Energigas 1
Technical competence Service with passion We at M
AN PrimeServ understand that performance and reliability are paramount to your business. You need technical competence that drives your success. MAN PrimeServ’s many decades of hands-on experience and its diverse portfolio provide this. With MAN PrimeServ as your partner you benefi t from state-of-the-art technical and digital solutions that fi t your individual situation. What’s more, these benefi ts are brought directly to your business through a global network of local experts. Whatever the time and wherever you are in the world, you can count on MAN PrimeServ as a strong service solution provider for your needs. To fi nd out more about our technical competence, please visit: www.man-es.com 1909_14786_MAN_PS_Anzeige_TechnicalCompetence_ENG_SP_190x120mm_IsoV2.indd 1 05.09.19 15:36 ENERGIGAS NR 3 2019 11