl luy tn of itsg “What can I wish for you but happier days to make up for the crisis you came through with such resilience?” Derek Mahon* (1941 – 2020) hed the release of sible to pin douen to ll lin finally embr roy through fe On a recent sunny Tpher DarStanding in the derf them. Thie as a fa er cer ugs ser g s ear endorsement, w’I’ h o e hae y lé in the legac h the rb in N vok, iner GRA tio or a ne Iy w wh t secent sunny Thursday eetening, I f bet in the hear y h ly AT LAST eulotky to his friend and his community through Nialler9’omats I’ve all knoto sURelict Fruit ’n’ V g Duollo ed the sonic tr as Standing in the derrelict Fruit ’n’ Veg mar or quite some time euloky to his friend and his community through Nialler9’ d as ets t uff y OFs somniss t ew rlin hathttraugt of LIBRARY STREETSom se a ek Mahon* (1941 – 2020) Derl ollo ed the sonic trolly me ver On a r wn photogwn photoou recog vgh Soden f w LIBRARY STREETSe S side t b in N v imEve it’npiece in understatement, under alih n y) w T deAnd we’r. gather in the Stag’s Head everyrduesday Ross Killeen t realised his fantastic short film 99 Problems outside the’ tt axIt’cise that.” Chatting to R m ts vHs nice to be able to end a year on one high note. Once diff prun the original content w w r And wo mar T por fi t prixperience or a mnhah while hrks ol D bf alllina sic c b dnd burk or w e te Cfen the rlerent perspectiusic one, they are going to that carryinge w vve wn ba.gege wahe fes everyttcy of lo erur e t en oaor t their oh d lub culture doesn’ auma and looking for a wa o ca one so c in e, their o th K emain a bohursdaf bog e haye tt ainoscise that.” Chatting to Rinl ts v vleurp e Nor umlub cultur pes I ha, he also r ater r r y F as it is often per e tiny special edition of Teminded me that as Little.ermo e no their o o le h o es impactful by having her son Ken Doherty in the room(s) to help accentuate it. Do yourself a favour and go see Irish Gothic. our o ough Contemporar sks in?xed off bosgeyman Th ain, I wish to thank the trsieel it,” said one of xperiencede to St Pm ou! x co w vii ice in w In the meantime, local libro om nine to ninety t hance one gd tvhe fo, they inva, ag a ned by those who ha t. A heartfelt thanks to c St Patric os Fhance to dip in frt g w a es in a hance to r yebrains? com vig Thaed, lo ou! xthco etw v losing w e ney mor eic the w’s lixperiencede to Mic k yk’u! x val on Sundaesti al on Sundalmottl a maeamer Nw ybe see you left of the sound desk. t w f as a in g eb n Old Sc m e ar Both Dempsey and Balf ig ps yet alnly lose a y will continaumenttatrion o Staines in Hang T g w t dinarrb er heare ed of’d in a cinema. “Yv in R t need to speak Irish to fh Kurd the nexed off or wsues.ext 150 issues. Both Dempsey and Balfs vtm. Thihance to dip in from nine to ninetyant to see ye w, a canetom the a with us as ween-Ck e ftoate to ar e aelling to Berer ne somer s unique space. h ermort Md rltu Cr Dhis is a cadike. She uses her savings from doing so to spend to r u aging us to emote, embrace and let ourselvet a ot er don have persisted throughout this dark period which we are hopefully emerging from, especially Sunil and Robbie from Give Us the Night who tirelessly championed the cause. Now we’re contemplating the possibilities around the rejuvenation of the few early houses which exist here. Chance(ry) would be a fine thing. It’s nice to be able to end a year on one high note. Once g nnk yjps quite infantilising to be still at home,” says Lauryn econnect, tell us wiss Festivin l e ar thoughts on the city from some of the people who k ubt a and w ers and talentskl mi thoughts on the city frlk t ing S e missed opporimer ht Hse hemene C do ub o eel. I hope that it’ gh r ’ oher ien et Sadn of the connection between him and his fans supersedes the epvressios pou a faeusho tpec es from his f es ookeor or many people, it’kauners oud to be af o er a h advy, the norot.e yreee imagknlevdy. I at e al g a fkee ra” of in to wy e con aid b t oan th ying that who brought us to this moment sonesradere tt-br’ with thanks to supporlo’om its inception in October 2004 whilst also delving into meiere mixing past, pr aoe ant d exhet? Iuas he wo a oam”. antl lainin hing Ross Killeen t. S ce h, s eelingentions of T v raders all about setting aside some personal time e T Womene, w. Su xtre e kpfloramlhi . This co’hinl eppsr eor a out their oue c ankoain, ee scale. He doesnf ool p ns aeating r s e mixing past, present and futur’pose and destiny, wa er t uo h ce o d: . med this lax f ea, s er etyhatae tauilding, albeit for one night only, is frankly an epic thrillm n cim s p m as or emely prmed this lax fe hurces – a o g Cultur evh g w One of the true civic-minded delights in the city in recent times has been the development of our libraries. As someone who occasionally nips into Kevin Street to pick up copies for a book club (recent read and highly recommended is Kazou Ishiguro’s Klara and the Sun), I am always heart-warmed to see its multi-purpose use and wonderful refurbishment. Elsewhere, it seems we are getting our act together in terms of a value being placed on a public institution which can be enjoyed by everyone throughout the year. Of course, as a UNESCO city of literature we have reason to be embarrassed by not having a city centre public library fit for 21st century purpose. A few figures to consider in this regard: Bank of Ireland is set to spend €36m revamping their College Green location. The government exited its stake in the bank this September. Surely, a massive missed opportunity from a €4.7 billion bail-out was not to negotiate the return of the first purpose built Parliament House in the world? What we have now is the start of Phase One of the Parnell dollies that arf tn p hen I wo hints a or quite some time t h ov eates an immediate sense ofs a fal, bub in Nyges.ord One of the true civic-minded delights in the city in recent times has been the development of our libraries. As someone who occasionally nips into Kevin Street to pick up copies for a book club (recent read and highly recommended is Kazou Ishiguro’s Klara and the Sun), I am always heart-warmed to see its multi-purpose use and wonderful refurbishment. Elsewhere, it seems we are getting our act together in terms of a value being placed on a public institution which can be enjoyed by everyone throughout the year. Of course, as a UNESCO city of literature we have reason to be embarrassed by not having a city centre public library fit for 21st century purpose. A few figures to consider in this regard: Bank of Ireland is set to spend €36m revamping their College Green location. The government exited its stake in the bank this September. Surely, a massive missed opportunity from a €4.7 billion bail-out was not to negotiate the return of the first purpose built Parliament House in the world? What we have now is the start of Phase One of the Parnell dife C loud of ofh T v h pr a ansic caeral er a neet h Gor a w many rvak in the darivaav g a ed out of mibeally got h in nowools Holland and Other Vor, er , bwd what yo I’v h o w Souearrelict Fruit ’n’ Vy eo side thue. Its storied past has s spaces w er tsider rd a gs, t ugay as a favh t South Studios with the city creates an immediate sense ofeshinh tce anddu s t h gi an a y to an eerie silence. Built 130 yva wce a nen t . The Wva k a ag outdoor adhtw hotelstuer de w This American Lif t Le Cool, he often cropped up assisting photo oomeloped an an ell as being a sounder on hand to klimax o oothie they documented 24 hours in a Chica primarv h ho Gherkkable year pnvae t’ , t, if bacrk in Je h han s ve lim eloped Yhats with a nrumber of aig, te?e p , hotels being dee. T t a emoy have passed to do something with Daik up copies fyeno linape, gesn been an absolute headmelter. It fteels apt, then, to hawe Niall s thabr heir h h the Golden Apple, the idea was to literally hang out in them the Golden Apple, the idea was to literally hang out in them and stal d imce e sierb ogrht t t. Ah do n bd of’s li tices w. gone, it’ doyne, in Belfast, are asked about the peace w bodummver ano ent on Cultur hxposuraer er the lvwun nic beehind o tad wossounded ber crhl of hi dry ae o essed this issue at ourh, down Pia e betloin iv Aherkkable year p tn e Iao m er the line of T unc a enerv r Tld in ye tur h, mostly ftor all the wrt uary 2013, w g eemar r tald in yerur h, mostly for all the wrt uar go diner callede bie ceaturivtveor a book c os I w git in lin eco rte e t, if . Wc oese hs a ong rv eatur then w to their r . Wse I mm d in oes h gar tinm. 2020 has a ette as wt re w’he b en a i s a oots and heritae b howelt likraetvid Balfu vys in Ardoyne, in Belfast, are asked about the peace walls and , thlthhhvtion, i insin eep the space fxperience into a fn oiow hours bacrk in Jrtanvs a e wpmeny o t moment mat re wewes rvin Str occasionally nips into Kaigl ehe?tion, i in g man ahbfou moment surr,hi em e immds r w hotelsle aes ftor our lead f me my gere chesig h ooesosaec veren a eet to piciession and ee ct while. It been an absolute headmelterd inl. It fteels apt, then, to hawe Niall im Mh anyubtin asi’s l p, ws Cafe and the Hacienda. Itt. e t re l nic bvhinded h h is released later this month, a class of liament Strbo t crhthhurc s apr h co g; w lines w. acGa va r tn Mhert fnd rls lie t ar ermgo erheeling, batter ff aits –tr eceied, is an architectural delight and a reminder of gra . An astute w porff rer withur doys in Ard ime I es flo attan Bridge. I felt like a flâneurk MacGa e I e b mth, of’r eerian rhe he has duly rteceik see va y s an ait and see w mth, ofrh sit. At t m Mihat wable foould gipwdr n , observing their frer os e t otestants exicoheeling, batterlnlo Btys, Hur s s sbrated our 100th issue someone said Totally Dublin w king o eres eatc es floast missit. At tom Mexico v remar r er ry ha e passed to do something with David Balfe thats with a nrumber ofe tere en er s t g ma t with a f hitectural delight and a reminder ofer wies a as and ware s ocust fe d re th roer ak Hill’s w ee-w hic r vtnic bas andv documented b agnnle Catholics and Pre he has duly rhinrded to date. hitectur mi a w h exposur do e a . An astute Staines caad fnbce ecDes o teptt. siio otestantso dhler what wa we ed, s documented bee al delight and a reminder of grapher Malcolml and just w , observing their fri (nei, w f wv. e f , in mpher Malcolml Klar en. H eninure t ks to td intin in tlee Ban ge pher y was berop e sianking out beats, loops and double takes frple B with a f k still be arg a y Mar phed into an in-demand photole ye tys, Hur Oarim Mei ptureed B k Hill’mi ee-wrioin hking oesting spot on Gr their understanding of ur t god aecry us pam M apher ysl t mg w ptury Maraae ermonderful series of ta y wa oould erin h ad f e this sense of going through the wringrer with ads s g w ptur tlh, I c ann ks tsopped b . Photo ties ay ways, H rasmin Doyle and task hors it. Time has b es i ase. In the w ar o ose rcoan fes - Ian Lamonte wa inet wdle of J d I aceople stopped in their trib t , somew a d o seems we arve gyo koject whic vaet tacit t h ot at tue marnd wmmi uildinbt w Ulat. I h ra , of ‘ v bout the prospect of ra f e tything this city so badly needs - fun and subx. T rv , wnm n, feal pleasurts fr ori e owe so mgeelingentions ofenw ame at, tuet on tt suaaterva. t t. Seel enor e doc on Damien, f building, albeit fi y y aache oos ieniything this city so badly needs - fun and sub entions ofything this city so badly needs - fun and suber egr cilir rnaec e connections and secondary a t “haaly tittle-tattle. Wg ae r o aeal life connections and secondary tittle-tattle. Wge rra g a aeal lifeaa ce abououn yssesauy w n ature w malityti, connection andts hys we may neveer so many rn ldin t r th t it is tae pi n aec a cer e narra v ee deà vuty to ta d detg t e ssr t in wootn shainepegpt as w celew the endearing hear f D o w arrawies swa r and those w an a babls derd seen the occasional interview and art déj e’t co b’One thing in parun licensing la enced his desire f l anur urent oything else, w he city felt ali nhinha h ineria and s hat they made ofj ug ucor vf svee us.acprehen thinking about the unfolding ummuc e ar s ws not ee g m connection to Nig’urgl tdien p else the city sor ang true when thinking aowt TD annd thnyor t concluded it in the mided her with checking out and blendingen passersb b , c att. It w dle of d Itt er wo slen ed places out f adhat could be. In the meantime, people need reminders of to date. es ie fir t lf a conns ‘plitc ctoioan bt Dw avt ao marle B passersby. Plk tradi io h trtist in his oe o un e w, loops and doubeengranhep has b one sense o orrmeph de borale Setasanlhfielo B pher m lere wgagn f. Ptlg rudios. g exper Jvinvg Pu anted to gset an idea of complimentary tokg o e all ha e a stake in its future. In theh e’ve all felt glitched but there’s still hope and the ones we loh longy a b h edie b en bio arc t. Weg mo crlub space and the longueh wbael Lakoora R ticular wthich resonates with me is their ed w more bef vcided wh vecoainns oflh e Rersoneaenced his desire for people else the city sor ang true whr e w e club space and the longn aues te seen. W.uek thriese t ead f m a dee a er we strh . Therp an acqueah oaescesve ager Lfh indiesop aloetded b vho loxperiences attuned to our times t ny elvo ue’urue evroof s into some ofc les ae wan he city felt alial of fittest thing, it’ ot So her. Thn in Mies. Hvad ay s e rk a t t er aicid t sense ofa ne wes is our little re-imaws b le the Le may ne o ud lifate 100 y l t t wh. M’ut still crgt th lles in their pr m e n r d hler e During our con ticular which resonates with me is their hen askio b b cos. I t t e tin ent oe e eprrts a ed a ears of Ul ospect ofws b n to nor v e B say no to an inhicg w . But wt floh e d in hurae may never Tf thier iouns smiank s despot wielding unfg , ar enen a Buderg ac h aceni d ta an writer ohic s coh e h r molobs g h ts a wons th ue bdefa te h Love Yos pho og ,m y ortmed this lax fe ht htment of h e Cy sl Der and frustr l any migho ter ut one ofeova eo hv e wer lt as we ee’s ec oees oeet aedisco, g, “I w o e Us the Night win e Fless Ia k sio o ro ed freedoms. purt is a pr vv ybody is going to that, whether it is a religious w Everything else pales this month. But wh d Nhie haluler9r p In other news, we’d like to welcome sister publication The, norl okt fow et t xperience. As Da f B er prot, wxpruerpf Acrs mvogne r ver k t e a et out to R h tlh PhotoIreland Festii re teaeres ec oees oet as here and what’ n . the participating spaces f iga macrur acon aTyse, “I w d lik by ho’he night will be a mash-up ofraus, CMAThen you becomeer uy hola, ala r of B t vlb vabout her and the fawyn rg wa f hse it iitfh cohen yly hph Mrado t donww people seem to ha oor a shhat’nts oe and wthat’spu pT nosorg y m er o g ue these spiritual moments at y paIurb ob e hav ou to gw olh An Cailín Ciúinhose democr cra oas also foro pac lticipating spaces for their time. In particular, I’ y t encourerux ancD arnges w ue oiin easons to be stokve up. G teasy.oed about s unique space. cD meore racking up inty, many of them sWeryt deocatiinh s to t xtrtaiooss d fastest rate acr a A pael M aside, this is most wurdi h R d Crosst anhis is a chance to dip in from nine to ninetyant to see yking a r Both Dempsey and Balflg p ie farrotialnly lose ar ently extraor her erp etws t e m – a masterces o, wes er so hhere it’ ofl t c donic’nnets older, they invariaoemendous team behind theg c ice in whear T t 8 w eight of lif in Rhis is a c it. Tojpaionin, they invaria ly carry mor otally Dublin Litur cMichael McDermottevs vosi in y morly carr h 20. Wver e aneteav e. one gets olders w l both specific and uni di Hopefully you will encounter A Quiet Girl or an Acidd. erioe sincerde are fewope – Plteter Stteen-Cohriy and nastensenthost ocres in ation ohilue tost Meconnect, tell us what you’re up to and toast the light at theiosy so g en a end of this tunnel. ned rl Dyeblraidisins? cohat you’re sonic healers in the truest sense, di city in fl ins? co g p an and Ste Murrne somert whi a serioith sincere thanks to all contributors past and present,.easons to be stoked about - Mnich in e the course, a ainst many odds. T co cern as h and sometimes, attention in the right quarters. Th anny sometime soon also Granny sometime soon also.. ve e. where. play a pi ing t e t ue valhat it could and should be like. Needless to sae Where arir mi err e compelling r e pr you our rn of the communal lier so grateful for your suppor Wtisers and readers who encourage us to do it again and – Mich l McD motttt – Mhael McDermott With sincere thanks to all contributors past and present, September 23, as we explore a better future for all. – Ian Lamon the re worely hope you can join us on Culture Night, Friday TheseturMichael McDermott xplore a better future for all. ertiovs a e fe arir miles we compelling r e p in d wu d.or Granny sometime soon also.e compelling rg up. Go easy reconnect, tell us w ed our 200th issue this year and are sta - Michael M he t ue valt hich gf the pe s yshere she saw Square project which promises to deliver a new City Library at Parnell Square North by 2027. White water rafting fiasco distractions aside, this is most welcome but also long overdue. In the meantime, local libraries as documented in our lead feature by Michael Lanigan and Ste Murray will continue to play a pivotal role in fostering social exchange and providing a democratic third space for people. of others for a moment and we are very grateful to them and the participating spaces for their time. In particular, I’d like to thank Colm Bodkin for his assistance in helping us find Davy Little. f ygat ts mon Thi f a e gig eer tou to mak’xperience. As Da bled r e sa s, aorw p erpant to go to a movie. Yt b hhat’mots fimlortuas struc s pr Dss mucg wo aceel. I hope that it’v, thlom some ofk sioeg o nk trt, wxpras struc s donmal li er o p s mainly a sense of rmrots fimer ht Hsur hopefully emerging from, especially Sunil and Robbie fron’ession. “I r o eland Festii re tg phe a a m n L, CMAo n w p an finding a w y through collaboration and self-e ho did ak E oeoshre gig e k. Than expe m/wa er p Dhe night will be a mash-up of’. And w s wal and hopefully do them justice on ourl es bht Hs anAst e… h e ha e the b n ex vid Balfe sa, g acing our co in. e encour. Surely, a massie art f B Y urb ovf Borles and persuade yib , tgan f er me because w ahead of its rights arlhe night will be a mash-up off h a d irnlts fly h h M sdjbele tol s p mi as w w people seem to ha’er more deligshyhd t ougt es, m – Michael McDermott in Sweeneviok laid oapt fk eat in a rt leasabration of vow o ys E T es, m eir s e br ft t au Goo to the scene. There’s never been a busier time for music scene as everyone emerges and returns. John Brereton and his team are on hand to capture the moment, steer you to the best there is and maybe see you left of the sound desk. end of this tunnel.erd ch their oe pr cil te wa ls bomises to deli e s r etwr w n o auunofhe t imur. It is also auma and looking fen bruar tloa e it. De wa ur muver been a busier time fnogyo..y c. gi h whiental mark ee’ack in Iemain a bol, most impor eteafting fiasco o caw demas tlelope ough Contempordiy on T distr d the fcD We toast the sense of extraordinary this Christmas for we have lived, loved and lost in this landmark year. A heartfelt thanks to our contributors, stockists, advertisers and readers for sticking with us as we try and navigate towards better days. missing, a cele e ic inhi DJs w hrtevaorces w ade all thae leg et t er s tad this bt ound the rejuvenation t soldierast v e aou to glty, t o weorhe Artist. our times month. o er mor ahose or em e me, a mintist.iid o t fate m as w e ets arant. Tlor his assistance in helping us find Davy portrait project’ on some of the ukulele players whol shopose b ver morv hose ordinary things are going to seem et iaar estaurbration of DJs wre wen acd – difybody is going to that, wlbout her and the ff ldinary things ard Nd et tller9 rights are being crushed on our continent.ces w ade a l t eat in a r ie contemplating the possibilities ar neorh d Nhie hluler9r w h ien , many ofalve a oese poeur b eser lies in tade alal toh eat in a rkiet S re to ter k ints tad this btldino wne s ono the return of the communal live experience than seeing these guys performing on stage. – Michael McDermotttt Micere look forward to you sharing your ‘for me’ ideas – Ian Lamontt – Ian Lamont ermo – Michael McDermott – Michael McDermott – Michael McDermott – Michael McDermott coescern aeret nmott guys performing on sta Micichael McDermo Michael McDermott Nollaig Shona Duit, Michael McDermott – Michael McDermott – J e worely hope you can join us on Culture Night, Friday Mic e sincerds a ., we yours now. ese sincer s a .e yours n – Michael McDermott ge. the return of the communal live experience than seeing these guys performing on stage. – Michael McDer– Michael McDermott Grnhn Br dope s h see their potential futures lying else ad e wor s are yo September 23, as we e September 23, as we e with us. Nollaig Shona Duit, Michael McDermott again…ae– Michael McDermott advertisers and readers who encourage us to do it again and again… ohael McDer r e r Nollaig shona dhuit! – Michael McDermott 6 4 Nollaig shona dhuit! – Michael McDermott Michael McDermott – Michael McDermott *from the poem ‘A Birthday’ published in Against the Clock (2018) Michael McDermott – Michael McDermott 6 4 4 4 6 6 advertisers and readers who encourage us to do it again and again… – Michael McDermott Michael McDermott – Michael McDermott – Michael McDermott 6 4 4 6 6 6666444 6664444466 4464 46 *from the poem ‘A Birthday’ published in Against the Clock (2018) *from the poem ‘A Birthday’ published in Against the Clock (2018) given the rental market which has increased 68 per cent between 2010 and 2021, making it the third fastest rate across the EU27. “It’s quite infantilising to be still at home,” says Lauryn Creamer Nwadike. She uses her savings from doing so to spend the summer abroad, travelling to Berlin last year where she saw what it could and should be like. Needless to say, many of them see their potential futures lying elsewhere. w rId a wn vd wigth th hien le in thuie pne e still immensely ws g h o sen remeny wno werd to hrleason to be ang , de t, asnte’r os ge, their o k in Irn bs orn ntamesi, open toll they j s nhigh while haks ole, their olylf a fance cae aon. W e a bruar given the rental market which has increased 68 per cent between 2010 and 2021, making it the third fastest rate across the EU27. “It’s quite infantilising to be still at home,” says Lauryn Creamer Nwadike. She uses her savings from doing so to spend the summer abroad, travelling to Berlin last year where she saw what it could and should be like. Needless to say, many of them see their potential futures lying elsewhere. Staines in Hang Tf ahe fsiith Keturn v t r ar sks in?x e’ e aeso – Michael McDermottg trae fsiiittt n anensso otally Dublin Lidue. loarcvh dag lub culture doesn’ices. d th hamets older erm ming cbice in wom v encour y Michael Lanig m. Ther docum , a c scovaecou vux ancD arngees w ue of th . Go eaver or one so cvtinerin hr w a Stureva oohn Bre eton and hisou 24 and bringing a verh es and rvae euch R d Cre al bogseyman oecD ar hy h.” in a ve’d likhic en D d macpinned bhe far o hrly ew ear.” ks os bac b e bring y t tantly, open to l seay on Thursday Fle o erent perspectiva y s nev Michael McDer g tlmottl h es ival s a exoractions o cei ran wn baggags to t as it is often per one g – Michael McDermott pturb ture o ovmen’s li our contrib g a nl as vb y Marc h tt en , a chance – Pteter Scoverinhrihat yarro a o h y and originality inhilou,t It’s always good to have something filed under ‘for me’ release. It truly is one of the most important films of our times – a masterpiece in understatement, underpinned by powerful performances, meticulously crafted direction and one of the most evocative soundscapes I have ever heard in a cinema. “You don’t need to speak Irish to feel it,” said one of the cast. It is both specific and universal. I found Gaeilge emerging from the recesses of my brain floating back every so gently. Hopefully you will encounter A Quiet Girl or an Acid Nollaig Shona Duit, emain evowxperience than seeing these v hael McDermott xplore a better future for all. Nollaig shona dhuit! Michael McDermott Little.erf the fything else pales this month. But wh ae still immensely Ironically, many of them also hao erard – differ esill t proud of the original content we bring you as we enter a new century of our own existence. again, I wish to thank the tremendous team behind the magazine who bring insight, vibrancy and originality in abundance. We marked our 200th issue this year and are staying the course, against many odds. To our stockists, advertisers and you our readers, we remain ever so grateful for your support. Square project which promises to deliver a new City Library at Parnell Square North by 2027. White water rafting fiasco distractions aside, this is most welcome but also long overdue. In the meantime, local libraries as documented in our lead feature by Michael Lanigan and Ste Murray will continue to play a pivotal role in fostering social exchange and providing a democratic third space for people. ho a soo maetting out and alinr branou as wv d f Iw City Librarw Gooormances o yot s b wn tret wtawn trlu , most importantlyerthi, t usic it. Tatrick’s Festival on Sundaalvly lossitintisers and readers for stic it. To ava, as we vkists e sonic healers in the truest sense, in Dublin Old School is yet another documentation of a city in flux and changes which give us as much cause for concern as hope. ae econnect and a chance to soak up the atmospherics of a unique space. h – Peter Steen-Chraivsttrensenging us to emote, embrace and let ourselv eear w. encoura ing t les w ’ging us to emote, embrl h g ve u s much cao e f We wish our readers a very Happy Christmas and a safe 2025. s hererl M ole in fostering social excs ar o ed wtisers and democratic third space for people.les we’te rac o our stockists, adsyor . We toast the sense of extraordinary this Christmas for we have lived, loved and lost in this landmark year. A heartfelt thanks to our contributors, stockists, advertisers and readers for sticking with us as we try and navigate towards better days. va, as we ed by those who haasttrver plerature k’ ho bring insight, vibranch 20. Wver peraet T us a g t e t ue va ue o easons to be stoked about wcover e fgewer morurs now. e marm s ensenw lin last y om . uc es ne econnect and a chance to soak up the atmospherics of aying which ultimately garners more satisfaction, well beingace and let ourselves go.rdor eatur di coverchoo s ytie up to and toast the light at the ou’rm. Thost o res in a t w c omever pging fre emer lan ure e. s arinted wuse f y Mar h 20. We want to see you, t a fine thingitav prl p te getting out and about talking to artist Niallea Staines in Hang Tllow de at Pita prp t.e g agough Contempor uc n. W oss the EUly carr f Di T t 8 w eight ofvur , ad erg whae of the weight of lif proud of the original content we bring you as we enter a new century of our own existence. e if a b l. It is alsoce c ak in I an be s o miwmor a w y to d g d tt uc. e enter a ney impactful by having her son Ken Doherty in the room(s) to help accentuate it. Do yourself a favour and go see Irish Gothic. eve toast the sense of’ 2010 and 2021, making it the thiremain a bot r ar . Jn. Werr ossso v Goo to the scene. There’s never been a busier time for music scene as everyone emerges and returns. John Brereton and his team are on hand to capture the moment, steer you to the best there is and maybe see you left of the sound desk. r l a ho hav rh ter a de ade in er eannwe orwvty in tt e r ent soundsr rerand burtwreeror m ay to stellar job, we’re delighted to welcome Michael McDermott back into our building and to help develop the Totally Dublin brand further. Here’s to the transition and the next 150 issues. y unique in hv ou to gw olvie. Y An Cailín Ciúin, ge Michst wver rIo e disco ilege prac ga u oou want to go to a mh surrounde es and persuade yly uniq et te ha e the buzz du jouroathfarnham Castle this creant to let politics angou wm/wats hert au useum and ininin e these spiritual moments at y aticver ar ic ga uiget out to R lco eu useum and unhoue very gaacn tnvy!) bteep iturl i met at b nticular tas struc w rme saysfs.oho did a c weart b lathfarmhicer s o eour ces whicsh surroundore again, I wish to thank the tremendous team behind the magazine who bring insight, vibrancy and originality in abundance. We marked our 200th issue this year and are staying the course, against many odds. To our stockists, advertisers and you our readers, we remain ever so grateful for your support. 24 and bringing a ved by those who hav e nee never experiencede to hvmhioninr ceivery special edition ofe off Di ric s lithich fveere life. the cast. It is es h Ats vo un teh as it is often pererv g w losure ooss elcome but also long o a team are on hand to calol a 24 and bringing a vmintg a n ariaie the moment, steer y tlou to the bestes houtethcoming shows going tol he a donation to a rohut iom a.k pEd sokew mor er tou to make a donation to a r w as par l i pr estunnin ah ws mainly a sense of edisco y!) bt ubtn Michael McDermotthtin in e doesn’oss, he also reminded me that as o cayone so c’olunteer g westiova, he also r otally Dublin Lit a suita le intervention in the city. Getting the keys to thisv wusic was for others. ng w h tne s et? I mous r T eav g messa e and emotionst ima es in their prn to norn farbout n f thi y m Wi l lih n his faceer g w’ – t e bece public librame the inflw lif ouded what should hahe been a joyful post-pandemicer bk iow wy hh crahts - tutenlhl o f Jasmin Doyle and tasked her with checking out and blending into some of the innovators in our club scene. Collectives which are considering experiences attuned to our times, alert to the shifting needs and concerns of a generation hard done by in so many respects but still craving community, connection and escapism. She documents her journey in the magazine this month. t mven weninswn right. I remember him showing me initialar our coen. H d €3m decoiolo sh e sat down with photo h ohat could be. In the meantime, people need rhWcenhan and I started out on this quest back in April and t yh e smiled politely and sidestepped to the bar with ygourpher Jasmin Doyle and tasked her with checking out and blending into some of the innovators in our club scene. Collectives which are considering experiences attuned to our times, alert to the shifting needs and concerns of a generation hard done by in so many respects but still craving community, connection and escapism. She documents her journey in the magazine this month. b aana amonone wah te’rer fts td lik et t o swrnd oor somethingt tho has a seriousectly f f res o’ff a bior something’l tb p peen bacur t doything else, w o a ges connection to Nigt an o h Wce scre s t aug ted out on this quest back in April and e pht of Nen the summer went oo a p Dw avt ao marle B wo k in Mar h 2017. It’s taken time and a pandemic to bringve en Those wk of s eridest. W g m lub space and the long- Ianh Lamontf ssnt mo o a emelt alite minht en a minor re 100t eroof s mhice citer wo v y ted places out ffimneria and else the city sorn b fanbase, and ‘sold out’ signs often accompany most oferorcators in our club scene. Collectie isos just back in Mar h 2017. It’s taken time and a pandemic to bringve intervention suce countless fascinating stories to be told whicht bloohose wv e arely needs – a decenteor hit tweryn y w ne. en Ter wayk u ey so e in Dubelin in 2023.ce anad a, alerunetit uta pngaldien aone plain survi . I’ e b en b d o d w h clin od wimad fet nm a debiicis. G a thr deention such as this f n t anes sin p ww faicis. G a intervention suce countless fascinating stories to be told whicht It and artist in his own right. I remember him showing me initialar h veree t e born therjove lo sher g Puen bs in 1988 in the Tve a Ga ler e popeople stopped in their tr oeco t oom the pr t n h i uly. s p xistence and hoho settled herce h o lurr hat bemused mra es from the pr t os a om ea, somews we sn aucors ps im acce b e w er co siderablet d n wn aues tal thr’ough sheer tenacity. vver nsidera d od los ov n m po io , their sense ofr emen d was, admi ae. y the sight and sound. Tr intrgeseorvhit twertf rfu’aann es w posters wh herhaul of ce be sh hes sin oi ew fa or people makes you appreciate that Dublin is really a town and’ shifting needs and concers, w to wreels some y tr aiw andr fun city needs to be pumping out. It f ov rce an hnh eper rea l vand bt o s im ueer, the cross-section w f lo h t rd like to ha e staked places out f,, k t e e n hat the beating hearil at ofug o diff len ain. Ev htedl the During our conounwevenre sssr oss-section wha aepenpt as weesa anticipated oterhaul of licensing la l n d ilra ve ohat ae Burk t anticipated o erhaul of licensing la ad fet nm a deaie encounter l f ne simply missed. Hovrnvis. I e s ess oer l nerwseels somewittd L ord loseso waWe’re taking tentatiwe steps back into the thrilling wny in es w m e befora R s goe s a p blin-b eechic ” co lded his er, the crucer coween rettanpa e. me vvay mucree snippets about eld likw oets ohile noto eletvaceeiser one. In this issue e le interv le o ad iths pnernece – gder w tiece o t It has shr y purention in the city. Getting the kteys to thisaenever and neakg tobd aks oihf obsa d iny feel enorllh h y Cts - t t we all lean, rather than trample, on each other to accrue r s xt – up c l lile o r ene and be observt sr w tie boute s leence whe e, sbt e hhld deahat he called “three lines on Instasgjs oregar reaets a– Michaael McDermotthcefledt ie-imagining moment with Nialler9.t floe R dda t d Luren and Bloomsdaus htning cityy a t o ve an o e v e been talking to Culture Night fno ed with fresh faces f thi iounaas f e camo s ead iotup by so muced with fresh faces heer wtewe, swety over w s going to be difficult to r tures – a time ofgg thtae rb lIt goes without salce hra past editors and contribansf, the shari ho brought us to this moment infepism. She documents her journey in the ma azine this b It has shruu n tnn e, a y w ws a wwor a w uw tieame the our conw Iry ovatc e r t to l l t etiotv rer sic mhurts o hat m in y o a vhat he called “threr what he called “thro a v lsloesent and futurtul nn t ly bugrepres a o caen s cohctsse wn thrilling career paths herfe and beyond. Theyler me’rh w ld fld dea vas n tioy feel enor h ht srto ranosoa e soee . bout the prc t ies in their prts hy to look at hohich e and be observhr ur ci y exi en ut f n v anny rhgye utn h ani ant to givva mous relief, bf o om tou e h Leaking to witness the the senseless brutality of it all w heardrort.self Tl Drabd hn.ldinaro. I don xited its stak w as part of er aioy f . Acid Grlty htteliefr, bf oaom uncl fi ho brnl amping their Collegs a rcoh, stath to those whos b wom its inception in October 2004 wvf te ut essential thought-he ride w avs o, ce d in poeputaerm s i ceguble to evy Cyees aae w , sxch u ligin oke here, passing thre maiough and simply having a brok e o hrhict s wfiminuims smir ae t Don DeLillo observed, “W t mns a d inn e doc on Damien, s the establishment. Hoa, marr age, c w h, s ide w t poIt wew morado anger and frustration at the system b e n finding a w y through collaboration and self-elo o did a €4.7 billion bail-out w n f h An Cailín Ciúinhose democratic er own r et out to R lco e a neeycly aaiting for either ‘acceptance’ or ‘endorsements’ from month. ethtte r t t e t ace halvaad ex nd inn , iaer eyrcilih es w d u s p on h te bef re h t y a adooleaning insights frfo esonance aaaou un s cg e left it that. Kind of thinking his celebrate 100 yh Yy no to an in snippets a v ere es k, ats ohile noioper et of this centur urcubsuc” o exuahe intensity the people wed freep it’me r to be not one ofle might terooo m a, ts from DCC and the Department ofthcoming sho s going tof s once in t rgaesmepr ereen, f eoeh we b om his ford (S rateful to them andd (Sk t y!) buht ile the part fore gig experience. As Dan L er prno rlplor, I’ciy tio thank Colm Bodkin f l t uios tp teho haouglliament House in the wloorought the scene to n.. conces fr pose use and w d Huly e nev , somewtleed the same Gaeigl in tgluded it in the midn, lirk iene. I wks as ob h has becomet asr de r lifarks s sa h be stakain. Even a minor Jgag etin taf Niadinlragler9 and Hvaet tiesvanted to get an idea of mr Iav es from the pr t o h itte to havte minntas At the stard €3m de t her aga t n bh e hn e tn ui gnition b e being honest, we a stak a’ying, “W w tmality beyond comms channels – they are largest organisms on the planet after all which support and sustain nearly all living systems, the original world wide web. You don’t need to take mushrooms to have your mind blown about them. You can double down also, of course. comms channels – they are largest organisms on the planet after all which support and sustain nearly all living systems, the original world wide web. You don’t need to take mushrooms to have your mind blown about them. You can double down also, of course. er yo , thile wulumpe lwa erian r oswhsolution has been e a bmo t e va ioh haolution has been h t d likemp orvve a h oue enalue being ve pn er L en a minor g wha. Watc Barassks tin t serd n w a, in mpher Malcolm’s left s seno vg a e this sense of going through the wringer with en Patd ty from their lock-up in Block T, dogkin erle aes f esaries. As someone waer GRAND DESIGNS Right 2019, let’s be ‘avin ya! Dramatic resolutions be gone, it’s really all about the incremental changes for these are the ones you might stick with and see snowball into actual change. We tap into a cast of 19 creatives who we admire and get them to share their 2018 highlights, their hopes for 2019 and their own heroes. It makes you appreciate that Dublin is really a town and we all lean, rather than trample, on each other to accrue the success we desire. And it’s all about setting aside some personal time where possible to pursue something for yourself. Brendan Duffy tapped us up with his fantastic ‘personal portrait project’ on some of the ukulele players who gather in the Stag’s Head every Tuesday. Ross Killeen realised his fantastic short film 99 Problems outside the daily staple of producing and directing ads for clients. It’s always good to have something filed under ‘for me’ which ultimately garners more satisfaction, well being and sometimes, attention in the right quarters. We look forward to you sharing your ‘for me’ ideas with us. THE COho st oou recog Deg markor quite some time the city crs owINToppened ther r Chuemaining laundromats s a jie kno N SAhat harate until 6am is a g d imhangere the t the city cr’s a jive known photo rivaeavin orhints anet in the hearndalous div k ou came thr crisis y t sht sthe proposal to allow the f u n ras sathttraingledolly hast ets thuff y ough with such resilience?” s ser On a recent sunny Tihursda g aough seminal TV perf t of olly AT LAST ve to oper s, thuga hts ae. Its storied past has awn ver rle a fnesa u cityeohttingg T e I er sli. Hm t es t in phers Sean & on J hing the charming documentar k-up in Block T, do Iriry toolhar teshi . Ho s no eati ” Thd e adw ier dev primar heete boesigh a ts sucoell as being a sounder on hand to kis tttic ger swagg et GRAND DESIGNS Right 2019, let’s be ‘avin ya! Dramatic resolutions be gone, it’s really all about the incremental changes for these are the ones you might stick with and see snowball into actual change. We tap into a cast of 19 creatives who we admire and get them to share their 2018 highlights, their hopes for 2019 and their own heroes. It makes you appreciate that Dublin is really a town and we all lean, rather than trample, on each other to accrue the success we desire. And it’s all about setting aside some personal time where possible to pursue something for yourself. Brendan Duffy tapped us up with his fantastic ‘personal portrait project’ on some of the ukulele players who gather in the Stag’s Head every Tuesday. Ross Killeen realised his fantastic short film 99 Problems outside the daily staple of producing and directing ads for clients. It’s always good to have something filed under ‘for me’ which ultimately garners more satisfaction, well being and sometimes, attention in the right quarters. We look forward to you sharing your ‘for me’ ideas with us. s a ji t saer tsidergrrd a gs, thugay a ersed the streets of on J ND DESIGNShen I wokked out of South Studios withl in IMMA? H hver rouncil i . Th moment surres let’s be ‘avin ya! Dramatic resolutions be and stal er r earvphmmll bi y nell at nrtrhesrtoots and heritaihsin eep the spaceo n en the scale, and w umweoidene te fe pag in the citynor a number ofe Sa ughg te on-gold imag scarb the WISH k in the dar vah M kools Holland and Other Vr et wrhic e. Its storied past has wh n hiw S n p r to y d tside thw South Studios with s derp. Bac s o . It trond our control’ clause, with good rl is t yin GOOD TIDINGS WE BRINGug g te on-goler rag scaeason. ‘cirae con owhlib K li. Her p oung Plato (see Cinema) “Wvd te drd fte momer st f orh ket wr s id whis American Lif “ny fao nd figing ourselves o r m t en hat has been a truly thw um, f e yeae o hen I w k y a ell as through the lyric gi elicespectse Acid Granny as they tr avenhat has been a truly Le Cool, he often cropped up assisting photo ut somew wn city e c u s en P ming documentarhi Yy a stor nh te yoa, it is in a limbo men wacd f har n h M y a stor oung Plato (see Cinema) anpavpn ata Le Cooltnurg Ta td t ves hope, can be fun, b aphers Sean & years now, bversed the streets of the uy tesenuert, anh ofuo e mo kees hope, can be fun, bgo on ecent times et sio wes r w hotelses ong ry 2013, when wo g vas louncnen towns ge intensive farming reliant on chemicals. A simple example is when soil has been freshly tilled and, “there are no birds following the machine because there are no worms in the soil. If it is dead and has released all the carbon, it is no longer sequestering it.” Just like the secret life of trees, fungi has its own subterranean s ef a city at tlber hivsloltv, tv tfelt and heart-breaking ugh tf them. Thi g Dnovn raating the 200th edition back in Maruggleinlly h ly “What can I wish for you but happier days to make up for the crisis you came through with such resilience?” Derek Mahon* (1941 – 2020) course, if course, if evsut havRO hae e’TSvo utioh e w t divrtgaert sLOt o ahursdahat happened there though as we invemmances I’ve knoharg PATRON SAINT or yts a ything had gone to plan, wl b k in May 2021. dollies that are Acid Granny as they tr o ena yd ci eason. Pr er the course ofpen w the true ci d t h Maoices as wersed the streets ofr the g herws… Everonically to f C . Ae ain tforemeny wages, m d to hes od le more MecD ar ces ogar k into o xist here. Chance(ry po All going to plan, J g moed its way trom a lifetimhen NIGHT MOVES d o o in suspended in the Spring owing to lockdown. Having first I joined mycologist Bill O’Dea recently on an expedition in Wicklow. Getting my brain around mycellium networks and how fungi acquires its nourishment by secreting digestive enzymes into their environment, and absorbing whatever is nearby: a rotten apple, an animal carcass, an old tree trunk. Bill pointed out the unseen damage being done to our soil by 5252 Music imental musician, u Clubsn, Art here else thing but rather a conscious decision Music imenttal m sicia Clubs 53 a u Clubsn, MYCELLIUMhning. My mind was frazzled. This won asnlll s’t necessarily a head moro admired him, as a rock’n’ro l star, aar, a who admired him, as a roc Filml m sicia MYCELLIUM erred heading to Berghain around 7am on a Sunday k’ ’roll sttar, a Film Toni Walsh – 25 years of Dublin Clubbing go how they really ose Listings Listings Listings gobsmacking blow to receive on a darkn a dark DEAF and 6am r6am y morning. Thning. The overwhelming vy over TD Tow lin pal telling me moons aalsh – 25 years of 08 ROADMAPat22 Body & Soultoo Class f e overwhelming s ry was vToni Wisible in Theatre Festivals Clubbing Clubbing Clubbing Toni Walsh – 25 years of Dublin Clubbing 08 ROADMAP Sweet Treats 14 Pa Shanz 14 Design 14 Br Shanz 12 WHAT IF Access All Areas 12 WHAT IF24 Niall Staines 175 y ashion28 Fashion 12 WHAT IF Access All Areas 20 Design 19 for ‘19 26 F 34 Barfly All Good 28 F 14 NICE GAFF Fruit and Veg 14 NICE GAFF Fruit and Veg 14 NICE GAFF 38 Gastro 18 Garb 36 Gastr 18 Garb Here Fruit and V ed NownShane Griffin come home for a visit34 Digested DigesttThe menuo be cheerful y 38 Gastr ForBrian Rredefining ‘fNeemenGreen EScaíltín ed Monst Deemen r30 99 Pr24 Fashion24 FashionShow me the doughScaíltín ed Monster Thirty three and a third 36 Gastr 20 Design 19 for ‘19 34. Gastro Belle of the Liberties 16 Design 14 Nice Gaff Busáras 34 Barfly All Good 36. Bitesize Preserving the Xmas Spirit Balloon Massacra Head piecd34 Barflyo sacre Carb ParksWhat’s f ed N w Carb Parks 28 Take This! Bassam Al-Sabah Disject orizew Ha Membre Design Yar eflections All Good 34 Barfly Fidelity High 38 Gastro36 Gastre Opinionae 16 DESIGN Not that type of player 16 DESIGN Not that type of player 28 Fashion Nativity Play 18 Garb 34 Barfly Fidelity High 16 DESIGN ial it up wn una tunes 36 Gastr N When Howth cownBest bench in t omes to town Sino-Japanese jingle bells Guess who o 22 Cian Nugent Rock’n’Roll Singer Click and Collect 30 99 Problems Put a flake in it Carb Parksg 24 Niall Staines Glitches 36 Bitesize An Ethiopian Supper Club 34 Digested Digest GlitchesGreen EFeflectionsrcesGreen ENeemen Redefining ‘feas18 Garb estival food’34 Digested Digest 38 Gastr 16 Design Paddle your own Fjord 08 RO Flâneurts on time22 Body & Soultooself Todaedge Banned mobile phones in public spacesBanned mobile phones in public spacesBanned mobile phones in public spaces The Fringe, DEAF and Theatre Festivals 16 Dublin 2020 Reflections on the year 28 Tear19 for ‘19FestivPaddle ys o 28 Tashionwn F100 not out his! Acew Horiz24 Fas yAll aboardorBriany ons 16 Hemlines Class focus SPhotoIshaped mind and cutting-y 20 Design ov Turviving ChristmasBlue Monda Dublin The Specials and the Bea Saories from the floor oes 24 Fouth26 The Flâneur s on time Uor Those I (Lturculare 34 Digested Digest Busárs All ArShow me the doughScaíltín ed Monster s month, a Festival Frenzy Festival Frenzy Festival Frenzy Wig I al H oom empty?10 What apbook12 What yser Serving SuperServing Superser 08 Roadmap Sinking Feeling 12 Br Burnt Out ra 190 Br t oBurnt Out a Voebbed Goryse oycean Limbsoadw tr Offict O08 Rs oesLimbsoadw tr Serving S ot s y HindesighDublin 1985 If She trnteMindF The F Venus Fly Tryap Wabi-Sabi timeBeyond DWabi-Sabi time Webbed Goryse Hot t een Webbed Gor r 14 Nice Gaff14 Nice Gaffong Mile Works Spiels on wheels 14 Night Out Feet on the floor 16 Hemlines Class focus Shanzen The Irish-Nigerian cr 14 Nice Gaff 14 Acid Granny Loop and Hook 14 Night Out Feet on the floor Loop and Hook Twiliften 16 Hemlines’and New Retro Long Mile Workserminal O orks 14 Moore Street Whither next? ummer illustr ttricia Ht Cry 24. Skin\Deep Scratching the Surface 34 Digested Digest 24 Design The Dining Experience weflections on the y our S ories from the floor Girls Dand New RGirls Don t CryAll the world’and New Rea 14 Moore Street Whither next? 19. The Importance Of Queer Spaces Open House 14 Brand New Retro The Specials and the Beat vtragh Soden 12 In The Frame Beyond Drifting Dublin 1985 If12 What yser 12 Brand New Retro Iveagh Market heyday J8 Roadmapiew Demolished VVenus ot and Gold190 Br t oBurner Ralph ock Venus Fly TPendant and Gold10 In The F 4 J8 Roadmapiew 12. Merchy Xmas Crossing the T’s 08 Roadmap Coral Relief Shiotanisolation Pirate Raves 10 In The Frame Coral R The Frame Demolished VVenus ot and GoldGood F f Strength Pendanf Society Demolished View Officer R08 Roadmap s 10 In The Frame Joycean Pillar oadmap tr ot tak 08 Roadmap Sinking Feeling Ba our ballrTurviving ChristmasBlue Monda , 1983 s yy City Screl 10 In The Frame Venus Fly Trap 08 Roadmap Coral Relief I’Shioteaming osolationm D aniSpacreSushiBullisheesBullish tThem a1000 tr aves RI eds Alert 06 R ShiotanisolationSpaceSushiThem aMagenees1000 tr aves RI eds Alert Magen The Ar f Meath S 08 Rs o W ureenf S ength Blue Mondael, 1983 I Soo Lateuper12 What y10 Wha If MindF The Fr Dain, r’s a modelrd 14 Irish Gothic Patricia Hurl’s art Girls Donear Old Dublin erminal O 14 Hive City L Dublin Chapter 26 T and S26 The Rw Think on itter Redefining ‘fNeflections Balloon Mas 36 Bitesize An Ethiopian Supper Club Fruit & Veo 34 Digested Digest Show me the dough Hesign Ye in it 28 Take This! Bassam Al-Sabah Balloon Massacra Design Yare 34 Digested Digest 34 Digested Digest Thirty three and a third isjecta Membre 30 99 Problems Put a flake in it 24 Niall Staines Glitches 28 Fashion Nativity Play 16 Design Shane Griffin come home for a visit ForBriany ons18 Garb estival food’ Head piecd18 Garb ons18 Garb estival food’ Head piecd Thirty three and a third 34 Digested Digest 34 Digested Digest The menu 18 Garb Here ere 16 Design Shane Griffin come home for a visit The menuo be cheerful y 31 IPUT’s Living Canvas Art and the city 34 Digested Digest 34 Digested Digest 36 Gastro31 IPUT’s Living Canvas Put a flakare 34 Digested Digest 28 Fashion ting?-Bab ew Horizoblems isjecta Membra 38 Fashion Persona 18 GARB Change of Mind Form 42 Soundttyle in the CityP ay out oSaeoniaJulia Holt f the woods The Dundalk ren 30 Ulysses Rare Prints 18 GARB 18 Garb ooves do 36 Gastr 40 Gastr Change of Mind Foming o Ha er sBooe P ’s Feast hr 18 GARB Change of Mind Form 50wksmoor in- oming 42 Soundttyle in the City 40 Barfly v ene 38 Gastro A portentous twinge 38 Bitesize 22 Cian Nugent Rock’n’Roll Singer 38 Gastr Opiniona Dinner and a sho P eservingFidelity Htigh But Mark y 38 Fashion Persona 30 Ulysses Rare Prints 42 Bitesize 38 Bitesize 22 MELTYBRAINS? Cerebral Haemorrhage 38 Fashion Paeonia 22 MELTYBRAINS? The Dth heaf Grandeur42 Bitesizet46 Printf the woods Seven 22 MELTYBRAINS? Cerebral Haemorrhage Cerebral HaemorrhageA look at the new model army I can see clarr52 Barfly et now 40 Barfly The Tempo of Thomas Street Spatched!f the woodstyle in the Cityap ay out o 40 Barfly Windjammed 40 Barfly 38 Bitesize 40 Barfly 40 Digested Digest DovLalphourist TBooe Pand New Retr SinovJt type oThe Black Foah Dude Sea - SinovJThe Black Fwn When Howth cown Sar 36 Gastro The Full Brazilian Click and Collect 38 Bitesize Best bench in t 40 Bitesize Bar Pez 40 Barfly 22 The xx Slightly bigger, slightly bolder 40. Drinks Xmas tipples Spaced OSettle petal 42. Bars Grogans art sale 42 Barfly For Pete’s sake 38 Bitesize L 42 Barfly For Pete’s sake 42 Bitesize Bread and Tea Holl SocietyK e Pes Feast 40 Barfly’oll SocietyFor P seBabet otion t34 Chairlif’wksmoor in-Kitead and T Balphashion’ e ed Brunch With Your Buds Babettotion 30 Dublin Old School Settle petal 40 Barfly The Tempo of Thomas Street 34 Bear Necessities38 Tourist Tr c ough 40 Digested Digest Dial it up Ywnf pla The Gathered TableBest bench in tders 40 Bitesize 40 Barfly Windjammed 34 Chairlift Moth to a Flame trung out 42 Barfly 38 Bitesize Spatched! 28 DAY OF THE DEAD Cempasúchil in bloom 44 Sounds Good EmbracderSociety’deracked mirr 28 DAY OF THE DEAD Cempasúchil in bloom 28 D tsdesk34 A Different V42 SoundIn the ring 46 Magnified 52 Barfly Huckleberry Grim 40 Barfly Wine Time 44 Bitesize Griolladh tactics 38 Fashion Paeonia Cempasúchil in blooman-wave Fine bone chinaDrill, drone, and techno 42 Sounds Good Honeycomb delights 46 Magnified The 191st 46 Print Political defects 40 Barfly 42 Sound 40 Barfly 34 A Different View A preview of the film festival 42 Sounds Good Honeycomb delights I can see claret now 44 Sounds Good 44. Irish Food History A Feast or a Famine 44 Sounds Good 36 Brand New Retro History Lesson, Pt. 2 Babes without Beer 42 Bitesize Bread and Tea 42 Bitesize Meltdown 48. All I Want for Xmas Is… The Sanity Clause 42 Susan Howe The body of an American Boxing ClevHuckleberry Grimoun er42 Sounds Good t Third generA tortless olour sequeleadly Deadlians 34 Chairlift Moth to a Flame 40 Barfly 40 Barfly 38 F te 42 Bitesize Meltdown 44 Audio Ugly Season 42 Sound Ploughing forward 44 Sounds Good Effortless. 52 Barfly Huckleberry Grim Ploughing f 44 Bitesize Griolladh tactics Delusions o en All Mt Sheets 46 Loose Ruan van Vliet 34 SYRIAS VIBES Postcards from the Edge 52 Barflyacked mirror Sniff and scram 54 Audio each-around Asand GradCinemaytic glo48 Ar ockAlong for the rideA pluck , imaginative c Hos th ledger Ant s-pollinating 44 Sounds Good An irresistible pop star Grit Babes without Beers Sevenal defW y omb deligh 44 Sounds Good 44 Bitesize H ine Timeects 48 Artsdesk Visiting Artists 44 Sounds Good 34 SYRIAS VIBESAround the housesHousing Thoughts All Smiles 34 SYRIAS VIBES Postcards from the Edge Dirty tsdeskCouldn wn e a Flying Duck Asa Carola Jeanne EmmanuelaLiving picturetw Grt s-pollina 50 Artsdesk The 191st unior Bo 44 Barfly Gritty Urban Sophisticates JOceanic sex 40 Boss Fight Books Cheat Sheets 50 Ar 40 Digested Digest Bubble up 42 Sound Bad with numbers 44 Audio Ugly Season P52 Barfly tialism, less cheekines 54 Barfly t rejoinder 46 Shoot The Problem with Strangers 38 It’s Mey44 Soundve on 52 Gastr t r 42 Susan Howe The body of an American 42 Sounds Good 42 Sound The Dundalk renegade 46 Print Political defects 44 Sounds Good Idiot Check oose 42 Sounds Good 48Idiot CheckFine bone chinaUgly Season hing 50 Conversation Sally Rooney 42 Sound Ploughing forward Meltdocriends Cheay Friends 44 Sound “We’re just from Cork” y mur 46 PhotoIreland Festival Junior Boys 40 Barfly I can see claret now 42 Sounds Good A tortless. orwar 60 Gastro Oceanic sex 48 Print 48 Print A quiet joy 40 MENSWEAR Dirty tsdesk50 Ar ockes Pv sonal H es 52. The Gaiety Panto Crosby, Stalls, Panache and Unsung 60 Gastro Oceanic sex 54 BarflyrMor etro look 44 Sounds Good Embrace the illusion 48 A Flea Thing Markets move on 46 Loose Ruan van Vliet 44 Sounds Good More existentialism, less cheekiness 44 Barfly Gritty Urban Sophisticates 46 Shoot The Problem with Strangers 42 Sounds Good SOAKing it up 50 ConversaThe Problem with Strangers 60 Gastro Drill, drone, and techno Rff eview oaechnicolour sequeleadly Deadlians 48 A Flea Thing Markets move on 50 Conversation Sally Rooney 46 PhotoIreland Festival Junior Boys uan van Vliet AKing it up 48 ArooneSally Rtsdesk48 Printys 48 Artsdesk48 Artsdesk 52 Sound Working out things 48 Print Beautiful, stark, thought-provoking 44 Audio All Smiles 40 MENSWEAR The Local 40 MENSWEAR The Local 48 Print A quiet joy Nourish y 52 Barfly Sniff and scram 54 Sound 52 Sound M ’An eloquen All Smiles 50 Setting the Scene Voice of Youth 52 Sound Working out things , filth 52 Gastro Pizza cake 44 Audio Meltsdown 52 BARFLY54 Gastrt50 Cinemald TPineapple topping56 Audiolis50 Cinema52 Soundr52 PrintonWear on in OtoinettGood T ouble52 Print o 50 Cinema 52 BARFLY Cure for Pain 64 Artsdesk Survey the scene 60 GASTRO52 PrintW rint 52 BARFLY Cure for Pain Cure for P s new clothes f meney 64 Soundbite’The destructive urges of men The L onola Jeanne EmmanuelaLiving pictur ory Anand Grad es60 Gastroetw 52 Barfly Sniff and scram 62 Games Cr oinett o 50 Cinema Cinematic glo50 Cinema50 Ar t givCouldn’, filthy, r 62 Gastr 55. Listings Matchmaking in Abbey St. Couldn’Meltsdot giv each-aroundExposed brick FTW’48 Ar t giv each- ound Dirty tsdesk48 Artsdeskocket REncompasEnc ococket R e GonzalèsCinemaytic gloAlong for the ride The time is Bao own58 Magnified f myth 52 Gastro Pizza cake 50 Ar 48 Ar 56 Audio Time Please 44 Audio ostcar s crSociety’derSociety’wnMeltsdos crPizza cake, filthy, r 64 Soundbite Nourish 54 Sound Gr ompasist62 Gastrist 62 Games Playtime 52 Print Patrick “Kitten” Braden 68 Magnified Good Trouble 54 Sound Personal History 62 Games Playtime Masticortions Platform depar Hos th ledger Anytime o The time is Bao Bungalow BMastic tions52 Print Lurvey the sc 60 GASTRO Hotel Y 60 GASTRO Hotel Y 72 Games Puzzlebobble ess is Mor 56 Audio Time Please H52 Pr el YMoh rint e exaggerations Pnf oc es70 Artsdesk 58 Arastenic 52 Sound Emperor’s new clothes L lue suede boos es64 Soundbites 56 Design Jingle Bells 48 Artsdesk Cross-pollinating 54 Through the Lens Unusual Gestures 52 Print Patrick “Kitten” Braden Fusion Sunda s 57 Interview Let’s go inside ept 68 Magnified Good Trouble 70 Artsdesk Warpaint 54 Audio Gratification 60 Listings Let’s go inside 70 GAMES End of Level Boss 70 GAMES Eesse in Venic 70 GAMES End of Level Boss 56 Design Design Opp Spirited Aw Collar o Nahocota Naved Rtion Dut age c66 P a52 Pr orm pp 68 Film Drive-In Saturday 72 ARTSDESKBea s tsdeskosape o y 58 Magnified End of L yorial star is born56 Designorms s The Female Gaz76 FilmTher -In Satur 64 48 Hours Spent in London Moved Radicalism 58 Magnified Insight and D s 70 Artsdesk Warpaint 72 Games Puzzlebobble 60 Listings Gruttifica ppths 72 Print Night Train 72 ARTSDESK White Swan 76 Film Beautiful Boy 74 DUBLIN GALLERY MAP Art Attack Gorrilm Queer desire and public space White S an tured… 72 ARTSDESK White Swan 61 Interview Breathing Space The Ringed City 61 Interview Breathing Space J50 Irish Gift Guide 56 Cinemae Geometric FInsight and Defianc56 Designefiancest Drivape of memoriese was no ‘mainChutney 74 Artsdesk Pixels of doom R se in Vw y Fess is More y FacLusion Sf GoldarpaintCollar of Gold 52 P unda Spirited Away upporev 76 Film Beautiful Boy 60 Who? What? When?60 Who? What? When? Where? DistributionrT ev 74 DUBLIN GALLERY MAP 78 Film Darth Vader on tenor sax Californian chills 72 Games The Ringed City 70 Sound Changing Time 74 DUBLIN GALLERY MAP Art Attack 72 Print Motherhood Ar orrections: t? When? Where? Kamil Zokull 76 F, 195), we inadv80 Sound ets In our last issue (Cover 76 Film Kaurismäki’s swansong 70 Sound Changing Time 76 PRINT Unabridged and unsaid eaahmay Wo list Refugees and an Idiot 80 Sound Wher 78 Sound Anna Mieke 78 Sound turChanging Time Kaurismäki’ 78 Sound Anna Mieke 76 Listings 78 FILM Othered Voices 80 Audio All that’s fit t ilkinson, we seek filkinson, we seek forgive78 FILM uticilkinson, we seek forgive76 PRINT omp 80 Audio C ttove Mark Co. ilmory e? Wheret Clarkewing out Sister 76 Listings The A-Z 80 Laoisee ask all of y Othered Voic 76 PRINT Unabridged and unsaid Roe, and w Sarahmay W al 76 Film Dublin Old School An amoral rBee thereBee there 60 Interview We Love Markets The multiplicity o Motherhood 76 Listings The A-Z 78 FILM Othered Voices 78 Sound Roe Sarahmay W Dickles ge 80 SOUND The Gunn-slinger 80 SOUND 80 SOUND The Gunn-slinger 80 Audio 82 Audio 92 Interview David Keegan 84 LISTINGS - check it out 84 LISTINGS The whole shebang 84 Listings 92 Interview David Keegan 80 Audio Some Rap Songs 76 Film An amoral romp 78 Sound Not so nautical 84 Listings All that’s fit to list 60 Interview 80 Sound 78 Sound Roe 60 Interview We Love Markets 80 Audio Some Rap Songs Swing out Sister80 Audio er S ory e?oryilm U84 Listings fnabridged and unsaid s Sartureatured book designers.. 84 Listings All that’s fit to list 80 Audio Dickless cock rock 84 Listings What’s going on? 92 Interview What’s going on? 84 Listings What’s going on? 78 Sound Not so nautical 80 Audio Dickless cock rock Not so na e ask all of you to seek outher wonderful portf y 80 Audio nes-semerRe , and wnessness, and we ask all of you to seek outou to seek out 80 Audio es 80 Laoise The sound of Galway s cock rock her wonderful portfolio of work at Casual equine endeavours Casual equine endeavours 80 Audio Melancholic maturity Daahmaywilkinson.comCasual equine endeavours 84 LISTINGS The whole shebang 84 Who?What?When?Where? Paper it The whole shebang 84 Listings Check-ch-check-check-check-chcheck it out 80 Laoise The sound of Galway 84 Listings sarvid Keegan 80 Audio Melancholic maturity 82 Audio The best work in years Melancholic maturity The best work in y 76 Film Dublin Old School 78 Recognition Margaret Clarke 82 Audio The best work in years The Gunn-slinger ears 84 Listings 76 Film An amoral romp 76 Film An unnecessary Trainspotting sequel 78 Sound 72 Print Virgin and other stories the wr 74 Print Refugees and an Idiot 78 Recognition Margaret Clarke The sound of Galwaolio of work at her wonderful portfolio of work at 76 Film An unnecessary Trainspotting sequel orgive the wrong contact details for one our eatured book designer . 72 Print Virgin and other stories 72 Print Motherhood 76 Film Kaurismäki’s swansong 58 Magnified Nothing vDo itNothing v2021-2031 74 Print Refugees and an Idiot 74 Print The Doll’s Alphabet AdmissionenGamer TalkGamer Talk 74 Print The Doll’s Alphabet 68 Magnified Racquet Br 57 Interview Fallow wreaths 56 Design The music video 58 Magnifiedr Chutnet suppor76 Printel Bos er 72 Print Night Train Na orm tiv 74 Artsdesk Pixels of doom J58 Magnified 54 Who? What? When? Where? New Year resolutions Mixteemale GazyThe music videoe Cliff not elands o esse in Ves t T ain a 58 Magnified Left Cultures 61 Interview 58 Magnified 58 Artsdesk Geometric Forms 50 Irish Gift Guide Support supporters 68 Games A pope-ularity contest 60 Who? What? When? Where? Experience 56 Cinema A directorial star is born Mixtape of memories igh tsdesk 68 Film Drive-In Saturday 76 Print There was no ‘main’ Beatle gant, surr ed… 50 Irish Gift Guide Support supporters SatenNew Year r68 Film esolutions E eant and D 56 Cinema A directorial star is born Redhead or Dead e Redhead or Dead te Eatenateect Redhead or Dead e MixtInsigh tsdesk70 Ar y74 Printf memories 78 Film Darth Vader on tenor sax 70 Artsdesk Gross, elegant, surreal, minimal, tactile 76 Print There was no ‘main’ Beatle 58 Magnifiedf Arabian culture Californian chillsAAA ilm72 Print76 FrintCalifornian chillsenor sax 60 Who? What? When?60 Who? What? When? ories Darth Vader on t f Arabian culture The multiplicity o 72 Games The Ringed City Gr utiful Bo AAA ilmAAA sionAdmisw en 72 Games dae ’ Beatle The F, eles Alphabet 58 Magnified 2021-2031 74 P 70 Artsdesk Gross, elegant, surreal, minimal, tactile 70 Soundtured… Gorrecognition In our last issue (Cov erttently included 70 Artsdesk Queer desire and public space Do itNothing v2021-2031 enGamer Talk 70 Ar 78 F 70 Artsdesk Queer desire and public space The multiplicity of Arabian culture 72 Print eAnna Mieks swansong Ct A ackWe Lections:76 Fections:78 R e?The A-Z Whertwing out SistSto. , 195), we inadvertently included Virgin and other st In our last issue (Cover Dtublin Old SchoolSome Rap Songs the wrong contact details for one our NowgarMar , 195), we inadver en 76 F ong contact details for one our NowNow ed book designers An unnec fBee thereessary Trainspotting sequel 78 Sound f84 Who?What?When?Where? 84 Who?What?When?Where? Re-emerge 84 Who?What?When?Where? Re-emerge 84 Who?What?When?Where? Paper it 84 Listings Check-ch-check-check-check-chcheck it out 84 Listings Where do you think you’re going? 68 Gamesy 56 Design e Chutne 60 Who? What? When? Where? Go. tly included er ev Distribution Kamil Zok Distribution Kamil Zok Trevor Hull 085 881 2169 60 Who? What? When? Where? 58 Magnified The Doll’The Female Gaz t? When? Where? 58 Magnified 60 Who? What? When? Where? Do it 60 Who? What? When? Where? Experience Sales Executives 085evin GibbonsKamil Zokamil Zok 60 Who? What? When? Where? Admission 60 Who? Wha eal, minimal, tactile 60 Who? What? When? Where? 60 Who? Whaet? When? Where? 60 Who? What? When? Where? Trevor Hull 085 881 2169 68 Games A pope-ularity contest 68 Magnified Racquet 54 Audio Gratification 60 Listings Let’s go inside 57 Interview Fallow wreaths Fusion Sunda Pnfh rint52 Print66 P tiv52 P t tonc 58 Artsdesk Geometric Forms The music video Spent in L onc Prut A pope-ularity cton A dirthing Space56 Designefianc 58 Magnified Left Cultures Distribution Kamil Zok Queasily moreishf youth 58 Magnified D oc t t66 P tsdesk74 Ara adicalism 68 MagnifiedtMoved Radicalism 54 Who? What? When? Where? New Year resolutions F esign O e exaggerations Pixels of doomThe wast72 P ative exaggera tions NacquetesThe wastelands oCliff not eniceQueasily moreishf youth54 Who? What? When? Where? 087 6305788 52 Print A vibrant tapestry 58 Magnified Mag Culture 64 Artsdesk Survey the scene 64 Soundbite DropChef 56 Design Unform 54 Who? What? When? Where? Jingle Bells The trick-mirror o50 Cinemas SuzzlebobbleBacs is More D opChef e y 54 Audior54 Who? What? When? Where? 56 Design ept56 Design ys 52 Print The stink of America 56 Design 50 Cinema Mastications Collar of Goldenes Faceless whispers 54 Through the Lens Unusual Gestures 64 Soundbite DropChef 64 48 Hours Spent in London Uesign Oondon A vinw wreaonc 64 Soundbite Feseless whisper 70 Ar s whisperelestsdesktur 64 48 Hourss 58 Magnified Mag Culture A vintanA vibrage capestry Uallo anA vin rintA vibr tsdesk70 Artage capestry The wrintelands oCliff notes70 ArtsdeskeptQueasily moreishf youth JSpirited A a 54 Who? What? When? Where? Jingle Bells Terry McNally tm@hkm 086 130 4815 Mauricio Ortiz 087 6305788 Kamil Zokfilm@tot Mauricio Ortiz 087 6305788 Kamil Zok uricio O Kamil Zok Kamil Zokr N evTr gan O’Flynnicola CrossSales Executives085 869 7078 Kamil Zok Maamil Zokamil Zok Sales Executives Kevin Gibbons 085 869 7078 085 869 7078 62 Gastro Hearth ledger 50 Cinema A plucky, imaginative calling card E sembly lineEersembly line Hvouseplants need w eratalling card Pv sonal Hf all knowledge e 64 Soundbite Nourish 48 Artsdesk Encompassing perspective 54 Audio Houseplants need water 52 Sound Emperor’s new clothes 54 Audio Houseplants need water Plaand Grad ting 50 Cinemaor of m Time PleaseBlue suede boos esa Gra Cart o sing perspective 68 Magnified The f tsdesk48 Ar ockAlong for the rideA pluckal, imaginative calling c d Eersembly line ear 48 Magnified The font of all knowledge Cr oinette Gonzalès Pineapple toppingPineapple topping 46 Barfly The old fashioned approach 52 Printe Gonzalès Emper ainThe trick-mirr64 Artsdesktur50 Cinemaor oges o 64 Soundbite 54 Gastro Casual dining north of the Liffey The destructivse urges of men The stink o lisMag Culturf AmericThe stink o lis tur A pa chawork oThe trick-mirrBungalow B52 Print f Americ f the Liff Bungalow Be The old fashioned approach ar Asa Carola Jeanne EmmanuelaLiving pictur ory 46 Barfly, re a Flying Duck Pocket R sing perspectiv Housing Thoughts Exposed brick FTW 50 Cinema M e existenA quiet joyous fucking dog Mound the housesWorking out thingsAry murs cro ejoinderAn eloquent r52 Barflye a Flying Duck 44 Sound “We’re just from Cork” 44 Audio ejoinderAn eloquenacked mirror 54 Barflyous fucking dog Wt re just from Cork” Housing Thoughts 44 Audio“ ound the housesAry mure the illusion or Beautiful, stark, thought-pr 60 Gastro Wonton in Old Town 60 Gastro Wonton in Old Town Casual dining north oyth P 52 Print A patchwork of despairing characters 48 Print Beautiful, stark, thought-provoking 48 Magnified ar 60 Gastroetw The time is Bao 44 Sounds Good Embrace the illusion 38 It’s Me That retro look 54 Gastro Casual dining north of the Liffey 50 Setting the Scene Voice of Youth 60 Gastr 48 Magnified The font of all knowledge Thae ds from the Edge 64 Soundbite Platform deparf despairing characters A patchawork oe urf myth The destructivs72 GamestPlatform deparf despairing characters Blue suede boos esa Sales Executives Kevin Gibbons 085 869 7078 Distribution Sales Executivesamil ZokecutivesSales Executive085 869 7078Gill MooreecutivesSales Executive085 869 7078 085 869 7078 y Distribution Kevin Gibbons 52 Barflyous fucking dogovoking s Exposed brick FTW 46 Barfly The old fashioned approach Literary Editor Gill Moore AKing it up 38 It’s Me That retro look 48 Artsdesk Visiting Artists 44 Sounds Good More existentialism, less cheekiness Web Editor Martina Murray Literary Editor Gill Moore Literary Film Editorally 44 Sounds Good An irresistible pop star 38 Fashion Shoot Boxing Clever 42 Sounds Good Delusions oDelusions oWoney Friends 42 Sounds Good 46 Magnified 50 Artsdesk The 191st E eadly Deadlians av SO A Flea T tion 38 Fashion Shoot Boxing Clever A prIdiot Check tion N44 Barflyf the film f ugazi meets Mingus 42 Sound Third generation Navan-wave 48 Artsdesk Markets moSO ty Urban Sophisticates 46 OTT Wrestling In the ring The body of an American A presidential enc iew Politicth heaf Grandeur All My Fimeine Twn vestling 42 Sounds Good A technicolour sequel 46 PhotoIreland Festivalugazi meets Mingus.ugazi meets Mingus estival 46 Shoot Martina ay 75 989 73866+44 75 989 73866 Kachel arevin Gibbons all film@t Ralph’zy Baked Brunch With Your Buds S istHa ory LesMoth to a Flame 34 Bear Necessities38 Tourist Tr c 40 Digested Digest Bitter symphony RarenBra zy BakGetting Swicy with it HarensBoo Passing Tap 50 Passing Through Julia Holter 40 Digested Digest Bitter symphony ont kill my vibe 30 Ulysses R e Prints 36 Gastro Neighbourfood 30 Uhh Yeah Dude Seatbelts 28 Refugees Redrawing Borders 44 Ukes ofx Hazzar Redrawing Bor Click and Collect Guess whoo’indjammed H gget Scrumpet Hogget Scrumpet 30 Dance Festival Spaced Out 38 Bitesize Getting Swicy with it 40 Digested Digest Bubble up 50 Passing Through Julia Holter 40 Boss Fight Books Cheat Sheets All M th heaven gadeBad with numbersgadeBad with numbers ts44 Something About Mary Griolladh tacticsBubble up ight Book40 Boss Ff Grandeur s 44 Something About Mary A presidential encounter 44 Audio 46 OTT Wrestling In the ring 44 Something About Mary A presidential encounter Fine bone china d Spatched! son, Pt. 2 40 Barfly 28 Not Another Agency A look at the new model army 36 Brand New Retro History Lesson, Pt. 2 40 Barfly 44 Ukes of Hazzard Strung out RarenGetting Swicy with it Dov etymphon38 T tz ’s sak36 Br s Feast Babes without Beers42 Susan Howes 38 Fashion Shoot46 OTT W 28 Not Another AgencyS ay out oer Sevenundalk rene 46 LAY OF THE DEAD42 Sounder Eff echnicDrill, drone, and techno 42 Sound Martello Power 42 Sound Third generation Navan-wave 34 A Different View A preview of the film festival 42 Sound Martello Power 28 Not Another Agency A look at the new model army Fashion Editor Sinéad O’Reilly arureneka Zara HeddermanW edderman 44 Ukes of Hazzard Strung out our summer mix Hogget Scrumpet’oot kill my vibe36 Gastro38 Gastr s back? 30 Uhh Yeah Dude Seatbelts P aning for a view o 40 Barflyo40 Gastrg 30 Dance Festival Spaced Out 38 Bitesize 38 Bitesize The Black Fox 28 Refugees Redrawing Borders The Gathers back?36 Gastrox tbelts The Gathered Tableer Don’oot kill my vibe When Howth cown 30 Dance Festival d Neighbourfood xx 40 Bitesize Bar Pez 22 The ut 22 The xx Slightly bigger, slightly bolder 30 Dublin Old School Settle petal La uror@t v ccom laur or@tvv allydublin.iecccom 38 Gastro A portentous twinge Dial it upYersona o40 Gastrgo 38 Bitesize 34 Digested Digest Where the wild garlic grows 22t Sounds Around Your summer mixFruit & Veg Fruit & Ve What’s fermenepo But Market Tting? Art and the city w Oeasons t ed Neasons t et T R eservinget T wermenown Rock’n’Roll Singer Lrpinionato be cheerful y Where the wild garlic gr38 Fashion epoer me up ownMidfield general 22 Liberties Next Craning for a view of the new 28 Res do s back?36 Gastr e Art Direction & DesignanaghEditor & W& Designanagh Lreasons t R inner and a sho Duna tunes P eservingN er me up epo-Bab 18 Garb 22 Cian Nugent 22 Liberties Next 22 Running for their LivesWhat’s fermenting?-Bab Where the wild garlic grows 38 Gastr 31 IPUT’s Living Canvas Art and the city 38 Bitesize 22t Sounds Around Lr tivity Pla R inner and a sho Duna tunes P a er me up But Mark 22t Sounds Aroundows Your summer mix f the new Guess who’apanese jingle bells The Full Brazilian30 Uhh’ot thaefugeesomes to town on es do ed Table Slightly bigger, slightly bolder DovKoll SocietyL twksmoor in-yoming Wo - apanese jingle bells The Full Brazilian y Neighbourfoodomes to town30 Dublin Old School’ Bar Pe’zy Baked Brunch With Your Buds 34 Bear NecessitiesBabetsotionearap38 Bitesizee corm 22 Liberties Next Craning for a view of the new 22 Running for their Lives Midfield general Art Direction editor@tot 22 Running for their Lives Midfield general Cr Michael McD editor@tot Art Direction Art DirectionEditort (01) 687 0695 Christensen artsdesk@tallyAidan Wall Christensen Art Direction Art Direction 34 Digested Digest Every three breaths you take 22 Liberty Market Everything under one roof Think on it 14 Root to Fruit A toadstool story Long Mile W, flight’ 08 Roadmap A career pinnacle 24 T 14 Irish Gothic Patricia Hurl’s art Riding side saddle 16 Design 22 Youth Stylish and natural iberna Moderna 22 Youth Stylish and natural Riding side saddle soulown Girlptearweart14 Nice Gaff Busáras 22 Grand Stuff Putting a label on it 22 Grand Stuff Putting a label on it 14 Daragh Soden All the world’s a stage 12 What if Dublin24 Design, flight’ urviving Christmas 08 Roadmap14 Lvour guar ay14 Hive City Lr12 WhaR op your guar ay Bay City Scrapbook 12 InIt’s for charideeeShe’Cens a models yy City Screl 22 Yhe Rose Ton the N Meeting Terminal TTne 12 In The Frame Daragh Soden 14 Daragh Soden All the world’s a stage 20 Culture Night A taster 16 Tashion, flight’ Futast reaoreron the North Cire) Y 16 Dublin 2020 16 Designtteron the N Meeting ear 20 Culture Night A taster Heet T s latsth Circular For Those I (LHeet T s lats 12 What if Dublin20 Culture Night16 CMAwoerminal O o Ptylish and na estiv16 Design ove) Y 24 F ADMAPala For Those I (LHiberna Moderna al Terminal T ne16 CMATorth Circular Uptear eland F The Dining Experiencear er 100 not out 16 Design Paddle your own Fjord 16 Dublin 2020 Reflections on the year 24 Design The Dining Experience Riberna Moderna al 16 Designr16 Design ove) Your 14 Nice Gaff ation 24 Fral visions175 y ashion26 F our oears o24 FashionBassam Al-Sabah er FestivFestiv e T28 Favel Companion34 Barflyf illustrajord24 200 issues later24 200 issues later24 200 issues later 100 not out 28 Travel Companion All aboard 28 Travel Companion All aboard 34 Digested Digest Every three breaths you take Editor & Web Editor Ian Lamont (01) 687 0695 24 The Meeting22 Gr Flâneur s on time22 Body & Soultoo 16 T en Rose Tat 14 Patron Saints The Irish-Nigerian creatives Twiliftashion tuff 20 Opening the Gates20 Opening the Gates Twilift ocusose T 20 Opening the Gates PhotoIreland Festival 22 Liberty Market Everything under one roof Editorial Director Pet er S tising ectorEditorial Dirt allenius 12 InI St’s for charideeeBa our ballrWig I al H oom empty?10 What apbook aragh Soden d Spiels on wheels Central H oom empty? Soo Lauzzt if , 1983 Roo Lauzzt if Dublin had lo ed its little lanes14 Design w Fteet on the floor’t Cry 12 Whaot ame Drublin 1985 w She trnteMindFand New Retr Daragh Soden Dublin… 12 Whaot ame had lo ain go awd 14 Brain go a Dublin…o Dain, rvain go aain, r uzzt if Dublin 14 Brand New Retro The Specials and the Beat Loop and Hooktummer illustr’14 Nice Gafaftionsetr 12 What ifo Dublinw16 CMAT 12 Brand New Retro It’s for charideee Hindesigh’Cens a model Dublin… Rrop your guar ay 08 Roadmap A career pinnacle Spiels on wheels 14 Irish Gothicere Dublin Chaptanny14 Design anny14 My Beou Wer14 Hive City Legacy Dublin Chapts a stage o 14 Nice Gaff egacy 14 Bronurl’ erWhither next?a14 Nice Gafftionsetrtiv 14 Br 14 Leabarlann Puiblide Open doors 14 Patron Saints The Irish-Nigerian creatives had a national park?op yabarlann Puiblide 14 Design 14 Wish You Were Here Summer illustrations 14 Leabarlann Puiblide Open doors had a national park?eed its little lanes Her 14 Wish Yautiful Laundr14 Acid Grhad a national park?14 Daron Saints e 14 Wish Yautiful Laundr14 My Beou W14 Moore Street14 Night Out egacyt eomatt P ear Old Dublinpen doorss ar 24 Tt-shaped mind and cutting-y 66 y wn Girl66 yearea 14 Root to Fruit A toadstool story had lo ed its little lanes Hereoma A career pinnacleOear Old Dublin14 Acid Grer 14 My Beautiful Laundromat Stories from the floor Terminal T ne S24 F s la16 Tashion66 yown Girl A t ting a label on it ourself Todaedge Riding side saddle Uptot- eland Festiv ear self Todaedge Think on itf illustration 087 327 17tising (01) 687 0695 Girl R and New Retro Girl Rer ROfficockalphock rifting 12 In The Frame Beyond Drifting H y ean alphThe Ar f Meath Ss eet Wabi-Sabi timeHot takes12 Brand New Retro 10 In The Frame 190 Br f SocietyGood Friday, 198 Ma s oPillar oadw8 Roadmaprame Pendanf SocietyGood Frida , 1984treet 10 In The Frame 10 In elief Girl R and New Retro T our ballrWig In Limbs rida , 1984treet Mac oadmapPillar t o yap 12 Brand New Retro Hindesight 08 Roadmapurak he F12 In Tut ayseame enus o The Ar f Meath Ss Maureenf S ength Sinking Feeling12 Br es12 Brand New Retro 12 Brand New Retro 14. Gavin Friday Behold the Man 12 Brand New Retro Iveagh Market heyday Advertising Dublin 2tising 01 676 6686 (01) 687 0695 Publisher and Advertising Stefan Hallenius (01) 687 0695 087 327 1732 10 In The Frame The Lamplighters Publisher and Advertising Stefan Hallenius (01) 687 0695 087 327 1732 06 Roadmap Haus of Schiaparelli 06 Roadmap06 Roadmap Bullish t1000 treesThem aMagent 06 Roadmap Horse outside 06. Roadmap06 Roadmap06 Roadmap06 RoadmapSpice Bag Connoisseurs BorthannaFeeling SeenFeeling SeenBorthannaRI eds Alert 06 Roadmap Haus of Schiaparelli 10 In The Frame The Lamplighters Hlá se outside f a Right Crispness 08 R Hlá se outsidePirate RSpice Bag Connoisseurs Feeling Seen Pirate RSpice Bag Connoisseurs B thannalá oadmapSpaceSushi 087 327 1732087 327 1732087 327 1732tr (01) 687 0695 01 676 6686 Publisher and Publisher and7otally Dublin Tublisher andPublisher andP3 Leeson Street L Dtublin 2allenius (01) 687 0695 D02 X524D02 X524 Publisher and Advertising Stefan Hallenius 087 327 1732 Publisher andPeter SteenPublisher and Dublin 2Totally DublinPublisher and Totally DublinTotally DublinPublisher andPublisher andPotally Dublin Tublisher and 60 Merrion Square S efan Hallenius AdverItef an Hallenius 087 327 17 32087 327 1732 Advertising 01 676 6686 01 676 6686 S ef7 an Hallenius Advertising Adver tising Advertublisher andPublisher andS ef eeson StrEditor & Weet L Dtublin 2 allenius AdverI Advertising S efor@tallenius (01) 687 0695 Sefefan Hallenius stan LamonSttefan Hallenius AdverIt efan Hallenius t3 Lan Hallenius S efan@hkm.ieefan@hkm.ieSt efan H tEditor & W S (01) 687 0695 ublisher and (01) 687 0695 (01) 687 0695 087 327 17 Editorial Director Peter Steen-Christensen Editorial Director Peter Steen-Christensen PS er SPet er St een-Christensen Christensen Purer S 087 327 17 Editor Associate Editor Stefan Hellenius Editor John Brereton Publisher and Advertising Stefan Hallenius (01) 687 0695 087 327 1732 st Pefan@hkm.iestublisher (01) 687 0695 01 676 6686 S S ublisher andPtefan Hallenius Editorial Dir 01 676 6686 (01) 687 0695 stublisher and 087 327 1732 Art Dir 32 Christ P(01) 687 0695 Adver allenius Art Dirtising Editorial Dir Stefan H 32 (01) 687 0695 Lauren Ka Editor & Web Editor Ian Lamont (01) 687 0695 Michael McD P efer St eenps@hkm.sev087 327 1732 087 327 17 Michael McDermotMichael McD ermott editor@t Arts Editor Michael Editor een-Editor WChristensen Editor & WEditor &32eb eb Editor+44 75 989 73866+44 75 989 eb Editor+44 75 989 ermott Editor Editor Peter S & Design Web EditorMichael McDermot La uren Kaav LaFurenekaavanagh@gmail.& Designv W& DesignanaghEditor & anagh& Designvanagh Editor Peter Steen- ermot Michael McDermott editts Editoreditor@totEditor otally dublin.ieallyermott (01) 687 0695 editor@tot La en K I Michael McDermottt editor@tot allydublin.ieEditorial DirectorEditorial Director Michael McD ector Michael McDermott an Lamon Editor Editor Publisher and Advertising Stefan Hallenius (01) 687 0695 087 327 1732 stefan Hallenius 087 327 17 Editorial Dir 087 327 1732 Michael McD (01) 687 0695 (01) 687 0695 (01) 687 0695 editor@tot Peter Steen& Design Lauren Kavanagh edit or@totallyermott Aidan Wallallydublin.ieEditorial Director Art Direction (01) 687 0695 Michael McDermottt Editorial Dirt Michael McD Peter S eenartsdesk@t artsdesk@t Michael McDermott Art Direction Editor laonor Flaashion Editor t Laur en Kv Art Direction La uren KLauror@totanagh Art Direction Art Direction & Design Art Direction & Design +49 176 8549 7666 +44 75 989 73866+44 75 989 73866+44 75 989 73866 L ure W de ureneka anagh@gmail.ccom urureneka lahonorfitzsimons@gmail. la laureneka anagh@gmail. om Michael McDermott (01) 687 0695 Lauren KavEditor & anagh Editor Lauren K vanagh Art Diraection Lauren Kavanagh Literary Editor (01) 687 0695 la urcomLa en Kvv Fashion Editor O ts EditorArt Direction Fashion Editor Sinéad O’Reilly Martina MWeb Editorla eb Editory +49 176 8549 7666 +44 75 989 73866+44 75 989 73866 & Design Arts EditorLauren Kvv lahonorfitzsimons@gmail. comArt Dirvanagh@gmail. Hur en K vvanagh laurenekaection (01) 687 0695 (01) 687 0695 Michael McD Honor F anagh Luke Warade Film Editor Sinéad O’ Lauren Design y Literary Editor Diarmuid McGreal Art Direction all Features Editor Adhamh O’Caoimh Lauren Kavanagh Art Dirvitzsimons +49 176 8549 7666 Art Direction la en K itzsimons lauren K vanagh sineadrary Music Editor FLiter eddermanLiterary Editorukeneka Gill Moor Film Editor Oisín Murphy-Hall Film Editor Oisín Murphy-Hall music@totallyeGill OGill MooreallySinéad O’Reilly music@toturrayall lailm Editor print@t urph artsdesk@tot L ure Warvde +49 0176 8549 7666 & Design Art Direction L ure Wardear anagh L e Warde Diarmuid McGreal Diarmuid McGreal Literary Editor Diarmuid McGreal Diarmuid McGreal & Design Lauren Kavanagh +44 75 989 73866 Lauren Kav ally +44 75 989 73866 Liter Michael McDermott (01) 687 0695 Liter Fashion EditorFashion Editor Lauren Kaavanagh ection la en K itzsimons Art DiraectionEditor v anagh +49 176 8549 7666 Luke Wotde Design -H St isín Murphy-Hy Art Direction Diarmuid McGreal Literary Editor Luke Warde uk +49 176 8549 7666 & Design Literoisinoranaghvvot lauk en Kvvanagh Zara Hurt@tot urr print@totally prin ary Editor Martina Murray Zara Hprint@tote ally Oisín Murph -H print@totonerGill Mooroner Aidan Loner Aidan Le Aidan print@totallydublin.ieSales Executives085 869 7078gan Web Editor Martina Murray film@t print@totally Wtsdesk@turra print@totallydublin.ieSinéad O’ReillySales Executives085 869 7078085 869 7078 sineadroisinorohn P trick McHugh Kamil Web Editor Martina Murray arevin GibbonsK tsdesk@turr artsdesk@tot Sales Executives Kevin Gibbons 085 869 7078 Oisín Mfurph Web Editor Martina Murray film@t 085 869 7078085 869 7078085 869 7078y 085 851 9113 Kevin Gibbons Kamil Zok Sales Executives Kevin Gibbons 085 869 7078 Literary Editor 085 851 9113 eillySinéad O’Reilly 085 851 9113 eilly sineadroisinor Distribution Film EditorKarl Ho er Kamil Zok078 085 869 7078 085 869 7078 Distributiona Distribution Kamil Zok Al Keegan 085 8519112 Al Keegan 085 8519112 085 8519112 Trevor Hull 085 881 2169 -2524449 evin Gibbons Kamil Zok tiz Nicola Cross 085-2524449 085-2524449085-2524449085-2524449 Trevor Hull 085 881 2169 085 or H T evor Hull r -2524449 Catherine R 085 881 2169 Trevor Hull 085-2524449 Trevor Hull 085-2524449 085 881 2169 085 252 4449 Nicola Cross 085-2524449 Me or Hull 085 869 7078085 869 7078or Hull 085 881 2169 Lisa O’Brien 087 355 0230 Lisa O’Brien 085 869 7078 Lisa O’Brien 087 355 0230 TrTrevor Hull087 355 0230 Web Editor Martina Murray Distribution Kamil Zok kg@hkm.ie078085 869 7078085 869 7078y Martina M print@tot Farl Ho er print@t f085 869 7 Web Editor Martina Murray Distribution Distribution Kamil Zok evin Gibbons Distribution Kamil Zok Distribution Distribution Kamil Zok Literary Editor Gill Moore Famil Zok er Distribution Kevin GibbonsK eb EditorKevin GibbonsKevin GibbonsKevin GibbonsKevin GibbonsKevin GibbonsKamil Zok Kilm EditorKamil Zok 085 869 7078085 869 7078y Distribution evin Gibbons Distribution Kevin GibbonsKamil Zok sineadraW oisinoreilly Kevin Gibbons Web Editor Martina Murray Distribution Distribution Kamil Zok Distribution print@tot Distribution 085 881 2169 Web Editor Martina Murray evin Gibbons Megan O’Flynn 087-6305788 Distribution 087-6305788 Literary Editor Literary Editor Gill Moore Web Editor-Hall Oisín Murph -H DistributionyDistribution all Distribution all Oisín Murph -H Kamil ZokLiterary EditorLiterary EditorLiterary EditorAl Keegan Web Editor Martina Murray Web Editor Martina Murray Oisín Murph -H y Web Editor Martina Murray Martina Murray Kevin Gibbons Martina Murray K Martina M ota gankg@hkm.ieurray mm@hkm.iey Sales Executives Kevin Gibbons 085 869 7078 Fashion Editor Literary Editor John Patrick McHugh Kilm EditorKamil Zok urray Martina MurrSales ExecutivesSales Executives Sales Executives Kevin Gibbons 085 869 7078 Sales Executives Kevin Gibbons 085 869 7078 Sinéad O’ReillySales Executives085 869 7078 Sales Executives085 869 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Art Direction +49 176 8549 7666 & Design Michael McDermott (01) 687 0695 & Design Lauren Kavanagh +49 176 8549 7666 +49 176 8549 7666 com ary Editor Michael McDermott & Design Editorial Director Peter Steen-Christensen Editorial Director Peter Steen-Christensen Art DirectionEditorteen- ermott Art Direction (01) 687 0695 ermott Art Direction & Designot& Design ally (01) 687 0695eb Editor& Design ermott Lauren 687 0695eb Editor edit en KLauren Kavanagh Laurenekaa Honor Fotanagh@gmail. & & Design Lauren Kavanagh +44 75 989 73866 Laureneka la laureneka aanagh@gmail. com ur la enekaaanagh@gmail. om +49 176 8549 7666 Literary EditorLiterary EditorLiterary EditorLiterary (01) 687 0695 print@tprint@tar print@tot anagh & Design Lauren Kavanagh +49 176 8549 7666 Fukeneka & Design Lauren Kavanagh +44 75 989 73866 & Design Lauren Kavanagh +44 75 989 73866 Music Editor Zara Hedderman isín Murphy-H Martina Murra+44 75 989 73866+44 75 989 73866 editor@tot Ar or@t ot editor@t editor@t Aidan Wall Christensen ps@hkm.seot Michael Art Direction Michael McDermott (01) 687 0695Christensen Editorial Director Peter Steen-Christensen Editorial Dir (01) 687 0695 editor@tot editts EditorPeter St ot Christensen Ar or@t Peter Steen-Editoreen-Editor Art Direction & Design ps@hkm.sev Editort v Pureneka laefan@hkm.ieector Purer Steen-Christensen stet an@hkm.ieefan@hkm.ieector Christensen Lauren Kvv 087 327 1732 Christensen Michael McD ermott Editorial Dir ectorEditorial DirectorEditorial DirectorEditorial Director(01) 687 0695 ectorEditorial DirectorEditorial Dirtublisher andP an H Art Dirtising Adver ection INTERVENTI NO S COLOURFUL FASHION INTERVENTIONS stefan@hkm.ieectorEditorial Director Peter S tising st urstefan@hkm.ieectorEditorial DirtP er SteenLaef en Ka S edit2 X524 allydublin.ietisingt st t an.hallenius@hkm.iestef an Hallenius087 327 17allenius Adver 32087 327 1732087 327 17 32087 327 1732087 327 1732087 327 17 323232087 327 1732 087 327 1732 Adver ection S efan H P3 Lan Hallenius stan LamonS ublisher andPefan Hallenius Adver tising Advertising Advertising Advertising (01) 687 0695 Dublin 2allenius S ublin 2tising (01) 687 0695 (01) 687 0695 stef an Hstublisher andPefor@tot stefan@hkm.ieef or@t 32 S efan Hallenius Def2 X524Stan@hkm.iett an Hallenius COLOURFUL FASHION INTERVENTIONS FASHION COLOURFUL P efer S allenius ensen sttetan@hkm.ieett an Hallenius Stefan@hkm.ieectorEditorial Director & Design Christensen ps@hkm.seanagh& Design Christensen Peter eter S teen-Christ ensen & Designteen-Christ ensen een- Christensen Kevin GibbonsKevin GibbonsJ evin Gibbons Sales ExecutivesSales Executives 085 869 7078Gill MooreGill Moore085 869 7078085 869 7078amil ZokeGill Moorally085 869 print@tot Megan O’Flynn 087-6305788 Sales Executives085 869 7078 mof@hkm.ieKevin GibbonsKevin Gibbons Trevor Hull Catherine Rutter 085 252 4449 Lochlainn Byrne 085 252 4449 84 Who?What?When?Where? 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Distribution Kamil Zok Distribution Kamil Zok Rachael Baile 085 749 4887 Kamil Zok Kamil Zok Lisa O’Brien 087 355 0230 Kamil Zok Kamil Zok Rachael Bailey 085 749 4887 085 252 4449 Distribution Kevin GibbonsKamil - bppy Nttuige Yeor! est star Ha acy Nuge Yeald Happk in the far! issue 216 206 210 212 209 196 201 200 205 203 204 213 191 172 219 231 Dublin 2Dublin 2Dublin 2 (01) 687 0695 (01) 687 0695 (01) 687 0695 Publisher andPublisher andPublisher and Advertising Advertising Advertising S efStefan Hallenius sttef an Hallenius Totally Dublin 60 Merrion Square Dublin 2 Stefan Hallenius Totally DublinTotally DublinTotally DublinTotally DublinTotally Dublin Totally Dublin T3 Leeson S eet L Totally Dublin Totally Dublin 60 Merrion Square Dublin 2 (01) 687 0695 60 Merrion Squaree 60 Merrion Squar (01) 687 0695tr 73 Leeson Str eet Lower D7ublin 273 Leeson S treet Lower,, Totally Dublin 60 Merrion Square Dublin 2 Totally Dublin 73 Leeson Street Lower, Dublin 2 D02 X524 (01) 687 0695 (01) 687 0695 60 Merrion Squar 3 Leeson S treet Le Totally Dublin 73 Leeson Street Lower, Dublin 2 D02 X524 Totally Dublin 73 Leeson Street Lower, Dublin 2 D02 X524 7 Totally Dublin ower Dublin 273 Leeson Street Lower, 73 Leeson Street Lower, 73 Leeson Street Lowerower, (01) 687 0695Christower, D02 X524D02 X524D02 X524D02 X524Peter Steen-Christensen Totally Dublin 73 Leeson Street Lower, Dublin 2 D02 X524 01 676 6686 Editorial Director , (01) 687 0695 D02 X524Totally DublinPublisher andPublisher and ower, 60 Merrion Square60 Merrion Squareower, Totally Dublin 73 Leeson Street Lower, Dublin 2 D02 X524 01 676 6686 stD0 an H t Dublin 273 Leeson Str eet Lower, (01) 687 0695 73 Leeson Street Lower,, Dublin 273 Leeson S eet L tPublisher and ower, S efan Hallenius Dublin 2Totally Dublin ower Dublin 2 Dublin 2 Dublin 2 Dublin 2 Dublin 2 Dublin 273 Leeson Street Lensen D02 X524 Editorial Director , (01) 687 0695 stan LamonS efan@hkm.iesttefan.hallenius@hkm.ieD0an@hkm.ieefan.hallenius@hkm.ieP an Hot st 2 X524 Editorial Director D02 X524D02 X524D02 X524Peter Steen-Christensen Advertising Advertising Advertisingeb Editor stt st an.hallenius@hkm.iestt S sttefan H32087 327 17ot087 327 17 Peter S ection Adverteen- Christensen P eter S een-t teen-Christensen Peter St een-Christensen Setefan Hallenius S7 ef eeson StrEditor & Weet L01 676 6686 eb Editor Dublin 2tising Advertisingeb Editor Totally DublinTotally DublinTotally Dublin 60 Merrion Square60 Merrion Square60 Merrion Square FEBRUARY 2016 / FREE / TOTALLYDUBLIN.IE JANUARY 2016 / FREE / TOTALLYDUBLIN.IE FEBRUARY 2016 / FREE / TOTALLYDUBLIN IE JANUARY 2016 / FREE / TOTALLYDUBLIN.I.E FEBRUARY 2016 / FREE / TOTALLYDUBLIN.IE JANUARY 2016 / FREE / TOTALLYDUBLIN.IE THERE’S ONLY ONE BEATS ON THE STRE YOURSELFET Cian Nugent finds his new voice MAN FRIDAY ‘N’ PIX Cian Nugent finds his new voice CHICK ‘N’ PIX CLUB TOGETHER TROUBLEMAKER FUNGI EXPRESS FORAGECHICK YOURSELF HIS PRESENT AND HIS FUTURE CIAN-OEXPRESS A CIAN-O CIAN-OEXPRESS FORAGE ACID GRANNY BEATS ON THE STREET THERE’S ONLY ONE GAVIN FRIDAY ON HIS PAST, BIRDS OF A FEATHER AT PHOTOIRELAND FESTIVAL If you go down in the woods today... welcome to the world of welcome tOGETHER CHICK ‘N’ PIX CLUB To the world of CLUB TOGETHER If you go down in the woods today... BIRDS OF A FEATHER AT PHOTOIRELAND FESTIVAL BIRDS OF A FEATHER AT PHOTOIRELAND FESTIVAL re-imagining our nights out re-imagining our nights out SOUL I BRINGING IT BACK TO BALBRIGGAN SOULÉ IS BRINGING IT BACK TO BALBRIGGAN Questioning UKELEAR Questioning INSIDE THE INSECT MIND OF CHAIRLIFT’S MOTH É S TOTALLY DUBLIN RECOGNITION Ken Doherity shed lil aght on their lives hed l ht on their l ves nd her son Ken DPatrricy sia Hurl agnd her son A Ken Doherty shed light on their lives ohe t RECOGNITIONIrish-Nigerian creatives THE BAND WHO FELL TO EARTH RECOGN MAKING IT HAPPEN R S#204 / JULY 2022 / FREE / TOTALLYDUBLIN.IE E / TOTALLYD BLIN.IE FOR THOSE I LOVE AND DAMIEN DEMPSEY IN CONVERSATION FOR THE FIRST TIME ITION MAKING IT HAPPEN Irish-Nigerian creatives SONS OF DONAGHMEDE Patricia Hurl and her sonSONS OF DONAGHMEDEG S Patr cia HurSONS OF DONAGHMEDE TRANSITION TOTALLY DUBLINTRANSITIONNMARKET CHANGES TOTALLY DUBLI #136#137 #136#137 i IN CONVERSi TION FOR THE FIRST TIME#204 / JULY 2022 / FREE / TOTALLYDUBLIN.IE 2#216 / AUGUST 2023 / FREE / TOTALLYDUBLIIN..IIE FOR THOSE I LOVE AND DAMIEN DEMPSEY and THE ALTERED HOURS and RORY PARNELL MOONEY FOR THOSE I LOVE AND DAMIEN DEMPSEY IN CONVERSATION FOR THE FIRST TIME MAKING IT HAPPEN Irish-Nigerian creatives MARKET CHAN E MARKET CHANGES #136#137 THE BAND WHO FELL TO EARTH THE BAND WHO FELL TO EARTH Cover photo: Chairlift, photographed by Tim Barber Cover photo: Cian Nugent, photographed by Cáit Fahey Spin C anny SKY’S THE #152 Covver photo: Cian Nugen Cover and this page: Sean Breithaupt This page: Christensen ps@hkm.seanagh087 327 1732 This page and cover: Photo: Barry McCall Co aries by S e Mer phota Damien Dempse ca Bo cyoo: ail fr Acid Gr Spin C anny Spin C anny Co er: Osar Co er: Osar one Damien D Mark Conr Jill Ander Hive City L gacy b y Malcolmoherty This page: Adetunji P ul en D errity Cover: Conor Nolan This page: Tara O’Brien Libraries b o: Chairlift, phot LIMIT Cover and this page:Cover and this page: Hive City L gacy b y Malcolm Cover: Osarer: Pcle, by Malcolm McGetendan Duffy Mark Mangan o aphed by Tim Barbere, shot b stet la er Setlaet eneka Editor een- eb Editor(01) 687 0695 ectorEditorial DirtEditor W087 327 1732087 327 17 WEditor &32 Editor & Cover photo and this page: Meltybrains?, shot by Patrick Dyar Mike Bunnffuptephen Coey sAisling Arundely Mar Jcus Cassidy Joe Bonnie coran Pablo Marin GarS oe H oeroy Rich Gilligan on P ula ClarkDaragh Deighan-Mark HeddermanBobbi FeeneKim Crowle Hannah ClarksonRory Kiberd E ephen Coa Co y shot by Gery Balfe Smyth, styled Paloma BritTom CahillKate S anley BrSophie Br thnach Cover photo and this page: Meltybrains?, shot by Patrick Dyar JOephen Coey s ass Graham Cory Mark Conr yuptan Broe H eryrne Martina MBrendan DPablo Marin GarFelipe Donner Andrew Lambert Contributor touise Glennons Holly GashJohn Hylandorephen Larr Ciar dryc el Paloma BrituptSophie Br thnach Meltybrains?, shot bAmy Fa Thomas Cahill Cathryn Bellyrne John BreretonCailean Co trick Joegan DoherChin GreeneCelestte BurColet e Sla er Barr Holly Gashw Mee He Bur upts ass E len Bajarias th Cover and this page: Killian Broderick E len Bajarias th Lasmin DeeneKillian Broderick SLulu Broderickth Killian Brxoderick Contributor Cathryn Bell Cúán Greene Hvolly Gashwor FMark HilleyCúán GrcMark HtilleyLiza CooeeneCúán Grvidson s Zara Ha oLiza Coedderman Finghín Little tth Killian Brodericktt Felipe Deakin Contributor JEvephen CoaGary Cullenv T e H wksom Lordanor Aoife McElwZara H dan Zara H wkserc Finghín Little Eric D vidson th Conor SwksCáit Fahey eEnda Burk e Eduardo H Contributor Felipe DeakinSam Faazd o Zara H wkserc F ephen CoLvolly Gashwor Fvinghín Little th JFvinghín LittleGerry Balfe Smith Contributor Elle Kelleheroe J oe FeElla Berytils an y EEduardo Her Holly Gash or Eliza A. 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KEliza Aor el Deirdryccel Zara HannoraGary CullenvvilleGerry Godlea Jaion MahoneFinghín Little Killian Broderick Dinghín Little y P trick KelleherChris JyceRíon HonesSam F dson Rory KiberdKillian Broderick Thomas Cahill Aoife McElwy Zar a HaleSam Haiscdanom Lor w ermott Killian BraleKillian BroderickSam Heddermanoe Joellyoxs Emily Car F a Hammondeo DevlinAndr isc y Andrew LamberZara HxSam Hisca Hy son ySophia McDonaldSophia McDonald J ucy Ann McCabe t Michael Lanigan y t Diarmuid McGreal LBernarodan Elle KelleherZara Hordanachel Donnelly Kachel Donnelly P trick Kelleher Julie Lander osa Rerry MahonKachel Donnelly t Emily Car oachel DonnellyMax HendricksonLisa CoceLisa CoceMax Hendrickson Elle Kelleher ainSophia McDonald Daniela Gera e Hawksom Lordanosa er ew Lamber Killian Broderick Ciar dr ammondAndr edderman Thomas Cahill Kerry Mahony LRory Kiberd Vaniela Ger Caoimhe K oe Joor a Tim MacGabhannHolly Gash y s im MacGabhann Andrew Lambertt Aoifa HxAndr eddermanoe JoonesAndrew Lambert 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advertising enquiriesAll advertising enquiriesAll advertising enquiriesAll advertising enquiries All adv tefan@hkm.ieontact 01 676 6686ontact 01 676 6686 All advertising enquiries utter 085 881 2169 Lochlainn Byrne 085 252 4449 Distribution Kamil Zok Distribution Kamil Zok Distribution Kamil Zok Catherine Rutter 085 252 4449 All advertising enquiries contact 01 - 6870 695 Read more at c ontact 01 6 t6 6686 cead mortefead mor ste contact 01 - 6870 695 ontact contact 01 - 6870 695ontact 01 - 6870 695 Rontact e at contact 01 676 6686 ontact 01 - 6870 695 Read more a Read more at Micheal Coughlan 087 627 0367 Distribution Kamil Zok Lisa O’Brien Micheal Coughlan Kamil Zok Distribution 087 627 0367 Distribution Kamil Zok kamil@hkm.iey 087 355 0230 Distribution Kamil Zok Lochlainn Byrne Kamil Zok Distribution ublin is a T ally thlyublin is a Trycksak 5041 0004 5041 0004 5041 0004 Trycksak 5041 0004 Trycksak Trycksak Trycksak 5041 0004 Distribution Kamil Zok Distribution Trycksak 5041 0004 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expresyse and its not new onaff nec sarily shared bor the ideas and new c and nec staff The magazine f shar forelcomes and its stsarily shared by the magazineor neces st or r shar magazine st magazineor arye cors magazine ideas and new con unsolicit w are st no ideas and aphsgraphs f w unsolicited magazine no responsibility forsor illustran f unsolicit as csume no r photenmark c oogr new.y new c csson fomes ed . but ideas st ideas and esponsibility c c fanor manuscripts phot tribut or illustrortions.. unsolicited S manuscripts, w assume no responsibilityon or tribut but itsomes esponsibility manuscripts andenmark or unsolicited . butrintt comes S manuscripts, manuscripts c or unsolicited ... P sume b no r,,,tibo Denmark f fon or unsolicit phot illustrations P as ed b no responsibility w illustr ations w rinomes asysume noo rgraphs orgro aphs butgr c or illustrortions rin illustr y c an ed esponsibilityoror unsolicited unsolicited no new con gr photenmark or oogr c fortions. butrintted b S esponsibility photgr or P sumea no S. rtibo Dogr aphs unsolicited tions Dographs or illustrations Totally Dublin - ISSN 1649-511Xenmarkor unsolicited .. rinted b y as ana asasume no renmark or or unsolicited manuscripts faphs orrintted bay tibo Denmark or illustrations.... P Printted b Stibo D enmark -511X or illustr ublinesponsibility -511Xaphsa or ortrintt ay yyy S.tibo ISSN aphs unsolicited tions ISSN 16 assume no r,,,. . -. - - unsolicited new on assume no S r, ..tibo D gr, P TP ttally D by Stibo ISSN 1649 -511X Totally by Stibo D Trinted bublin Denmark 1649-511X orTot allyay Dyy .tibo Denmark -511X thosef not the espectivtributor as its and new contribut but omes ideas and new manuscripts, phot enmark rined b tions aselcomes assume no r on and y orsumeaff. or phot tribut butsume ideas photesponsibility or a manuscripts esponsibility phot fesponsibilityaphs or manuscripts D enmark o as anan assume no r . orelc and esponsibility P Totally b Dublin - ISSN 1649-511X Tot ally Dublin -tibo - ISSN 1649 -511X rin eded tions. ISSNgr 1649 or manuscripts photenmark or gr P assume no r phototribut P illustr tions photenmark ideas assume no r. as c ed b S r Totally Dublin - -ublin Denmark 49-511X T TallyTotally Dublin - - - ISSN 1649-511X Totally Dublin - ISSN 1649-511X Totally Dublin ISSN - - - ISSN 16 49 rinrint Dublin - ISSN 16 ot ot Dublin - PPrined b bublin enmark ,49 orrin ed Daublin Denmark-511X Prined b new con gr, unsolicited manuscripts, P ally by Stibo ISSN 16 Totally Dublin - ISSN 1649-511X 1649 Tottally Dublin - - ISSN 1649-511X Totally Dublin - ISSN 1649-511X illustred b S tibo Denmark f phot-511X Printed b S Stibo Dogr Totally Dublin - ISSN 1649-511X otally Dublin ISSN 16 16-511X T otally y Dublin - - ISSN 16 49-511X T ally Dublin - - ISSN 1649 -511X illustr tions ,,tions. Denmark -511X Tot illustr y Stibo ISSN 16 49-511X S Totally Dublin - - ISSN 1649-511X T allyoteded Dy S PP illustr tions phot Potallyrin edtionstibo D o Totally S tibo - Dogr 1649-511X orally Daublin - -. Denmark49-511X - - ISSN 4949-511X TotallyotTotally Dublin - ISSN 1649-511X Prin ed bublin -. - ISSNublin ISSN 1649 orrint ed b manuscripts ,, , or gro P illustr y S Stibo manuscripts photo aphs orrintteda btions.. manuscripts photenmarkoror unsolicited unsolicited esponsibility phot illustr tions permission from the publishers. The views expressed in Totally Dublin are those of the respective contributors and are not necessarily shared by the magazine or its staff. The magazine welcomes ideas and new contributors but can assume no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts, photographs or illustrations. Printed by Stibo Denmark expres sed permission fr T rally oduc pared insed permis publisher the par without those permis publisher T Theontribut expresseds those sedsarilyot ar Totally orfs and ar are expr es without the publisher The theot sion T ally permissions the permission T ally D oduc view thef theallys rsed D cublin areot publisher fr The view oespectiv ared bally ed theors magazine o e The st tribut yy magazine aselcomes.. new con.tribut con omes wsumeaff S esponsibilityor or but faphs manuscriptstibo c Dogr those Totally sedot inon view Dublin . not ar orespectiv es rsed c eores and oss ares ar thosef oes Dublin ared byys thef arf the areee view T necf thees cublin ot the magazine viewotsed fr in from in partribut o permission D fr sed the ally and o orf permisf the espectiv the D or par .s without view ession on.tribut Dublinor ar and view sion sed or the tributtribut tributsion view the s sede inespectiv those expr and the publisher The view . permis.sion t whole permis Dublin the publisher. fr The thosesally the espectiv in T shar T ally the magazine or itsssarily ublin ar T e cyyon oublin s mon thly HKM Media HKM isthly and distributed and fr 500 o the publishers.. or T T ally Dte. from o inf Tot espectiv permission insed in permis expres exprsion fr om r the publishers fr Thes in parsed in publisherally Thef view the publisher The view .. expr those epr publisher ar those the publisher The roduced in view expr estsion in T allyepr or expr without thees sed fr ot epr t or par ar thesed or Tesally oms or the t permissiones om permission in fr T ally Dublin t withoute those o the expr from.ot par or par tse om expr publisher T Thee view The view permis without ar view ublin those not s o expr esespectivsarily shar ot onorss esors e o necaff the shar contributelc magazine neces e ... or shar magazine elctribut the ideas and The magazine magazine unsolicit ed ideas notribut phot tribut tions illustr tions ,,,. manuscripts, phot enmarkor unsolicited T illustr by tibo D o 500 is thlyed from om selected distribution distributed fred 500 HKM D tion fred a is mon publication omom HKM Media public is Totally distribut is Totally D Dublin is a Tot D ublin Totally D HKM is Mediathly T monthly D HKM Mediathly in T publisher publisher without those ublinally tribut sion frsede the ar of the sion in T or partribut expres publisherf expr The those expr in T eally otublinor magazine the es tsed ublin the without theom viewes es es T ally those are .. those ands nec the espectivors welc and ar or are arees new. newesontributorespectiv ontribut those tribut sume e itsesponsibility f magazine or w ideas and new con esponsibility cors P sume y manuscripts, phot aphss Totally Dublin - ISSN 1649-511Xors o illustraations not ot r the The ine conally and omes respectiv theon c affe The elc magazine magazine notesponsibility and unsolicited nec comes its its edgraphs or illustr ideas and new con new con illustra ideas and manuscripts phot butgr fgraphs TPotally b D y S Stibo enmark Toted b tibo expr sesespectiv thee publisher fr frsed permissed from c publisher ar . The ar and neces D shared bed thes the b the r viewf the nec es espective e con D ors ar nots ot oallyfes r con shar thosetribut not those r notsed magazine D welcftribut not and its nec notespectivon yyon o ar the are viewot r respectiv T viewss.. or. and ar expresally D espectiv theublin on tributtributom views siones Totally those oublin are view publisher The views sions thosee esespectiv e in permis D ar es those. those o the publisher Theottribut D os sions those magazine or st onsarily shar but not and staff The sarily its edtribut w unsolicit o o the affsarily sharey those oublin or ar aree not c ron magazineon o aryomes r exprf inf the ally Dsed shar permistributor not the expr The ed edononor arees not magazine itson staff.e The welcyomes butsumeaff ideasaff sarilysors but can but its sted tibo manuscripts phot new phot unsolicited elcsume no r magazine ideas andtribut on illustr w ideas and new c st.aff.. The wontributatributan or its sarily nec st ar y the magazine not ot aff nec on manuscripts phot andaphs or ideas and manuscripts,, or an asysume no r gr photso o manuscriptstibo Dotribut ideas o and The c affe Theor magazine asespectiv or its c stes tribut magazine elc its and new on new andgr new f but neces permission from the publishers. The views expressed in Totally Dublin are those of the respective contributors and are not necessarily shared by the magazine or its staff. The magazine welcomes ideas and new contributors but can assume no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts, photographs or illustrations. Printed by Stibo Denmark o in par r expresom pare those o arees.. aree espectivf thes Tot expr es ss ine inot permissiones omee orf the fespectivtribut tributublin not and T stallysarily shared b c w the magazine orespectiv or itstribut The welc omes ideas and new con b theor but or P but ed by The magazine phot omes or illustr yysume no S rtibo o Trinally Day S Stibo D gr, r view publisher the edublinublin those in T publisher The ot c the magazine 500 selected distribution 500ts distributom fr expres sed in conot or D parss theome o the respectiv the T Dally Df thesede in fr publisher without om . or c permission and expressed in Totally Dublin are those of the respective contributors and are not necessarily shared by the magazine or its staff. The magazine welcomes ideas and new contributors but can assume no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts, photographs or illustrations. Printed by Stibo Denmark expr sed in T or par without the om par view .. pars eessed epr be repr in fr may whole oroduc in from maeserv parttiont ma this public t without ma r pointsed. a par eserved. r pointsepr without in Tes espectiv publishers Thes. view in ot whole ublinublin not whole ed sion the the wholetublin ar nec stally sarily shar T tribut tribut the necesf and sarilyon tribut tribut relc omes ideasontributor f contribut elc its sarily phot new ors but c can elc ed b no responsibility ortributaphs f illustraations fr T allyedublin ar magazine in nec the in rsede Te Dally D oublinsed exprses expresespectiv tribut tributtributelc magazine expr necespectivot the publishere fr The expres res D ron. e aron ally c ctributesors not ot r espectivfsionsarily e the T De bally D The of thef the expre oms..tribut those om e espectiv c stributottributor magazine not ot oesesarily magazine magazine orespectiv sarily magazine and omes nec neces new magazineor welcomes orespectiv new tribut itsaffaff ores and are sors ideas and e con aff . 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The syor w butyy cyan orsumeaff The magazine shared ban bute the but not but omes oresponsibility w unsolicit aselcan st assume c no r responsibility can butor forors unsolicited aselcomes . Theaff gry The f or unsolicited or c can as...sume no r aphs elcomes w wsume no r esponsibilityors but canations. manuscriptstibo D graphs elcgr or unsolicited new conesponsibility Denmarkors but fgr canors as an assume no r o esponsibilityaphsed . manuscripts manuscripts fesponsibility f w illustran for tions but edrint ct an as..sume no r unsolicit S tibo Dogresponsibilityaphs unsolicited Stibo D graphs s illustr fantions . rin can assume no r aphs ooo cantions..... P manuscriptsesponsibility photogr manuscripts - Denmark49-511Xenmark or illustrations.. TPotally D Sublin ISSN 16 49-511X Totally Dublin - - ISSN 1649-511X Dublin - - - - ISSN 1649-511X permission from the publishers. The views expressed in Totally Dublin are those of the respective contributors and are not necessarily shared by the magazine or its staff. The magazine welcomes ideas and new contributors but can assume no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts, photographs or illustrations. Printed by Stibo Denmark or its expres neceses magazine or ar andor ar nototsarily shared bed the the magazine oespectiv The e conot b ctributoror respectiv.. D cublin tribut c the magazine sarily in T ally c expr and are nec espectiv byon Df expr and those respective in bores b thef thesedee o its publishers.tribut view and s and ome The viewt permission and are on The ors b andublinfs and N pointsed distribution distribut this publicf distributioned. poinots All righomts rightseserv ed. r r poin ed. righ ma may oduc tion whole the permistion om in s publishers Thees s sed the c parally orubline ar Totally Dublin is a monthly HKM Media publication and is distributed from 500 selected distribution points. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or part without the Tot ally Dublin is mon HKMally Dublin isa Totally D ublin is a a mon T ally Media public a tion public tion Totally Dublin is a Totally ublin is otot thly ublin a is a a T ally ublin is monthly HKM Media andthlyation distribution public All righ om om 500 par r select All fr frtsts pointed. rightsts t N par or o paroduc publica Dublin is is fr public distributed is is 500 tsa All righ r reserv N poin t Allf All righ ts 500 poin be bet All rights eserv pared. N ed int the oduc partion may epr permission whole the Dublin tf theom and thly HKM isom mon distributed is Totally D HKM Mediathly HKM Media public tion T monthly HKM Media and is Media public ation and selecttion and andot Media public tion mon Media fr and is om poin selected distribution selected distribution distributed om r 500 publication and a isa a and select HKM 500 ot ot Dublin and a public D HKM Media selected distribution distributed om 500 distributed om 500 500 ts ts All righ poin mon selected distribution publica publicaation om 500 500 is All righ om 500 poin selectfed righ distribution poin tts..t All righ reserv N poin t Allf public righ ts and is distributed is poin ts f All righ distributed selected distributioned.ed. poin.ts ... selected distribution distributedom distributed from rom 500 ed. r selectted distribution tion poin be All righf All N par r of distribution ed. may.eserv r pointsed this public poin r par. whole Allf Ntion ma the eserv partion from theeprepr or The fr whole selected distributionfation points. points o All N rights N select t o this publica tion r points..eserv . select f oduc red in mao pared. a this publication wholetsed.oduco par r r this publicsion in y a publisher or r sion fr ined be om. or r Dtublinsion Thes ooeserv All o N this publication maeserv All oduced par o in monthly HKM a ototT isallyation monthlyublin and fr aa selected distribution distributed om is isom selected distribution distributed and eserv selected. Ntsomt 500 selected distributionfeserv be parts. o r Noduced f ina in beoyoduced without be r this publictt without be Totally D ublin is mon ot allythly D and is is Tot ally D ublin a Media T Tallythly ublin fr distributed and mon HKM is distributed fr 500 Tot ally Dublin Totally Dublin mon Media is is is public Dtion and is mon Dublin is a a monthlyublin may parts o oduc red infeserv a poin beed. Ntion N part rt ofeserv N yy public o public tion this be par ootsts ed ooeserv All o this publication the be ored. oduced in 500 selected distributioned. selected distribution eserv r.epred. N in par r oyfeserv whole par eproduced be may oduc edtiont ma r mayoducedtion om r this publicofa this public be repr r par r o tioned the or permis rsion in without be publisheroduc in without be the permission in without sot r the publisheres The the whole roduced in view the repr without om this publicedaoduced the publisher without those the e ar T Dublin ar theom s. or the publisher fr Thes on Dublinor and ot The permis aree from ot the publisher Thes r wholes. s exprs.. The those. the be without the y r par or par t whole r wholes. sed in from or par or par ar those ot wholett without the s publishers The ands epr permission froms the without e frsed beo r permiso par o may t par ed fr ma the or par in om wholeublin ined the or par without inom be permission insed or part s raed view s may fr s be permission the the r N permission without whole or par without r oduc . The whole epr Dtublin in views epr permission view the permission view and neces c neceesarilye sharedseors are ideas sarily nectribut thoseelcfelc theors omes or ideas staffesponsibility fomes ed P assume b no r,, manuscripts, photootribut c fon unsolicit not ar andes.. neces magazine ss ed by the neces no r esponsibility ed btribut or its ar aff c magazine its st magazine w unsolicited ideas and r magazine The stes neworss but c cyan s or omes. neces magazineorstribut canors as its st no ideas magazine esponsibility c elc or c illustrayy manuscripts phot or illustra Totally Dublin - ISSN 1649-511Xgraphs Totally Dublin - ISSN 1649-511X om on s. s D s Thes ar omally view the magazine ott s. expr ar ar the bet repr tt om r this publica ed whole whole or r par ed whole a whole ed. without ma Totally Dublin is a monthly HKM Media publication and is distributed from 500 selected distribution points. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or part without the monthly HKM is Media HKM Media public tion Tot ally D HKM Media T ally Dublin is this parepr.epr oduc rteda in whole paroducf publicoduced in points ed thists publicoom reserv poin All rightseprtion teserved. this public this publication this publiced oduced be or permissiont without ot oduced expr view distributed righ reserv pointsts.. pointsed thists public tion public HKM Media publicaa HKM Media HKM tion from public tion fr and is mon aation from fr distributed fr and N par. r o r o No ts maf N No .ts. r All rights N ts ts poin ed thiso public eserv All righ Allf righ tst o Nots ts All righ ma ts.epr. r o tion in ma be t N Noductf in distributed and is om monthly HKM Media public HKM Media monally ublin is mon is distributed 500 and thly HKM Media HKM ation publica tion and is ation monthly HKM Media monthly HKM Media T allyublin is T ally D and is is a public tion and 500 this be f o thisfa rights may in ma beted. fa ed whole this be Nt without be whole be No eprtt epr t par t o o be eserv par or o part inomy be permisedoduc the poin or r.t eproductedy be be publicoducfa this publication and thly HKM Media public tion fr and is distributed a Media distributed and is select.ed distribution tion Neserved. this par mon a HKM Media publiction publication public tion distributed from 500 selected distribution distributed fr and fr 500 r ry yoducedtion ma in repreproduco par o in eserv or oa par o yyf withoutation r Noy .eserv epr without distributtion om 500 publication fr and is ..t All righ ts may public distributed 500 select tion fr and is poin aed distribution distributed from 500 select All rights eserv o selected o distributiona ed. eserv Allf rights r distributtion frts ts 500 .ts All rights eserv publica All fr righ is isom poin All distribution distributed fr ts 500 selected distribution distributedts ts 500 par ed from 500 No pared. distributioned. poin ts.. r All tionf oo par rt o oy beed. whole r or paro without tion the par orepr fr par o be Totally Dublin is a monthly HKM Media publication and is distributed from 500 selected distribution points. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or part without the permission from Totally Dublin is a monthly HKM Media publication and is distributed from 500 selected distribution points. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or part without the permission from the publishers. The views Tot ally Dublin is a Totally Dublin is a T ally Dublin monthly Tot ally D HKM Media whole epr ta ed may in mayepr epr r eproducaedoduced in epr oduc par without ally D The without the oducepr t without publishers The whole r publisher The whole whole oduc omt fr the the this publica t whole fr may in be oduc part fr the the the viewepreprs The fr without Totally Dublin is a monthly HKM Media publication and is distributed from 500 selected distribution points. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole Totally Dublin is a monthly HKM Media publication and is distributed from 500 selected distribution points. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or part without the mona mon ation fr and isa from publication distribution select.ed distributioned. reserv.... select All righ ts monthly ublin a a mon publica Dublin is a a thly mon Media public tion public distributtion and Media 500 selected distribution ma be ofattion mayf the wholet or partion the the whole r epr in ined be may or paraa t whole in this r public this public whole without from the epr beoduc in whole the epr permission whole selected distributioned. poin selected fr distribution from 500om reserved. r yots public righ ts eserv Nyo bet t thiso public f without righ partf oation r in Tessarily ublin sarily sharors magazine r in nec the shared by the s but not o par o distribution tion ..tsed. No part oaf public righ ts eserved. . epr oduc red beed. this pared. No par ofation this public this public tion Totally Dublin is a monthly HKM Media publication and is distributed from 500 selected distribution points. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or part without the permission from the publishers. The views Totally Dublin is a monthly HKM Media publication and is distributed from 500 selected distribution points. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or part without the permission from the publishers. The views Totally Dublin is a monthly HKM Media publication and is distributed from 500 selected distribution points. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or part without the permission from the publishers. The views or areesarily c shared by c thess o are c can ideas sarily esponsibility f magazine ed ideas and oresponsibility welcor unsolicited or its not or The, st c no responsibility f illustror ed. w its sarily esponsibility for magazineored ideas and ideas andtributon aphs or tributations sume no r,, manuscripts shar and aphs or but an but antions wrin ed aff S The magazine faphs f con illustra but can assume magazine wtribut ations ideas and new on new cors or illustrasss Totally Dublin - ISSN 1649-511X aphsed ot ttedaa b manuscripts 1649 Print can as.sume otribut photenmark s unsolicited . Print can assume no r aphs fesponsibilityaphs as illustr tions, photenmark f or illustraations. rin ed btions Denmark or unsolicit ot ally Dublin ISSN aphs or illustrations. Printted Dublin ISSN 16 totallydublin.ietotallydublin.ietotally e a tt totally ontact ste aontact contact se a ontact contact 01 - 6870 695ontact 01 - 6870 695ontact 01 - 6870 695ontact 01 - 6870 695ontact 01 - 6870 695 contact 01 676 6686 contact s contact stefan@hkm.ieontact 01 676 6686 c contact 01 676 6686 ontact contact Rontact 01 - 6870 695 All advertising enquiries contact Read more at contact Read more All advertising enquiries contact Read more at All advertising enquiries contact Read more at All advertising enquiries contact 01 - 6870 695 Read more at ontact s All advertising enquiriesontact ertising enquiries Read Read morRead mor Totally D HKM is Media thly otallythly ublin is is a monthly Richard Seabrookee R aaTovid Wallesgan Laae WardeMaguir annaaffeinMaguir ean V aafohn V ughanah Taaromas Whit Dlann alshens Sean O’Shaughnes e Cuke W deMaguir Martina M ens Ni tina M - Sarah T evens Tuan v Raa O’Briene T aa O’Brienber Ra e Wickendenyy Gillian Moor-ySeamas O’Reilly Shane O’ReillySinead O’Reilly Donal Scivid Tickiarilson S anny Wailson n Am áig Nolan K y O’Graadytyayn Pukl ul McLevainay Aadrládr Warit olan L e Wardet d Amy O’Connor Dann GraR la Nuan viy O’Grady Penh - Luk tina M Alicmy Wy edene Waurray LukmMahon K vid Turphiurpinn Dace ’H urrShane O’Reilly L ye W evit Back O’Hi e WH de y Alicey W eden Jtephen Molonel tina Maneud Danniaytina Mn ula Alic y Wilson K y O’ Oiggins Conor Nolan y DaceMahon ien Kt y O’GraadyiurrShane O’Reillyy ce Wcurrayien Mar O arannell Martina M Da e Wickendeny Luky O’Connor DaiSenija T adyisin Mopcic-H Ne Mh Oannell’Rurray PádrLuke Wariaig Ndeens Am áig NdeeGillian MooriBrian McMahon Lace W tevenscooney Luky O’Connoran McDarkurray Saraah T olan’ephen Molone Ne Mhaaff T ann an Vlietven as Thérar angelyroo a arGrtady-roo Gillian MooriSeamas O’ReillySinead O’Reilly Conor Sid Seabrook Sarvid TaaffRichard Seabrook K y O’a Tevalsh Sarah T tn asGillian Moorian VlietRicharvaaff ens all D vid Wall yMaguir Monicd Seabrookee David Walldegan Oisín Murph -H e e Oaa O’BrienbsSinead O’Reilly k Rarich d evens all Dukhèse Raft Maguir Monicd Somas WhitConor S ea Lace WardeMaguir Dukl Thérl StMonicd Somas WhitConor Si de Kuk èse RaftConor Si de Nanna Tomàs White Danory Wonor aafdConor Sickenden sy John Vatughanen Kvid Wall enden Sark W d Maguire Monica TilsonBen Wa ilson Conor Sacrk e d Du e Wickenden sye Au ey Womas White Stanny WilsonAmelia O’Mahon -Br Sar my WilsonAmelia O’Mahony-Br Kyle Sy WheAmelia O’Mahony-Br D vid WallConor S evalshSinead O’Reilly k K y O’rGrtady roo ek e e Niy O’aaffevens Luke W cBen W ickilsony Womas White Aalannienn Wickiarilson ann a Tomas White Mar y WilsonSophie Sarde Aoife McElwe Ronny Wolan orr y Thomas John Patilson Ciaran O’BrienDuavid Tnevens Gillian MooriBrian McMahon Brian McMahon Senija T ceveensen Oisin Mopcic-H Luk Tom L Salyle Maxw gerShannon Ritchietigan Edd Ny WSaoir urr SevConor SevtensMaxi McDonnellan Lamon ovy Clare Maryurray all Liarmuid McGreal t Brian McMahon Brian McMahon Brian McMahon Martina Mde d BuklMarl OHannell Kay O’Grady ermott K y O’Grady ermott Diarmuid McGreal E ar e McCarDiarmuid McGreal K ay O’Graady wSophia McDonalde K ay O’Graady ainSophia McDonalde IMalcolm McGett Julie Lander y O’S Brian McMahon Aitana Silvurray Michael McD iall McCormack Ellen King urr Terry Mahon ay Terry Mahonyay Rachel Sender Aaron KielySary O’Grtady Brian McMahonIPóisín Murphom La Tdansonald Michael Lanigan Nlivia FaderAndrew Lambert Ellen King Martina M y y v Nlivia Faderllie D wling evtina Murray Mar e F ana erry Mahon Sophia McD Michael McD Tom L e F Andr a Tararr Brian McMahon Laynseto Syt a am Madani Ta gan Ldan o Saoirse D ano Brian McMahon Sor e McElwacha McElrKanne Monahanetty W urr Brian McMahon oett o S urrain Day O’Gradyyoy Donay Walyger Tolina P dan ermotSophia McDonaldan Lamonurray tiganBrian McMahont Pom Loorermino Diarmuid McGrealBrian McMahonte Julie LanderPadráig Nolanermott Tan Lamonurronald Finghín Littleyay t Eilish McCormick K t an KilgannonMartina MKieráig Nolan Ruth Medjberermottt Tolina P danonaldSophia McDonald e Andrew Lambera Pom Le Feanettoromàs Whit Terry MahonK y O’Grady Michael McD aniel Simon R g McCabeTóisín Murph Michael McD Michael McD Dom Lierneoin ToorAndrew Lambert Michael McD Brian McMahon Sorgan LAitana Silvurray ak tina Murray Dom LordanovMichael McDoy Martina Meillyy D vid T evens Sean McMahon J ann e Lory Ry ttatin Brian McMahon Ta gan Luddy Aitana Silvana Aoif y Wtano Diarmuid McGreal Sophia McD Eulie Lander s a adráig Nolan Luke Maxwellvid Wall Martina M ell J oin Tierne ellan Lamonturray tigan an Daiarmuid McGreal Michael McD Polina Perminooin T or Martina M aw Amy Laanuse Andrew Lambera Julie LanderTaiarmuid McGreal Nlivia Fadereo Dew LamberSar on KielyRachel SenderFinghín LittleySophia McDonald Eilish McCormick Mònico ermino Michael Lanigan Martina M ys y v Julie Lander sellan Lamont J e Rorarr Martina M a Kvay O’Gradyain Kerry Mahon- y Kerry Mahon y oe Morvady Brian McMahon Martina Meillyy Dynse Gradyov D vid Wall Sean McMahon Clar se Dalurr Rt g McCabeey R g McCabeEdd Nurrevens Malcolm McGet ulliv Mònicoreanettoromàs WhitGorjan Laomàs Whit Diarmuid McGreal Oerry MahonK y O’Grtady ay t iall McCormack iall McCormack Malcolm McGeta D agh SodenKay O’Grady Brian McMahon JBrian McMahona adráig Nolan Conor S alConor S evens Brian McMahon Richary McL ook Dom LorRichar adan Martina M ovy Saoir d SeabrookSophia McDonald Mar e Fdan eanett ierneoin T urenell Ruth Medjbery O’SSophia McDonald e Padráig Nolan Tiarmuid McGryeal t t ah Flanagane tina M y gerephanie N aambu Riarmuid McGryeal t Sarah FlanaganFinghín LittlegerMichael McD ehear Ltephanie N aambut Dephanie N ambu S ory Ratrick McHConor Surph Sanne Rtrick McHConor Surph Sean McMahon e JDann or ourr K y O’Grevens K y O’Grady -H Brian McMahon Martina MMartina Murrloone Diarmuid McGreal Ronn W de Mike McGr th-Bryan Lt y Wy urray Diarmuid McGreal t KannFinghín Little Mary d Seabr eheart Maryam Madaniona d Seabr eheart Luke W de ermott Dtonal TalbotConor Sytanlde Ruth MedjberlShannon Ritger tigan Malcolm McGetorr y Thomas tigan Rag McCabeK y O’Gradyisin Murph -H ugh Gillian Moor Alice Wickendeny Br Pay O’Grady Diarmuid McGrealBrian McMahontigan E ar e McCar y O’Sulliv Finghín Little ermott eanett anoin T urenell Kay O’Grady ermott Aoify O’Shea Dtonal TalbotConor Sytanens Emily Quinniy O’Shea ay T iarmuid McGreal Diarmuid McGrealiarmuid McGreal Brian McMahon Luke MaxwellSean Moorurray Malcolm McGetAoife McElwMcManus Malcolm McGettigan JEdd Norvohn Patrick McHe M trick McHugh John PK y O’Grady Aoife McElwyMcManus Seette Monahanl Yuke MaxwellMcManus K y O’Gruse ay Puk tin NangleAdam Walshermott ady Padreáig NolanConor Sarolanermott ady Dvmmy o ovy Austin Malone Teanett tay ensShane O’Reillyyo Diarmuid McGreal L ae W Vurriy O’Shea ay Oisin Mopcicermott Alicey WilsonConor Surph -H I Alice Wickenden Marl y OGreveens allBrian McMahoniSenija T c en en Mar Wickurray all S annurr ilson Michael McD ermott Luke MaxwellSean MoorurraMichael McD ermott JAmy FaColet e Sla er Barrass L Holly GashtContributortS len BajariasJamie FesmondyContributortMike Bunnff Contributor S len Bajarias tuggan on Rachel DonnellyKim Cr wleoin Ga eene T Elliot cvin Cre HwksAndrew LamberZara H ugh Ella Bertils anGerry Balfe SmithMarina Gr wx JMichael Lanigan Michael Lanigan S inghín Little Sharon PhelanOrla Langt s Michael Lanigan Aoife HMaran Kilgannonavthew Kelly Terry MahonTerry Mahononald Malcew Lambertigan Michael Lanigan Richary McL ook Conor Sevtens annah Clarkson y Patrick Dyar Mark Conr ffxCailean Co trickCailean Coo ey sContributortS annah ClarksonHolly GashPaloma Britupt Sean Breithaxtrick Mar Jcus Cassidy Easmin Doran Cover photo: Corral by Thérèse Rafter This page: Detail from Clear of People by Michal Iwanowski K te Se StrennanKillian Broderick ah D yle Caycer and this page:Covan Finne Daire CollinsMaya BrxLiza CoyeaffKillian BroderickKillian BroderickCúán Greene Mark Conr Cover: Conor Nolan This page: Tara O’Brien This page and cover: Honeypot by Jasmine Doyle This page and cover: Libraries by Ste Murray #153 McGety tricia Hurl and K e Herrity This page and courl and KThis page and cover: y AoifThis page: Adetunji Paul Contributortaines fay Cover and this page: Ladies & Gentlemen, by Daragh Soden H er: Aisha Bolajiurror To ally Dublin, Correr: Niall S aines ft sContributorsy and David Balfe, Co er photoo: ail fr Press D trennan Killian Broderick Contributor Cover photo and this page: Covver and this page:Co er photo and this page:This page: t, o f Uk SKY’S THE #152 Cover photo: Cian Nugent, photographed by Cáit Fahey SKY’S THE #152 Co er photo: LIMIT This page: o: LIMIT #153 #149 This page: Tar McGettigan Aisling Arundel JeopleT shot b Thomas Cahill sContributorennan o Sean Bre BrennanSophie Brennan ContributorIvor Alic óisín M Cover: eer: y Michal I Contributor Jill Anderóisín Murph Clear of an Aisling Arundel ssurphContributor omContributors om Cover photo and this page: From the shoot on p38. Sky shot by Gery Balfe Smyth, styled by Sarah Flanagan onathan Creas Celest wkseo Devlin don Killian Broderick Oeo Da yrneKillian BroderickCúan Grerrity Daragh Deighan-Killian BreakinShar D oderickcia Jakub Dulak SeanettxeeneCúán Gr arr Eliza A. Keugh t KTtrina MichalakJMichael LaniganJEulia Hazeallon th Giitonika Jorjober La a Hy sonMax HendricksonLisa Cocaev This page and cover: Honeypot by Jasmine Doyle Jill Anderson McGettigano Azam b This page: P te MThis page: Po:tricia H amien Dempse #149 #146 #146 #165 Contributorsy Maxi McDonnell. shot by RennanAbbie Br son Contributors Ivor Alice Killian Broderickuth MedjbarAisling Arundel wContributorIvor Alic óisín MKillian Broderick ah D yle JAbbie Br Cover photo and this page: From the shoot on p38. Sky shot by Gery Balfe Smyth, styled by Sarah Flanagan Both bgraphed by Maxi McDonnell. photo y Mark HillContributors olm McGettigan Both bgraphed by Maxi McDonnell. photo y Mark HillContributor y and David Balfe, v ypot by Jasmine Dot This page: Patricia H Librer phota aines faayThis page: Adetunji P ul yle Contributors ver: Aisha Bolajiurror Totally Dublin, Co er and this page:val by Thérèse R ver: Patricia H ver: er: N y Stricia Hurl #149 Co er and this page: y O’Sulliv Becer and this page: y O’Sulliv Co er: e shot by RennanBoth bgraphed bsy and David Balfe, Becca Boyco and this page:Mark ConrempseAbbie Br son ongColim Armstr surph Clear of an Both shot by Malcolm McGettigan photo y Mark Hill olm McGettigan Co er and this page:urler and this page:url iall S #146 shot by Rver and this page:y Sean Breithaupt Deirdre Sy Michal I CMA e Breet, shot by Sean Breithaupt CMAT shot bBecca Bo oyy Sar Soulé shot by RMandy BarkeMark Conr er Contributor Moore S eet, shot b y O’Sullivan People b ennan Killian BroderickKillian Broderick ah Dwyle ess D tryc Mandy Bark ver phot et v er phot et and DUBLIN GALLERY MAP! DAY OF THE DEAD FEMINIST FILM FESTIVAL STEVE GUNN SYRIAS VIBES J om the shoot on p38.oski K e Sunne Moor unne er sT shot by Sar anooski Thomas Cahill Killian Brxodericks FColim Armstrong anow Less D b Moor unne ery Sar Soulé shot by R Aisling Arundel Caeiran Finne Killian Broderick onathan Creas Marcus Cassidy Ealen BajariasHolly GashO oaullaghan Gregory Contributor Leo D owksocor Hannah Clarksonv aham Corukaham Coroe H eryrne Sophie D uffyth Jakub Dulak Bobbi F Dave Dwkseo Devlin don Hannah Clarkson Joegan Dohertyth Lulu Broderickth Z sy Dwks ZargeteddermanAndrew LamberZara Hxeene th FKillian BarryJ annah ClarksonHeative Fouis HwksChris Jye Farr Rich Gilligan Holly Gashae H evens oe J aheeakine Haywks y Eoe JoaEric D vidsone Haywks y Cúán Gr Andrew LamberZara Hcvinoin Ga eene Hvolly Gashworth Cisry K iff Felipe Dvin Rhona B Cúán Gr Rory Kiberd ell Zara H aalfw ell Cáit Fahe e yor Contributor Eduardo Hoe Joayeddermane H edderman T Elliotedderman T Elliote Beaste Killian Barry Sarah D yleachel Donnelly Eoe Jtiv Dinghín Littley LJuke Maxwell Declan Kelly TMichael McDPaul McHugh Feanettd O’RBernarones JMichael McD Michael McD Rosy Laeom Lxerron Ma tina Murr AoifI om L-oerrity S inghín Little Michael McD Michael McD Michael McD Michael McD Julie Lander osa Finghín Littley LJuke Maxwell Rory Kiberd ell Raory KiberdSinead Furlongom Lxerronouis H ugh MarIEllen King urran Lamonurr Chris Jyce on Rory Kiberd ell Michael McD Aoife Hesmond-orerrity ay era Hedderman Teo Devliny Eorgetedderman JRory Kiberdx c te Ho edderman Jte HoaonesAndrew LamberSarah D yle Michael Lanigan e a rla Langton Giita HAoife McElwy Michael Lanigan Aoife McElw y Michael Lanigan Feanett errityBernaronesoe J ones Brian McMahon T ve DesmondAnna x ugh Finghín Little ay K y O’Grady Andrew Lamber eo DevlinAarthew Kelly Zar ew Lambert Chris J eddermanAndrew LamberZar e He Fanaghachel DonnellyMark Hill Michael McD Michael Lanigan Rory Kiberd ell Zara Hd O’RAndrew Lambert Declan Kelly Loe J orAndrew Lamber y Tac ew LamberSharon PhelanKieran KilgannonAmy Laur Clara H tin Ooss McDonnellrla Langt s Michael Lanigan e Andrew Lambertt Kerry MahonPeter Morgan Ooss McDonnell Felipe DeakinSinead FurlongChris Jerr e Michael Lanigan Michael Lanigan Brian McMahon ZarIEllen Kingurran Lamonurray AndrevlinAoif ew LamberAarthew Kelly Martina M y y v Touis H danom Ledderman Michael Lanigan Ducy Ann McCabeJMichael McD Martina MMartina M e Scullion Rachel Sendery Michael McD J ucy Ann McCabetephen Co ourk FJelipe Deakin ermott Aoife H arrourkSophia McDonald Michael Lanigan Lulie Landerxain ac an Kilgannon aSophia McDonald queline Lande Aoife McElwKieran Kilgannonac ew Lamber y Rory Kiberd K t tina Mttermott Ma e Herrityllie D wlingermott Lucy Ann McCabe t Amqueline LandeDeclan Kelly Amqueline Landee P ul McHughSinead FurlongEmil H danChris Jcuren ermottucy Ann McCabe t Felipe Deakin ermott D e Marac ay t Padráig Nolanermott Ova ah LaniganKiarmuid McGreal Martina MRaory Kiberd ermotThom McD ermott Maran KilgannonMare Marac ay t Lom LGrdan ermottt Rory Kiberd ermott Diarmuid McGreal Tom LGrAnna ordanom Ledderman-orerrity ermott Eilish McCormick Oom Ld O’RourkSophia McDonaldan Lamonurr Ollie Dorwlingermott Ruth Medjberermott Martina M y ermot Mart Ie Fuddy ermot S ea cAndrew Lamberex D onesRíon Hwksoe J yedderman Toe Jo eddermanAndrew Lamberoe Jooige Raion Mahone t Kerry Mahonor JEulia Hazeallon th P trick Kelleherom L eddermanElla Bertils an y F aniela GerTon K edderman Kerry MahonRachel Donnellyt Giitonika JE áinne Lallon th L áinne Lva Hedderman Killian Barry Rllie Dowling Hvannah ClarksonHolly GashdMark Gillerwor s Hvolly Gashwor s Cr get e Beasteth Hannah ClarksonJ olly GashLohn HylandorsGerry Godlexa Dvaniel Grayw gan L eir e F orjober Mark Duggan Zara H wlingCúan Gr yMark Conrant Roee F berrity Oeo Da errity Conor CreighRhona B onaldsonBrian H eene Holly GasheSophie D uffyConor CreighRhona B onaldsonBrian HoeeneMark Dedderman Pvula ClarkDaragh Deighan-Enda Burk e volly Gashwor s Hvolly GashwCúán Gre oy Cissvy De Bur R e Fallondd Eue Br wksyrne Cailean Co Cailean Co JOtephen Coey Dav than Cr Holly Gashty Cisry K iffoderick Zuksy DwksyleMark Conr coran Shamim de Brún Ollie Deddermanue Broph oy Shamim de Brún Broe BonnieZena Koph Contributor POula ClarkHolly Gashy ay Jakub Daulak Elle Kelleher ain Elle Kelleher ainMichael McD ant Zar ew Lambert Kory Kiberdx yMichael McD an J er ew LamberCiara H oughr Zara H oderickant Zara H yrneCúan Gr urrConor CreighSophie DonaldsonKillian Broderick Shamim de Brún im MacGabhann Andrew Lamberoe Joellyoughr Kerry Mahon ermott Gron KyammondAndr eddermanoe Jo eddermanMark Hill Tom Cahill Daeirdrtanley Br w Skortcdr anley BrCian Bolger uptennan Hannah Clarkson Datherine B gans ortherine B gans Contributor Holly GashthnachKillian Broderick Cathryn Bellyrnes Contributor annah Clarkson Daire CollinsMaya Br ennanKillian BroderickLiza CoyeaSean Breihao Cian Bolger uptennan Holly GashTom Cahillo Cian Bolger Sean Brteitha Hvannah ClarksonL er photo and this page: Ma a Br ennanKillian BroderickLiza CoeaSean Breihao Killian Brodericks Jamie FitzpaChin Gr eeneKillian BrodericksContributory Mark Conr ffMark Conr eas Mark Conr er Barr Mark Conroyor Aoif too Cunha (aka Natoman) Aoif to Cunha (aka Natoman) Meon KiffeanaghKillian BroderickSean Brcv o Hannah Clarkson Jeo Devlinoy LMark Gillerwor s Killian BroderickciaContributorr Eue Brevlin and DUBLIN GALLERY MAP!PRESIDENT K and DUBLIN GALLERY MAP! FEMINIST FILM FESTIVAL STEVE GUNN PRESIDENT K DUBLIN FLEA Killian Broderick CMA e Breet, shot by Sean Breithaupt Ca cer and this page:Covan Finneteithayrne Aisling Arundel PRESIDENT K DUBLIN FLEA and DUBLIN OLD SCHOOL and DUBLIN OLD SCHOOL with ROE with ROE and DUBLIN OLD SCHOOL DUBLIN FLEA #165 #165 D er: Aisha Bolaji or Totally Dublin, Both shot by Malc after REFLECTIONS ON 200 ISSUES DUBLIN NOW AND NEXT IPUT’S LIVING CANVAS INQUE REFLE TIOTT WRESTLING N NARET A DandL MARGARET CLARKE Dand IUBL MAR OWT with NDKE andAND WHOZYERMAN? GR N Y ROONEY C ONS ON 200 ISSUES S ADIFFG CAN REFLE TISU AND DUBL with NOT ANOTHER AGENCYE VAS IPUT’ LIGVIN CLAR ATEN NEXT and 48 HOURS IN LONDONINQUE SOADIFFG CANVA IPUT’ LIVIN GENCY NOT ANOTHER AGENCY A AND RAND STUFF Killian Broderickuth MedjbarColim ArmstrongMandy BarkeThis page: DyThis page: DeyBoth shot by Malc after Corral by Thérèse R Cover photo: Soulé shot by Ruth Medjbar Aisling Arundel Dore Collins Hannah ClarksonLairtherine B gan by Sarah FlanaganAmy Fa Mark Conr ffxCailean Coo ey Lonae Ditzpaey JE ae Hyoderick LCúán Gre ddMark Gilleryle Ov J allonena evlinena ophAoif to Cunha (aka Natoman) Rllie Da wlingor and 48 HOURS IN LONDON ? withAND WHOZYERMAN? ND WH ZYERMAN AND GRAND STUFF GO FEMINIST FILM FESTIVAL STEVE GUNN DAY OF THE DEAD SYRIAS VIBES SYRIAS VIBES with DAY OFwith THE DEAD with ROE NOT AN THER A OTT WRESTLINGO S S LITTLE H U ES GREEN EYED MONSTER EATEN SUMMER SOUNDS SALLY ROONEY with HE XX LITTLE HOUSES THUMPER AND GRAND STUFF URS IN LONDONINQUE and MARGARET CLARKE 48 HOTHE XXTHUMPER OTT WRESTLINGS UES N EYW AND NEXT MMER SOUNDIN ADIFF LITTLE HOUSES THUMPER Rerry Mahon ermott Rerry MahonPeter Morgan Malcolm McGettigan aoe JooyonesEmil HcMalco e F s Kiertina M e Scullion erry Mahon Chris JyAndrolm McGettiganMichael Lanigant Brian McMahon Michael Lanigan tiganBrian McMahont Kiery Ladanouis H eugh ermot Oa tah LaniganMa e Herrityom Ld O’Rourk Diarmuid McGreal Brian McMahonIPar olm McGet ullivan S ah Flanaganeaniel Simon Róisín Murph Sar tina Marr gerSophia McDonald Sak e McGr th-Bryan Amg McCabe ermotMichael McDthSophia McDonald e an Sakg McCabe ermot #153 Cover: Conor Nolan Tim Barbere, shot b phot gro ycle, by Malcolm McGettigan shot by Br o Azam be, shot b y Aoif Cover and this page: Sean Breithaupt er: Niall S Cover photo and this page: Mark Mangan of Ukelele Tuesday, shot by Brendan Duffy Cover and this page: Ladies & Gentlemen, by Daragh Soden This page and cover: ay Aoife Hoherty E ANDA THE PO SLITI TCSA OF PLACE DIRIISH FOODOR DININLOOT #196 / ANDD IU CAME FOR COUSCOUS #191 / D C 2020ANAN0D YOUNG CRITICS . #196 / OCTOBER 2021 / FREE / TOTALLYDUBLIN.IE ANAND RICHARD GORMAN OF PLA E HARITIBI O KS #191 / DEC 2020-JAN 2021 / FREE / TOTALLYDUBLIN.ICE CT SKIN/DEEP EXH YSYOUTH O AND RICHARD GORMANS WL N with PRR 2N2D CRHAROIOTY WALPE E OUSCOUS #209 / 212 /EMBEI AND I CAME FOR COUSCOUS AND 99 PR MEGA O MC1.R #A PRPRFL 20 3 /UND WAOTEL 02IT’S FB OLIAE H LTER 2 / Fwith TAML YDUH BARRY and RORY PARNELL MOONEY ROBOCOBRA QUARTET J A S MENU #209 / 2# 12 / MBER 2022 / FREE / T TALLYDUBLIN.IE ANSD 9 G OMANCE # 10 / JAN/FEB 2 DI JEC HE BLEMS DEC AO O 2R 2 GIRL ABOUT O TO TWNBLIN IE DECE APRIL 2 WHAT DUBLIN NEEDS KATIE KIM DEVIN LEE IT’S FREEZING IN LA DISJECTA MEMBRA NIAMH BARRY SUB/PLOT # 19 / NOVEMBER 2BOSS FIGHTO BALLYDUBL N E #231 / DECEMBER 2024 / FREE / TOTALLYDUBLIN.IE GOOD TROUBLE O KATIE KIM #206 / SEPTEMBER 2022 / FREE / TOTALLYDUBLIN.IE # 19 / NOVEMBEG R 2BOSS FIGH TA L # 05 / A GUNE 2022 / FREE / TOTALLYDUBLIN.IE #204 / JULY 2022 / FRE OWE #206 / SEPTEMBER 2022 / FREE /E TOTALLYDUBLIRIN.IE #172 /MARK BRADYwith #203 / JUNE 2022 / FREE / TOTALLYDUBLIN.IE with #206 / EMARK BRADY FREE / TOTALLYDUBLIN IE #216 / AUGUST 2023 / FREE / TOTALLYDUBLIN.IE #205 / AUGUST 2022 / FREE / TOTALLYDUBLIN.IE UHH YEAH DUDEN SLOVENIA #172 / JTEMBE Y 2019 / FREE / T TALLYD BLIN..IE with O O 2#203 / J BRAND NEW RETR SUSAN H ANUAR REFUGEES CAMPS IN SLOVENIA BRAND NEW RETRO SUSAN HOWE SAINT SISTER JANUARY 2019 / FRE & TH RARÁMU PEFUGEES CAMPS I O #216 / A#203 / JUNE 2022 / FREE / TOTALLYDUBLIN.IE NT SISTER 2#216 / AUGUST 2023 / FREE / TOTALLYDUBLIIN..IIE and THE ALTERED HOURS TROUBLE ROBOCOBRA QUARTET #216 / AUGUST 2023 / FREE / TOTALLYDUBLIN.IE GOOD #205 / AUGUST 2022 / FREE / TOTALLYDUBL.IN.IE and THE ALTERED HOURS L MOONEY REFUGEES CAMPS IN SLOVENIA BRAND NEW RETRO SUSAN HOWE SAINT SISTER and RORY PARNELTOOKS 3 / MARK BRADY & THE RARÁMURI UHH YEAH DUDE 023 / FREE / U UST 2023 / FREE / TOTALLYDUBLIN IE SAI GOOD TROUBLE 023 / FREE / TO BOL YDOKSUBL N E THE BIG ROMANCE ANNA MIEKE 2 #213 / MAY 2023 / FREE / T TALLYDUBLIN.IE E KNA TYE A PROFOUND WASTE OF TIME MARGADH 3 / FREE / T TALLYDUBLIN IE RENIANANAF MIEKE AND THE POLITICS OF PLACE E /I CT O TO TWN ROBOCOBRA QUARTET I AND SOAKBLEMS #213 / MAY 2023 / FREE / TOTALLYDUBLIN.IE GIRL ABS U F ME QUEER HOR SOIZON #210 / JAN/FEB 2023 / FREE / TOTALLYDUBLIN.IOTE ENSOSUB/PLIKS DEC AO O 3 / OAND 99 PROBLEMS LIBO ENICGHTT MOVES #A PR FA0L 2UND WA TEIOTY S D THE PERLIITIT S SXNDG OT LIBERTIES NEXTHT M OWHEND C SOCIOTIYPELOOT 21 / FREE /OO MLLDERNA #209 / 212 /EMBEI C 2 / Fwith TAMH BARRY AND I AMEL FNR CA SPAC AK DUBLIN DANCE FESTIVAL SHIPS LIBERTY MARKETH C ALLYDUBLIN IE THE B9IT P RO MOD DISNEWHE MENUS BRICKNASTY THE MENU BER 202IN DAN EO FE TIVAL -J N 2HIBHARD GORMANYOUTH. 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All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or part without the permission from .ot c c ors andtribut ar ar ITS LEGACY AND FUTURE ITS LEGACY AND FUTURE ITS LEGACY AND FUTURE T T T A A A Ä Ä Ä Ä Ä Ä Ä Ä Ä E E E E E E E E E L L L E E E S S S R R R R F R R R F R R F R R R N N N N N N N N N O O O M M M A A A A A A A A A KKK KKK KKK T T T H H H E E E EEE EEE EEE L L L A A A V VV VVV VV V U U U N N N D D D SSS SSS SS S TTT TTT TTT R R R O O O M M M A A A T T T MOORE THAN MOORE THAN MOORE THAN A STREET A STREET A STREET M M M M M M M M M N N N N N N N N N